do farms have a right to shoot stray animals that have been dumped by their land?


Originally Posted by SUDC
Wait a minute, a MALTESE mix killed 300 chickens???? What the heck was it mixed with, a lion?!?!?! 300 Chickens vs Maltese, my moneys on the chickens

yeap they were couped up in a run and he got in and just devasted them. most of them were small chinese crested and other exotics. the turkeys that he killed were 4 times his size though.


as far as closeing this thread I dont see anything to justify closeing it .
I am an animal lover and will save any that I can. But to face facts here
a group of 3 dogs that have been thrown out near a farm can devaste many animals in a short time. If there is no where to call and say please come get these animals what is the farmer to do allow 3 animals to kill many or rid the farm of these 3 animals doing all the carnage. I dont agree with the farmers that shot first and then look to see if there is a tag or if they have done anything wrong. but if the farmer sees a animal going after his lively hood then I whole heartedly agree that he has to protect that by any means.


I think so to, if there is nothing else you can do, nothing and they are monster killers, then yes something can be done, a bee bee shot in the leg would sting good enough to keep it away or a shot in the air of a gun would scare it good, at least that would be better then killing it dead, im not close minded saying nothing should be done but a few people took it to personal and went crazy thinking they cant protect there land and I say if you cant act like an adult, get off this site, or simply dont write anything at all, no one wants to read fighting or people jabbing at each other and people don't always see things the same way and that's alright to but there is a degree of maturity that needs to be kept in mind.


honestly what needs to be keep in mind that alot of people type things and what the tone is cant be read in the message. I dont think most people puposely down anyone for their beleifs but sometimes it comes across that way.
I am one to tell you that if you are out in the middle of nowhere a air shot or a BB gun isnt going to chase anything away long it will make them run but 99% of the time they return. I had to shot racoons on my property because they were going after my chickens air shots etcc noise cans motion lights nothing worked. It took a 22 night after night for almost 2 weeks to stop it.
Its not a matter of wanting better for an animal but its protecting your animals the best way possible. alot of farmers do try other methods first but most of the time they dont work. especially if there is nothing in the area for miles and if there is another farm then that farm will be stuck with the problem if they do flee its not a good situation though,
I think each person should be held liable for the animals they CHOOSE to get though.


racoons are another subject. we had a bunch of them not afraid of anything. we could roll up a door mat walk up to them and hit them with it and they would hold thier ground, like many animals bb guns have no effect.
But back to the subject it's not the farmer or what they do that matters, it's the irresponsible people that need to be taught or taken behind the shed.
it really hasn't seemed like anyone has been atacking anyone personally. it's just one of those subjects that gets really heated. especially when people dont consider both the city and country ways of life.


yes racoons are different but still the same concept of one animal thats inflicting damage and death on another.
but I agree that its the dumpers that need to be adressed then the other issues wouldnt be a problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SUDC
Wait a minute, a MALTESE mix killed 300 chickens???? What the heck was it mixed with, a lion?!?!?! 300 Chickens vs Maltese, my moneys on the chickens
my grandparents had a large poodle that was killed by a rooster...his name was lucky(his outcome was not i guess)


Originally Posted by Scotts
G5, (If you are still reading this thread) I think if you want to address this problem it is not to put more burden on the people who are effected by this, but the people who are causing it. You should focus your efforts on educating the public that dropping off their animal in the wild is not putting them in some animal nirvana where everyone is happy. Tell the public what can happen to their animal if they dump them and tell them that instead of taking a trip out to the woods to dump off their animal, to take the trip to the shelter instead.
You should be outraged, angry and just downright pissed off at the people that dump their animals, not the people who are having problmes because these animals are dumped on their property.
This is the best post on this thread
Be mad at the people that abandon their pets, not at those that are trying to save theirs.


