do farms have a right to shoot stray animals that have been dumped by their land?


Aztec Im extremely mature and age with some people have nothing to do with maturity as you can see some of what people wrote on here and clearly on their profiles their age, a little sad, yes im only 22 but extremely mature , thanks for you post though and I agree with it , I understand unwanted animals need to be taken care of I just wish more people where willing to help in doing something about it instead of sitting saying how much its not their fault and pointing at other people to do something about it because they brought up the topic, of course we know who's fault it is, its the people dumping them, thats a no brainer, BUT I think the more we hate these people the more we need to try to help the problem, if you know something is wrong and you dont do nothing about it your almost as wrong as that who is in the wrong , at least thats IMO, but I love animals and I dont want to see any farm animals hurt either , i just hate the mentality of people thinking,"its not my problem to deal with it" if everyone was outraged enough to do something about it , who knows what could be done, in fact who knows if a law could be passed to punish these people in some way, who knows what could be done, and thats what im trying to do simply because of my love for animals and trying to get the problem fixed or at least make a dent into the problem, Im trying to buy my first house right now and have a little bit of land and im going to take in homeless animals that people in dont want, In fact all my animals I have and growing up have been taken in from people who dont want them, I cant stand the local animal shelter, in fact some states have laws where animals can not be put to sleep in shelters. No kill states is what they call them,and i agree that any animal that is blood thirsty and killing like crazy should be taken care of, but as for the others we can try to do more IMO.


dr onzo, lets get down to the facts.
we have covered already in this topic
!. Its not the farmers fault that these people are throwing these animals out.
2.Local animal shelter will not come out to the country areas and pic up strays.
3. No one wants farm animals to die due to a blood thirsty animal that is wild.
3.NO one would expect someone to not feed there family just to help a monster animal.
5. An animal lover would not say "we need less dogs and cat in this world anyway"


masta man that was so sweet of her to take those dogs in, I love hearing stories of ones like that, people post stories if you have any of good stories of strays finding homes


Be nice or move on... 1Journeyman

What states are no kill states? I can't imagine how they could function without euthanizing strays. What do they do with them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
Aztec Im extremely mature and age with some people have nothing to do with maturity as you can see some of what people wrote on here and clearly on their profiles their age, a little sad, yes im only 22 but extremely mature , thanks for you post though and I agree with it , I understand unwanted animals need to be taken care of I just wish more people where willing to help in doing something about it instead of sitting saying how much its not their fault and pointing at other people to do something about it because they brought up the topic, of course we know who's fault it is, its the people dumping them, thats a no brainer, BUT I think the more we hate these people the more we need to try to help the problem, if you know something is wrong and you dont do nothing about it your almost as wrong as that who is in the wrong , at least thats IMO, but I love animals and I dont want to see any farm animals hurt either , i just hate the mentality of people thinking,"its not my problem to deal with it" if everyone was outraged enough to do something about it , who knows what could be done, in fact who knows if a law could be passed to punish these people in some way, who knows what could be done, and thats what im trying to do simply because of my love for animals and trying to get the problem fixed or at least make a dent into the problem, Im trying to buy my first house right now and have a little bit of land and im going to take in homeless animals that people in dont want, In fact all my animals I have and growing up have been taken in from people who dont want them, I cant stand the local animal shelter, in fact some states have laws where animals can not be put to sleep in shelters. No kill states is what they call them,and i agree that any animal that is blood thirsty and killing like crazy should be taken care of, but as for the others we can try to do more IMO.
you might want to look at getting a grant that would enable you to get more land meaning more outbuildings money for food and vehicles to run the shelter and cages and help etc. good luck to you...tobin


SUDC Ignorance was not a part of the topic, maybe you should find another post, and your right it is kinda hard to type when ur cat is on your lap and on the keyboard. I didnt know I was working a major paper either while on

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
awww texas reef and little jonnie boy, lets be mature now, are we in grade school saying cute little funny jabs at people, you simply dont like what i posted, and thats ok lets just try to act more mature

