DIY Live Rocks


Originally Posted by electronblu
OK i know that this is a saltwater forum but i have to ask... will this method of DIY rocks work with fresh water as well or not. i only ask cause i have a fresh water tank to andwould like to make some rocks for that as well
i don't see why not.


Originally Posted by BellaNavis
Ok guys, I have made 3 batches of rock, and I am having trouble with making shapes. Even if I dig a mold in the sand, it seems to push flat when I put the rock mixture in. All my rocks seem flat, well, most of them. Anyways, any tips? Did anyone else come up with a good way to make shapes besides the sand way?
The sand needs to be damp to hold it's shape. Also don't push on the sand or the rock mix. I did my rocks in layers. Added a layer of sand a couple inches thick forming the spots I wanted. Then I added the rock mix. Next layer - make sure you don't cover your rock , add more rock mix and kept going that way.
I used my hand to drop the rock mix in so it wouldn't compact.


From a cement finishers point of view.
DIY LR is a form of concrete and concrete gets it strength from sand. In my LR I go with 1 part portland Type I or GU it's the same thing. I belive type II has lime in it to make it sticky. 3 parts argonite sand this also makes the color lighter. and 3 parts oyster shells from the local feed mill. to help it set quicker use Hot Water .I also use damp argonite sand and cc for the molding sand. a wet or "loose" mix will keep the mold shape better. It will take longer to set, but it will set, maybe two or three days at 70 Degrees left in the mold.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
If there is lime in there wouldn't it then be better to use type I?

yes, don't use anything with lime.


Active Member
Ok guys, another quick question. I remember way back in the beginning of this thread, I think it was Oceana who said she uses that Rit clothing dye to make it look like coroline alge groth, I was wondering if anyone knew of a glow in the dark dye that would be safe to use. I checked out the Rit website, and they do not make a glow in the dark dye. How cool would that be little specks of glow in the dark mixed in with the rock. I think that would be cool. Anyone have any more pictures of their DIY rock, or updates, any helpfull info? Anything? I am about to make another batch. I am still haveing trouble making cool shapes, I guess I am just not creative, lol.


Active Member
Here is an update of my DIY rock, I just finished putting batch 1 and 2 in the tank. I put 2 of the rocks in a week ago, and there is already alge, weather its good or bad on them. You can tell which ones are the rocks I made, but hopefully in a few weeks, you won't be able to tell. Let me know what you think. I was not very creative with shapes in these batches, but the 2 batches I have curing now, they are better shaped.



i think i'm going to make a batch of these rocks to replace my bioballs, but I think i'm going to make it one entire pc. lined like a grid of eggcrates stacked atop eachother. Or should i go and just buy rubble or make rubble like pcs?


BellaNavis, looking good

On your earlier question about the glow in the dark. You could try some glow in the dark large glitter in the mix. Not sure if it is reef safe though - I don't know what chemicals/metals are used to make it. Eventually it will be covered with coraline so it would be a short lived glow.


Active Member
Alright. I think im ready for the challenge. Im going to use the 2 part cement 7 part oyster. I would just like to make sure Ill get everything when I go out. Where do you get the shells? And what do you do in the sand I know you make a mold but how will the side closest to you mold? Wont it be flat? Thanks alot and I hope to start this week.


New Member
? new to all of this..
how long do you cure them and how...and how can you tell they a re cured?
i plan on making a batch soon.

hawk fish

put the diy rocks in a large container of water fw. then wait 4-6 weeks, change water every 3-5 days and you should be ok..after 6 weeks change water for a final time wait a few hrs -24 hrs then check the ph if its normal then put them in your tank if not then wait longer..
any one know where i can get oyster shells??

jeff s.

Has anyone tried to mold the stuff around say a cardboard box. I am thinking of doing say a volcano shape. Leave center hollow. Would like to hide a DIY overflow inside of it.
Anyone had any luck or would it just cave and crash ?