DIY Live Rocks


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Zman, I got the quickright without lime in it, can it cure in less time, or can it be added to the DT in less time?


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I don't know, I have no experience with that product. My gut feel would be not to put it in a new tank right away and wait through a cure cycle even if pH looks good.


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My DIY rock really never showed a super high pH, I think it was 8.8 and was down to 8.1 after the first water change. I left it go as I was worried more about other chemical leaching from the Portland. When I stopped seeing the floating scum after water changes then I put it in the new tank - That was about six weeks I think. Then two weeks later I added the 3 pieces to my established 75 tank. Then a month or so later I moved the 75 and put it on the same system/sump as the new 120.
I was very nervous about 99.9 DIY. During that month before combining the two tank systems, I put a couple snails and Xenia in to test with. I didn't lose anything. Maybe I was too cautious, but would rather that, than the alternative..


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Cost for the rock was about $8 per bag Oyster shell, $10? Portland cement, Shells$15 a bag, $9 Sand for molds, $20 Tubs.
Total $115 for about 300 lbs. Rock without fancy molding FREE....
240 (5 fifty lbs bags, a little left in one) lbs Oyster Shells
used about 3/4 90 lbs Portland
30 lbs Puka shells (2 bags whatever their weight was)


Active Member
This is a brilliant Idea, I'm definately going to have to try this as soon as my sump is finished.
One more question
Did the pasta dissolve?


Active Member
Its a lot cheaper then buying LR. I did not try the pasta idea, I just like using sand to make the caves, and little holes, and on some of the rocks I made, I took a chop stick and poked holes all over the rock.


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Originally Posted by zman1
Total $115 for about 300 lbs. Rock without fancy molding FREE....
Main reason why I am doing that...considering that rocks at LFS can go for $6 - $8 a save thousands doing it this way....just have to be patient I guess.
Bella I am going to try and get that water change done either today or tomorrow, and will put some pictures up here of the two larger rocks I have made.


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Feed stores, TSC, Rural King. They are used in chicken feed to strengthen the egg shells.


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Please excuse the photo they are quite horrible....Okay the larger peice is approximately 17.5" tall and at the base it is 13.5" wide...this beast weighs EASILY 35 - 40 lbs. The smaller peice is about 6" tall and about 16" long...weighs about 15 lbs or so (this is the one that broke off a bit).
I placed it in the tank really quick (which is still empty!!!
) so you can get an idea of what I was trying to do with this....
You may be able to see some of the caverns in the larger rock, but it has several openings that lead to a tunnel system so they can swim in and out of any of the holes there...
How are yours coming along Bella, send some pics.



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And sorry the other pictures of the tank are on the other computer, but those two rocks will be going on the right side of the tank (where the younger son is hanging out in)
More pictures of the same two rocks to show holes caves..etc.



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Thanks, it is a ton of fun...the younger one likes looking at the fish, and playing in the tank....but doesn't show much interest in anything else.....the older one, 8 years old is the one who will help me out and calls this OUR project...