Back up, read your posts, and then get back to me. You can't cry to whoever is in charge just because people don't agree with you.
If you were mature or at least had a realistic understanding of what farmers and people in farm areas go through with strays, you wouldn't be so narrow minded.
I kill stray dogs as soon as I see them. I don't give them the chance to do any harm or breed with other wild dogs, thus increasing the population. I generally let the cats live unless they look diseased. My Uncle and I have a few race horses that cost several thousand dollars to train, not to mention the $10,000 plus it cost to have their mothers bred. Why would I let these horses be jeopordized by wild dogs? Why should I take the time to take an animal to the pound were it will be put down when I can give it a quicker and cheaper death?
It's called a .22 pill and it costs about $0.10........
In the real world, were I live, there are not enough people that care to take of the strays. If me and everyone else took them to a pound, it would just lead to an expensive death that taxpayers pay.
Now lets look at which dogs have to die first. Do the cute ones get to live and the "ugly" ones die? Who decides which ones live and which ones die.
Or in your super mature fantasy world do all the strays live happy lives forever with a wonderful family?

tx reef

Active Member
By the way, I am not trying to come off as rude, but I feel rather strongly on the subject as you do.
Someone can be mature in some ways, but IMO, maturity comes with life experience and as far as this subject is concerned, you have none (as far as the farmers standpoint) it seems.
Anyway, have a great evening guys/gals.......


its kinda funny in this new day and age it seems like animals have more rights than people. if someone dumps a stray animal off to a farmers house and he cant feed it,care for it,provide it what it needs ect.... than he or she has the right to shoot it. its pretty much a lose lose situation. if he/she lets it go its most likely gonna die. also there was another thread about "should michel vick get kicked out of the NFL for the dog fighting incident?" well i think that is just stupid. Pro athletes that have beat their wifes and sell dope and use it rnt kicked out so y should vick get kicked out for dog fighting. this is a classic example of how animals are begining to have more rights than people.btw i %100 agree with u texas. oh and btw his fantasy world is called liberalism and it is where everything is perfect and all are equal and animals stray or not live happily ever after

aztec reef

Active Member
How many dogs get dumped every month in a farm, what are we really talking about?? 1, 10, 20??? i can handle one a month. Now if you're a real farmer! you should have working dogs, or working people to do the job. right?2hours at $8.00 an hour its only $16 wouldn't pay a homeless $16 to it for you? Or better yet this is where the Illegal Aliens working under the table could serve a good pourpose.. But who is going to pay Juan a couple hours of work to do such nonsense. when he can be filling up a bunch of buckets of berrys,straberries,oranges ect, in the same time frame right?
Or do you work the farm by your self?
second, Lets say you do get a dog daily, in that case i would think that you're in the wrong bussiness..or your property has a sign for dogs saying "All stray dogs are welcome"..and instead of shooting them.. why don't you set up a death row center, then post a sign saying $$ 50 award for Unwanted dogs.. then you can get shots to put them to sleep, instead of shooting them and having to throw it in a ditch and having to pick up the brain matter or whatever your pleasure is.. If i had that big of a problem in my property I would become the dog whisperer..
Is your farm deep in the woods neighboring no other houses for miles? If yes then i would blame the woods for having wild dogs, i could careless about the wild dogs..But when you see someone dropping a dog then i would guess that those dogs are just Unwanted..Not wild! can't you tell the difference between a stray dog and lazzy??
i'm not a cat person, but i know they're still animals so i don't shoot them..But if i was some idiot i would probably use a bb gun to drill a cat..i wouldn't feel as bad cause, don't cats have nine lifes?(sorry cat lovers)
Plus dogs are far more intelligent and ovidient than cats.. i haven't seen a cat eat a rooster though or a dog eat a cow or horse.. if a horse got hurt during a dog chase, then i would say that's a weak horse and you overpayed.
If you're responsible enuff to get a dog then you should take care of it, or kill it your self and eat it..Not dump it somewhere's..Would you like your parents to drive u to a desserted area and drop u off? then when you see a home to get help at have some brainless dude shoot you from far away without giving you the chance to cry???
We can't compare Humans(homeless) with dogs... dogs don't speak, nor do they speak sign language, also they don't understand whats going on at the moment.They are totally the other hand a homeless, is not hopeless or incapable to ask for job/directions hitchhiker or make a phone call, drive a tricycle, get on a horse ect...
Last time i checked Humans were smarter and capable of doing many getting a job.
"and have you tried to catch a wild dog or cat"? i would think is as hard as catching a could use some working dogs, for that. plus they also have limited stamina, they're not superdogs!!

