DIY Stand


Thanks! Funny... I'm actually thinking about upgrading to a 200 gal now, and I basically just finished the 120! I was in my local LFS last night, saw a new 200 gal tank for sale, and well... then the insanity starting creeping in!!!!


Active Member
I'm going to build a stand for my 55 because I'm using my 30 gallon as a fuge/sump and standard stands don't come big enough. mine is pretty much going to be like yours except I was planning to use 4x4s in the corner posts. I liked your idea of putting doors on the end. are sheets of oakwood really that expensive? is cherry wood any cheaper?


I'm unsure how much cherrywood is... or if it's even offered in plywood sheets. If not, you can always substitute w/birch plywood, and stain it cherrywood. The 3/4" oak was around $36 to $46 a sheet if memory serves me.


Most likely you won't be able to find any cherry plywood. Usually only maple, oak and birch are available. Luckily birch can be stained easily. Combine that with real cherry trim and noone will know. I'm currently doing this with mahogany.


Active Member
I love those doors!!!!!!!!!:D Yeah 3/4" Oak plywood goes for around $42-45 per sheet.... Again nice job!!!!


Thanks Acrylic :D Well... looks like I'll be building the same stand again, only on a MUCH larger scale! Opting for a 300 gal!


New Member
Scott. I absolutely thought your craftsmanship on that stand was excellent, I want to frame mine for my 30 gallon in a similar way, but I was wondering. Would I be able to leave out the center supports, or maybe just the front ones in the name of a LARGE front door rather than 2 small and a Side? I want Maximum accessibility for my sump and plumbing. A 30 Gallon Obviously not weighing as much as your reef, I was figuring replacingthe inner 2"x4" with 4"x4"'s in the ******** corners of the box frames, with the shorter outer 2"x4"'s for upper and lower box frame supoport on the 2 exterior sides of the corner 4"x4"'s support as is. Do you think that would work so that I could have an open front and still have more than adequite support for a 30 Gal. Reef? I can create a simple drawing for you if you need. My wording may be confusing.
Thanks for the help...


Active Member
I think the plan you've come up with by using the 2x4's would work as your planning. You definitely don't need to use 4x4 for the stand... I shouldn't talk though... On my stand for my 240 I did opt to use 4x4's and 2x6's, but leaving room under the stand wasn't a concern due to the sump is going to be located behind the tank hidden from view. The sump planned is going to be 72"x30"x24"



Originally posted by acrylic51
I think the plan you've come up with by using the 2x4's would work as your planning. You definitely don't need to use 4x4 for the stand... I shouldn't talk though... On my stand for my 240 I did opt to use 4x4's and 2x6's, but leaving room under the stand wasn't a concern due to the sump is going to be located behind the tank hidden from view. The sump planned is going to be 72"x30"x24"

I agree with not having to use 4x4's. My stand is definitely overkill... but I just wanted peace of mind. If you go to a LFS and look at professionally made stands, you would be amazed at the apparant "lack" of any heavy-load wood.


New Member
OK cool. I gethca there, but would I be able to take out the front Center vertical 2x4 braces in the name of just having 1 giant front door rather than having 2 smaller on your setup? would it still be a steady stand?
-Dave S.


Wow Dave... I'm not sure of the answer. Part of me wants to say "yes" because you're not dealing with that massive of a tank, but I'm a bit concerned with it being able to rock side to side on you. Actually (on second thought) I think it should be fine. If you put a 1x4 (or even a 3/4" plywood strip about 4-6" wide) on the back of your stand (maybe top & bottom)... coupled with the side plywood, it should be sturdy.



Originally posted by acrylic51
I think the plan you've come up with by using the 2x4's would work as your planning. You definitely don't need to use 4x4 for the stand... I shouldn't talk though... On my stand for my 240 I did opt to use 4x4's and 2x6's, but leaving room under the stand wasn't a concern due to the sump is going to be located behind the tank hidden from view. The sump planned is going to be 72"x30"x24"

Wow! I just noticed the size of the sump your making.... It's HUGE! I'm getting together all of my plans for my 300 gal, sump, and stand... and I can't find the room for something that big. I don't have the luxury of space in my house, so I'm limited to just what I can fit under my stand. The largest I've come up with is 100 gal... I'd like it bigger, but it's at least the minimum for the size tank I'm getting.


New Member
Thanx a ton for your help scott! I will be building my stand in a month. I'll post plenty of pics. Let me know what you think.
-Dave S.



Originally posted by scott9311
If you put a 1x4 (or even a 3/4" plywood strip about 4-6" wide) on the back of your stand (maybe top & bottom)... coupled with the side plywood, it should be sturdy.

I think that might end up being borderline with a completely unsupported front. Just cover the whole back and cut holes where you need them. Plywood on the sides won't help with lateral stability.


I personally would never trust a stand that is sold in a pet store. As a mechanical engineer and woodworker, those stands scare me. I'd be afraid that humidity would make them fall apart, that a slight bump would make them collapse. I'm in the process of building 2 120 gallon stands. One for me and another for a friend (he get's to buy the tank for me in exchange :) ) The total project is only costing about $175 for both; 4 sheets of 3/4" birch plywood and a lot of mahogany for trim and the doors.
Once I get some pictures taken, I'll post them in a new thread.


I agree about the store-bought stands... For the life of me, I don't see how they can support the weight they do! I look forward to seeing your stand... It is DEFINITELY so much cheaper to DIY instead of paying someone $1000 for something you may not even like that much.


Hey Scott9311
What is your full tank,stand measurments? I like your idea for the the stand with the doors and all. I'm in the process with a friend to build my stand and canopy and since my sump/fuge with take up ALL room under the stand. I like the idea of the doors. My tank will be 48x24x25 with a 75g sump/fuge.
also how are the doors attached.