I also grew up on a working cattle ranch. I actually foster for two rescue groups and try to give back in that way. I think that point that is being missed is that these animals being dumped off is not a yearly occurance, it can be daily and to me, even loving animals as I do, I would rather see them humanely shot than starve and die a slow death. I don't take any animals death lightly and my heart goes out to each one but one dog or one cat that is scared and hungry can reek havoc and take the food away from a hard working family.
As with anything, the trickle down effect occurs and the farmer, who is often living by a shoestring anyhow, has to shoulder the burden for the irresponsible pet owners who just want to wash their hands of their problem.
Tobin, cats are a big problem here as there are alot of gamebird farms. Domesticated cats have put several families in jeopardy by getting into their barns and killing bird after bird partly for food, partly for fun.
We have had dogs "pack up" and kill a dozen newborn calves overnight. I have seen a whole flock of sheep killed for sport. My question is do the dogs have more of a right to live than the calves and lambs?
There is no easy answer to this one. The best thing I can say if you want to make a difference, find a group that believes in what you do and volunteer. It is easy to see what is wrong, it is harder to get involved and try to make a difference, but it is worth it.