!. Its not the farmers fault that these people are throwing these animals out.
No way? is it not your fault that you own a farm that looks like heaven to stray dogs either..
2.Local animal shelter will not come out to the country areas and pic up strays.they should, since stray dogs are a major problem in farms..sowhy not? I don't see anyone complaining about stray dogs in the city. instead of trying to stay locally so that they can be closest to the Donut shops..
3. No one wants farm animals to die due to a blood thirsty animal that is wild.
are you talking about eating a chicken,cow ,horse
3.NO one would expect someone to not feed there family just to help a monster animal. How is catching a dog going to stop someone from feeding their family? does catching a dog ruin a whole crop season?4. WE ARE ALL MAD AT THE PEOPLE WHO DUMP THEIR ANIMALS
so they have the guts to drop off a helpless animal yet they don't have the guts to shoot'em them selfs.
5. An animal lover would not say "we need less dogs and cat in this world anyway. we don't need less or more cats/dogs in this world.. What we need is people with comman sense and dignity..

Why not shoot the dumpers, that'll teach them a lesson to think twice about dropping dogs off..
people would be inmature/Iresponssible/idiotic no matter what..The funny part is that we are supposed to be the ones with the brains


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
i'm not a cat person, but i know they're still animals so i don't shoot them..But if i was some idiot i would probably use a bb gun to drill a cat..i wouldn't feel as bad cause, don't cats have nine lifes?(sorry cat lovers)
Plus dogs are far more intelligent and ovidient than cats.. i haven't seen a cat eat a rooster though or a dog eat a cow or horse.. if a horse got hurt during a dog chase, then i would say that's a weak horse and you overpayed.
begin hijack :
no dogs are not more intelligent than cats,
you can train a cat just the same as a dog ,
cats don't stink , notice no 'wet cat odor'
they do not wake the neighbors up at 3:00 in the morning barking
cats are obedient if you TRAIN them the SAME as dogs
seems to me cats can be toilet trained - dogs can't
dogs have jobs - cats do to they catch and kill mice and insects
my cat has never licked its butt one minute and my face the next-unlike dogs
end hijack.

aztec reef

Active Member

Originally Posted by brandon7491
its kinda funny in this new day and age it seems like animals have more rights than people. if someone dumps a stray animal off to a farmers house and he cant feed it,care for it,provide it what it needs ect.... than he or she has the right to shoot it. its pretty much a lose lose situation. if he/she lets it go its most likely gonna die. also there was another thread about "should michel vick get kicked out of the NFL for the dog fighting incident?" well i think that is just stupid. Pro athletes that have beat their wifes and sell dope and use it rnt kicked out so y should vick get kicked out for dog fighting. this is a classic example of how animals are begining to have more rights than people.btw i %100 agree with u texas. oh and btw his fantasy world is called liberalism and it is where everything is perfect and all are equal and animals stray or not live happily ever after
"Pro athletes that have beat their wifes and sell dope and use it rnt kicked out so y should vick get kicked out for dog fighting. this is a classic example of how animals are begining to have more rights than people".

No, its a classic example of Why dogs should have more rights than scumbags like Vick..If they beat their wifes, then that's the deadbeat's wifes fault for being with a lame dude and putting up with them.. and if they sell drugs then that's their choice..Why would you want your child to look up to someone like that? is that the new Generation?
so you rather have people like Mike Vick be a role model to kids, yet shotting/fighting a dog is cool.. how about you be a man and get in the ring and fight for your self intead of inocent forcing dogs to do something that they don't wanna do..I'm not a liberal, i'm a harcore republican (usually). and its not "fantasy land" it's mature land, giving a crap land. and not just kick-back and pretend to be a hard ---.. Would you like horse fighting sport to grow too? just because Mike is an over-payed lame dude, that doesn't mean he can do whatever the hell he whants..where's the justice! we should start discussing how to set up a dog arena and show brutal fights ..that's really cool and mature.
.Now kids probably think having pitts and fighting them are cool and Great entertainment
Vick had no bussiness doing this lame actvities..Either he enjoys watching that crap or he's pretending to be ignorant which doesn't help NFL players reputation..Theres's no doubt in my mind that he knew about it and kept allowing it. he got caught! that's why we even know about it..You think if he wasn't guilty he would get so much media time?? i wonder if he didn't got caught, if he would still go on with he's k-9 fights..WHY? is he making more money off Dog fights?? more than playing football? i don't think so! Was it for pleasure? who knows?
Back to topic
If you can't take care of a dog from the get go, then you're not worthy to keep him, if you shoot it you should eat it..If not then what do you do with a dead dog in your property? let the birds eat it? or you just leave it to rot? use your skills and save the meat for the next dog that gets drop off, that way you can feed it to it..Then maybe they won't even bother your lifestock....
Give it away, ignore it,eat it.take it somewhere,make a call. Why can't you drive a mile and returned the favor,( of dropping off) maybe the next family would have more decency and take it somewhere or take care of it..wHAT i DON'T GET IS: how can you get so much exitement out of killing a helpless animal? Now if the Dog happends to be caring a gun, then go ahead and shoot first or he would take you out first..Or you could play the russian roulette..that's what i called fair fight..

