do farms have a right to shoot stray animals that have been dumped by their land?


A person at work was telling me how people throw out animals by their land in the country area and all the farmers shoot them dead in less than a week because after a while they try to kill their animals, I got upset and said it isn't right because those animals didn't ask to be thrown out there and are just trying to live, she said their is a law for farmers to kill them if they are trying to hurt their animals. how could this be right? what does everyone think? am I just a crazy animal loveR? how could this be fair?


what would you suggest the farmers do? Have all their livestock be killed? I say if they are indangering your animals fire away.
At least I would shoot something if it were hurting my animals.


call the city to send the animal shelter out to get them, yes if they where killing my animal I would try to get them away but if i seen a stray just running I wouldnt just blow it away like their doing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
call the city to send the animal shelter out to get them, yes if they where killing my animal I would try to get them away but if i seen a stray just running I wouldnt just blow it away like their doing.
There aren't animal shelters to call in "farmland".


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
There aren't animal shelters to call in "farmland".
from what i am gathering here what farm animal is prey to a cat? and farmers tend to let cats stay around to tend to mice and rat situations yes some shoot them but a lot don't, dogs are another story though as they can harm livestock...tobin


Active Member
laws vary from state to state, but there are ALOT of laws that allow farmers and ranchers to do pretty much anything to protect thier land, thier crops and/or live stock...


There are shelters that can be called but thanks for you input on that one... Anyhow I just feel really bad for these animals, raised from puppies, around children and people and fed by hand and then thrown on peoples land in the country to fend for themself and then to be shot just trying to get something to eat. I just wish there was more that could be done.


Active Member
It isnt a city issue if it is farmland being that MOST farmland is in rural areas or out of the city limits but in the county and county doesnt offer animal shelters. It may be sad but farmers have every right.


there is no rural animal shelters here either. the farmers have to flip the bill to have some one come get it, catch and deliever to a city, or do what the shelters end up doing anyway after spending tons of tax dollars, kill them. you ever tried to catch a stray animal? good luck! 29 cent bullet vs 100's in taxes, just to be a little morbid.


wow I guess it goes to show there are not as many big time animal savers as me, it makes me really sad to read some of the stuff I have read from the post. Thanks for everyones input


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
wow I guess it goes to show there are not as many big time animal savers as me, it makes me really sad to read some of the stuff I have read from the post. Thanks for everyones input
when my family lived in the mountains of california we brought in a lot of cats that were dropped off my dad still has 2 of the wild cats 1 of them will only go to him and the other will tolerate being pet if you sneak up on it they have had them about 12 years now you think they would be used to the rest of the family by now but no still wild for the most part...tobin


Active Member

Originally Posted by ghola5
wow I guess it goes to show there are not as many big time animal savers as me, it makes me really sad to read some of the stuff I have read from the post. Thanks for everyones input
whats stopping you from setting up a rural animal shelter??? write your congressan and senators... get a grant... get donations... do something about it...
IMO its not the farmers resposability to take care of some animal that loving family you mentioned just dropped off to fend for itself on someone elses property
... its the people that just abandon these animals you should be chastising...

ric maniac

Active Member
i can tell you right now if i was a farmer and i saw a dog chasing my cattle it would be dead as a door nail. its not the farmer's fault that the dog was there and why take the time to call the animal people then wait for them to drive to the middle of nowhere while the dog terrorizes the cattle when you could put a bullet in it and save the animal, the farmer, and even the animal people some time. JMO. however i do see where you are coming from.


are you around, I posted this for input on it because it is something I care about and am trying to do something about, I dont appreciate you getting mouthy with me on the subject and trying to attack what im saying. Therefore I am not chastising anyone but thank you for your great concern! Now for the mature group what im trying to do here is see what all you guys think of the matter and thank you for your input, this is something i was not aware of and im really going to try to look into it, I have a really special place in my heart for unwanted animals and abuse towards animals, I work with elderly and have a great love towards helping others. I feel bad for any farmer that has to deal with these animals that are dumbed and I simply wanted to see if anyone else felt the same way I did on this matter,I think something really needs to be done about this kind of thing, I didnt think i would get attacked over this subject from some.


Active Member
i didnt attack you... and i am concerned about the rights of peoples private property... farms are not dumping grounds for peoples unwanted animals, rubbish, things that dumps wont take, delopadatd cars etc etc etc... i guess i just look at it from the farmers point of view... and the fact that the farmers dont ask these people who figure out too late that they cant care for an animal just just go ahead and drop them off...


Active Member
i am torn on this issue, i am a crazy animal lover to but i live on a farm and have animals both carried off and killed, or starveing on my front porch, it is so frusterating to have people drop them off, right now we have 20 sum odd cats all but 2 were drop offs and i cant tell you how many chickens, geese, turkeys, rabbits, ducks, goats ( thos are the hardest fr me when they get killed from dogs) and ginnies (sp) have been carried off and eaten, my house is "the island of misfit toys" somehow all the strays and drop offs find there way to our house we even had an emu dropped in our field, and its not just the dogs that take our animals there is a exotic animal shelter near about a mile from us and the guy axidentaly let a panther out of its cage and its never been cought, everyonce in a while ill find prints from him in the creek bed
so while it is frusterating to have all these animals killed think about the farmer and thats there liveing that is being kille, thats ther meal ticket
my family is a strong advocate for spaying and nourtering animals it saves alot of people hassle and saves lives


Active Member
there is also a law out here that if a person steps foot on your property you have the right to shoot and kill, its called the make my day law


New Member
ok normally I dont get involved in this kinda thing but figured I would add my 2 cents .
Having been raised on a farm in a RURAL area not a subdivision of a suburb . I have to say there does come the time when you do have to shoot a stray animal . Its just part of life . When you work hard to keep livestock the last thing you want is a stray killing it . When you have a stray dog getting in and killing your chickens that you have raised for food for your family is that right ? No but we should feel bad for them ? As a hunter and human I have respect for all life human and animals . But the circle of life is just theat and when it is a matter of my family eating or a stry dog ? I will choose my family. a fair sized stray dog can destroy a chicken coop in no time flat and Im not talking just killing them but also upseting them to the point they wont lay eggs . A stray dog can also carry any numerious kinds of desiseases that can wreck havoc on a farm . Would you sacarfice a living and food for your family ?
I'm not attacking anybody . just telling it from a farmboys point of veiw.
P.S. the avatar was not changed for this thread its been like that since I joined . So please understand the hummor


Originally Posted by BabyB
there is also a law out here that if a person steps foot on your property you have the right to shoot and kill, its called the make my day law
Here they have to step into your home and/or pose a threat.
the best way to take care of these animals would be to take care of the people responsible for dumping them. be it education, tighter laws (no thank you) more responsible sellers, or to throw them out on their faces with nothing. shoot them!


Most of those animals are considered a "nuisance" and the state/city are glad to be gone of them. Plus, most likely nobody is going to know what happens on a 100 yard stretch of a 400 acre area of land. I am not saying I agree with it, but even if people brought those animals to shelters, they end up dying, just a bit more "humanely" whatever that means. I would rather get shot in the head than have someone stick me with lethal needle. but that is just me.