Active Member
I'm with the others...I don't care if it's stray animals, that have been home raised, or wild animals (such as raccoons, coyote, etc)...
They harm any of my animals and animals control isn't gonna have to worry about the long drive, carting the animal, taking it to the shelter only to be put to sleep in a few days. A .223 round will be as humane as it gets, from me...and, this is coming from a person who was raised with cows, horses, goats, chickens, etc. Hell...I had a pet raccoon, possum and even an descented skunk. But, I wouldn't think twice about shooting a nuisance animal.
99% of the cities, in America, already have a problem with strays IN TOWN. They can't get funding for that...who do think is gonna fund a rural animal shelter? Do the animal a favor and go ahead and put it out of it's misery.

aztec reef

Active Member
Ghola5, i just gotta say that you don't look very mature yet i admire your maturity and i actually agree with you and i wish there was more people like you here's why:
Yes we know that this animals are endangering our livestock, but lets get realistic,.I think people freak-out sooner than needed... Most of the dogs that are being droped off are Not usually stray/carnivorers they're just unwanted, hungry,hopeless animals ..(and that may turn anyone into a carnivore).. the thing is that some retarded/Irresponsible people that live in the country are lazy enuff to not want to drive to the nearest shelter,call dog catchers (do things the proper way).. It's a lazy/irresponsible/idiotic form to get rid of them by dropping them off somewhere.. and that's how they turn stray, cause they just wonder around from property to property until some idiot decides to shoot it..
The dumpers have most of the blame, yes we all agree on that, but how much can a dog eat in one afternoon???? I see NO reason to shoot it at first site ..Unless is the chupacabras or some idiot going into someones property to steal livestock..I think shooting an animal at first site is Equally Lazy and Irresponsible as the Dumpers..why Not take it to human society/call someone/set up a dog catching services in the country..(something!) and let them decide if its best to put them to sleep/give away..Shooting at first site is LIKE taking justice into your own hands instead of in the court of law...i now its just animals ..But remenber we are the ones that Can make a difference NOT the animals
Heres why i don't believe in Shooting the animals in your fields..I used to live in a property where hay was cultivated and right next to this property there was a few neighbors and at one end there was like a manufacture park with a bunch of houses..I've seen dogs running around a few times and some times chasing my sheep but..(i didn't use the magnum)...i first investigate what type of animal and what its potentials where...then you can react..I woudn't think twice about shooting the chupacabras though...
One time there was a dog wondering around and it just happend to be someones dog that was going for a walk with his owner in "private property" i didn't see any reason to shoot the dog or the owner(they were just walking and not scavating) ..Another time a found a different dog without an
what i did, i told my dogs to seek'em boy! and they did ..they chased him and captured him....the dog got hurt a little but he was caught and then taken to the shelter..plain and simple..Or you can hire some Low wage peeps to do the dog catching..i'm sure they'll do it for a case of beers or something


Active Member
and if there isnt already a problem at my house with strays, a guy in a suv two days ago droped another dog on our propertyand sped off before you knew it, makes me so angrym that is 7 dogs that have been droped and abandond,( those are the ones we ket not the ones we have found homes for or taken to the pound)
and today i was in the walmrt arking lot when i saw a tiny kitten trying its hardest to climb up in a n engine and i ran over ther are pryed it out only to have my mother scream NO WE ALREADY HAVE 6 KITTENS AT THE HOUSE WERE LOOKING FOR HOMES, PUT IT BACK i was heartbroken leaving it there

aztec reef

Active Member
You should post up a big sign saying:"PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF DOGS ANYMORE" it's not like they will follow it but at least your doing your part .. 7 times is alot. Droppers might like your house for some reason or unless is the ONLY house around on a 5 mile radius..


yea they do. when i go to phillipines i sometimes actually have to shoot stray dogs on our farm land. kinda messed up but it has to be done. i thought id be merciful and let one go one day. next thing u kno it killed tha chickens on our farm. when i saw it agen i had to put it down. and about calling animal control? well what do u think happens to half of tha dogs that get put in tha shelter? when the shelter gets full and no one is adopting. they are gonna have to put some to sleep. well i guess thats jus the way it is.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
I think shooting an animal at first site is Equally Lazy and Irresponsible as the Dumpers..why Not take it to human society/call someone/set up a dog catching services in the country..(something!) and let them decide if its best to put them to sleep/give away..Shooting at first site is LIKE taking justice into your own hands instead of in the court of law...i now its just animals ..But remenber we are the ones that Can make a difference NOT the animals
If you were a farmer you would actually stop your day everytime someone decided to drop off a stray and nurture them and take them to the humane society?
What if I drop off a homeless person at your doorstep twice a week. Would you take time off from work and talk to them about there situation and drive them to a shelter?


Originally Posted by shogun323
If you were a farmer you would actually stop your day everytime someone decided to drop off a stray and nurture them and take them to the humane society?
What if I drop off a homeless person at your doorstep twice a week. Would you take time off from work and talk to them about there situation and drive them to a shelter?
The answer will be NOPE!



Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Yes we know that this animals are endangering our livestock, but lets get realistic,.I think people freak-out sooner than needed... Most of the dogs that are being droped off are Not usually stray/carnivorers they're just unwanted, hungry,hopeless animals ..(and that may turn anyone into a carnivore).. the thing is that some retarded/Irresponsible people that live in the country are lazy enuff to not want to drive to the nearest shelter,call dog catchers (do things the proper way).. It's a lazy/irresponsible/idiotic form to get rid of them by dropping them off somewhere.. and that's how they turn stray, cause they just wonder around from property to property until some idiot decides to shoot it..
The dumpers have most of the blame, yes we all agree on that, but how much can a dog eat in one afternoon???? I see NO reason to shoot it at first site ..Unless is the chupacabras or some idiot going into someones property to steal livestock..I think shooting an animal at first site is Equally Lazy and Irresponsible as the Dumpers..why Not take it to human society/call someone/set up a dog catching services in the country..(something!) and let them decide if its best to put them to sleep/give away..Shooting at first site is LIKE taking justice into your own hands instead of in the court of law...i now its just animals ..But remenber we are the ones that Can make a difference NOT the animals
Heres why i don't believe in Shooting the animals in your fields..I used to live in a property where hay was cultivated and right next to this property there was a few neighbors and at one end there was like a manufacture park with a bunch of houses..I've seen dogs running around a few times and some times chasing my sheep but..(i didn't use the magnum)...i first investigate what type of animal and what its potentials where...then you can react..I woudn't think twice about shooting the chupacabras though...
One time there was a dog wondering around and it just happend to be someones dog that was going for a walk with his owner in "private property" i didn't see any reason to shoot the dog or the owner(they were just walking and not scavating) ..Another time a found a different dog without an
what i did, i told my dogs to seek'em boy! and they did ..they chased him and captured him....the dog got hurt a little but he was caught and then taken to the shelter..plain and simple..Or you can hire some Low wage peeps to do the dog catching..i'm sure they'll do it for a case of beers or something

First, the dumpers carry 100 percent of the blame.
Second, these dumped animals have usually been tied or chained neglected in a back yard with little or no manners or social skills, they are not Lassie usually. Not saying that they all are dangerous, but many are, they are not scared little puppies, they are unsocialized animals. They will more often than not pack up and then they become really dangerous.
Third, have you ever had to have a horse put down because a stray chased her until they ran her through the fence and she was torn so badly and broke a leg? I bet not, I have. To say wait and give them a chance does not work in the real world.
Fourth, what about the safety of the families, small children primarily of rural families? Should they be able to allow their kids to play in the yard and not worry about a dumped dog that may or may not have some behavioral issues?
Not meaning any offense but to say that one animal deserves to live over another if pretty narrowminded. While you may think dogs are the bomb, someone else may have a pet chicken that they adore.
The whole concept makes me very sad, I love dogs, mine go everywhere with me but to brand the farmers as bad people because they are strapped with a problem that is not theirs to begin with is not fair. If you live in a rural area, try calling animal control to come out and collect a dumped stray, they won't do it unless you have the animal confined. This is not the city, the same rules don't apply. If you want to make a real difference, start a spay and neuter program and try to toughen up the laws.

masta man

My great aunt has a farm and she found 2 stray dogs. and she took them in and raised them. their names are Trouble and Drifter both mutts She also has peacocks. She loves animals and the out doors.


I dont think the animals should be killed if they are justing ditched there.
I think if you have some compassion you hsould try to get them off your land first in a more tactful manner ie. animal control!
If an animal is trying to bite and kill you that may be a different story since you are protecting your self.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Last I checked animal control did not go out to framland...most farns are a distance away from the closest animal shelter or animal control office.

dr gonzo

why should the farmers pay to have the animal cought? alot of them cant make ends meat anyway its not heir fault
we need less dogs and cats in the world anyway
and is letting them starve to death any better?
if they go to a shelter theyere going to die anyway cuz there feral dogs that cant be redomesticated
and have you tried to catch a wild dog or cat?
its just silly you would get mad at the farmer the people are commiting a FEDERAL OFFENCE animal enbandomemnt endangerment or whatever
i cant even beleive that you would think of the farmer b4 the irrresponcible person
if my lively hood and family were at stake id sit on top of my roofwith a sniper
btw i love animalsihave 4 cats a bearded dragon and a dog about to get another dog thenwhen i get a new house a big guard dog