aztec reef

Active Member

Originally Posted by jennythebugg
begin hijack :
no dogs are not more intelligent than cats,
you can train a cat just the same as a dog ,
cats don't stink , notice no 'wet cat odor'
they do not wake the neighbors up at 3:00 in the morning barking
cats are obedient if you TRAIN them the SAME as dogs
seems to me cats can be toilet trained - dogs can't
dogs have jobs - cats do to they catch and kill mice and insects
my cat has never licked its butt one minute and my face the next-unlike dogs
end hijack.

Oh, really? do they fetch? You call him "come here kitty" and they just look at you like:what Do you want?
they don't sit,come,lay,play dead,catch, guard,bark...thus why the saying goes like: Dog is a man's best friend..yet cat's are only spoiled little animals that just seat,sleep,eat and crap..yawn.. I don't need some animal to just look at me 24/7..I need a Guard, i need someone to play fetch, walk,play,do tricks, be loyal, ride with me in my they have manners and poop outside not in some sandbox. sorry, but Dogs have Masters,and cats have slaves.
.Dogs don't stink especially if they're indoor dogs and if you keep them the other hand cats hate they clean them self with their mouth..and do you brush your cats teeth?


When these animals get dumped "out in the country" they essentially become wild animals and begin to hunt to survive, as anything would. It becomes a problem when these " dumped cats" begin mating and all of the sudden a few turns into thirty and the pheasent, quail, and dove population begins to take a hit because there is a foreign predator hunting them that they are not adapted too. I have seen first hand what "dumped cats" can do to the game bird population and it is unbelievable. These cats have destroyed generations of birds on our property within a year and I know it sounds horrible that we shoot them but they have no right to be on our property because someone decided they did not want a pet and figured to let it go in the "country". The "country" is someones property and you do not have a right to pass on your problem to me. I will continue to shoot every single cat that ends up on my property and if that bothers you do not abandon your cat on my land. If you do its gonna be met with an AR-15 or a 12 gauge depending on the distance, either way it's dead.


Sorry for the rant but this is something that I take very seriously.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Oh, really? do they fetch? You call him "come here kitty" and they just look at you like:what Do you want?
they don't seat,come,lay,play dead,catch, guard,bark...thus why the saying goes like: Dog is a man's best friend..yet cat's are only spoiled little animals that just seat,sleep,eat and crap..yawn.. I don't need some animal to just look at me 24/7..I need a Guard, i need someone to play fetch, walk,play,do tricks, be loyal, ride with me in my they have manners and poop outside not in some sandbox. sorry, but Dogs have owners,and cats have slaves..Dogs don't stink especially if they're indoor dogs and if you keep them the other hand cats hate they clean them self with their mouth..and do you brush your cats teeth?
yes a cat can and will do all of the above if you train it, if you dont beleive me look all over the internet peoples cats can do lots of tricks my cats take baths without problems because they are used to them , i brush their teeth with baking soda and water- my cat baxter can fetch and sit and lay and come on command . when we pull up in the driveway he will run from down the street to meet us-he poops outside we dont even have a litterbox.lots of cats can play fetch.just because you never knew of any trained cats dont say they are dumb and it cant be done. dogs are not born miraculously knowing how to sit,fetch,poop outside and enjoy water ,any animal has to be trained to do those things. so you like dogs, fine, there are cat people and dog people in this world we happen to be opposites on this . i just wanted you to know that just because you dont like cats does not mean they are useless and stupid i dont like dogs yet i judged the dog contest and even complimented ya'll on your dogs


Active Member
ferrel cats and wild dogs are a horrible problem out by my dads church a pack of wild stray dogs killed a horse a few years ago and the county has been working hard to get rid of the stray and wild population of cats and dogs the people that live out there shoot them and the county does a catch neuter release program with the ones they can catch , i think its terrible that so many of these animals are still kittens/puppies when they get dumped or they are pregnant ,just because these people didnt bother to get their pet fixed they dump it off on someone else ,they dont even think of what is going to happen to that farmer/rancher when all of the sudden there are 7 wild cats/dogs running their property killing /injuring their livestock

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by LSU
When these animals get dumped "out in the country" they essentially become wild animals and begin to hunt to survive, as anything would. It becomes a problem when these " dumped cats" begin mating and all of the sudden a few turns into thirty and the pheasent, quail, and dove population begins to take a hit because there is a foreign predator hunting them that they are not adapted too. I have seen first hand what "dumped cats" can do to the game bird population and it is unbelievable. These cats have destroyed generations of birds on our property within a year and I know it sounds horrible that we shoot them but they have no right to be on our property because someone decided they did not want a pet and figured to let it go in the "country". The "country" is someones property and you do not have a right to pass on your problem to me. I will continue to shoot every single cat that ends up on my property and if that bothers you do not abandon your cat on my land. If you do its gonna be met with an AR-15 or a 12 gauge depending on the distance, either way it's dead.
I think any animal that gets dumped "somewhere" it would turn wild, and that's because at first site the animal wasn't taking care of(or taken out).Now that he has spent days in the wild without food, of course it would turn wild...have you seen the movie:"ALIVE"? did they starved to death? No, they eat their own people cause of survival mechanism..Either you die cowarly or you do Unnatural things to stay alive..Survival of the fittest.. If you see people dumping cats or dogs, why do you keep letting them do it.. You have to wait until you get "30" of them .? or the cats just happend to stroll in your property .and you didn't see any dumpers?
Well why don't you shoot the "Dumpers" that will teach them not to drop a sign: "Animal Dumpers will be shot at will"..i find it difficult to believe that some lame people would get into their car and say: Geez lets just drive to nowhere land and dump this animals at the same exact house that we've been doing..Now this peeps are tresspassers/violators and are making a fool of you..don't you have neighbords? i wonder if they are going throug the same thing,or maybe your neighbords are the Dumpers..have you though of that?.
Game bird population has nothing to do with the Dumped cats in your property. Unless your using the Cats as bate and all the game birds go eat at your property..
would you excuse your neighbor if one of this days, he shot one of your dogs or cats? because they happend to be at he's property?.. and your idiotic neighbor doesn't know your animals but he freaks out and shoots it cause he tough that they might kill a cow or two..
I would love to kill me a deer, since they come in the early morning to my property here.. they taste good too! but it's Illegal..that's why they have hunting places/seasons..and regulations..

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
yes a cat can and will do all of the above if you train it, if you dont beleive me look all over the internet peoples cats can do lots of tricks my cats take baths without problems because they are used to them , i brush their teeth with baking soda and water- my cat baxter can fetch and sit and lay and come on command . when we pull up in the driveway he will run from down the street to meet us-he poops outside we dont even have a litterbox.lots of cats can play fetch.just because you never knew of any trained cats dont say they are dumb and it cant be done. dogs are not born miraculously knowing how to sit,fetch,poop outside and enjoy water ,any animal has to be trained to do those things. so you like dogs, fine, there are cat people and dog people in this world we happen to be opposites on this . i just wanted you to know that just because you dont like cats does not mean they are useless and stupid i dont like dogs yet i judged the dog contest and even complimented ya'll on your dogs

Well you're going to need a cat trainer and lots of time for that..You love cats that's great..they're not stupid or worthless, they just don't have the benefits and the "smarts" to do what dogs do naturally.. teaching a cat to do tricks is like teaching a 3 year old how to read..they just don't have the capacity & learning skills as SHARP as cats don't have emotion/personality like Dogs do.. your cat might be a genius but that only means he's one of the few..that Does not mean that cats are smarter then Dogs..Dogs can even understand a broad amount of words. Cats might be able to figure out a few words. but you can't compare dogs ability with cats. Cats are good at climing trees and scratching and meow-ing but not manners..The difference is: that I aint going to shoot a cat just because i don't like them...I will give it away cause my dogs don't like them either..
If i was a freak-show/scumbag then i would let my dogs debower the cat , or shoot it with a gun..but that's idiotic. chickens are cheap too. so if you loose a chicken, are you going to shoot a dog for it? Just ask your self this: How many times has it really happend to YOU!!
I want to know the statistics/times/facts of livestock loss, due to stray animals. Have you really lost any livestock? Or do you just shoot at first site cause farmers say its endangering livestock... Wolfs/chupacabras might wipe out your whole livestock in 24hrs..but how many cows,horses,chickens can a Dog or cat really eat?