do farms have a right to shoot stray animals that have been dumped by their land?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
laws vary from state to state, but there are ALOT of laws that allow farmers and ranchers to do pretty much anything to protect thier land, thier crops and/or live stock...
yeah havent you seen tremors 3? the mexican farmer gets to kill el coyote, el lobo, and el graboid


Active Member
I am an animal lover but if it comes between one of my critters and a stray its one of mine every time - i would probably set a trap and take it to the pound , but yes if they cant catch it after they tried then yes shoot it


My uncle owned a farm in Ohio and had the same issue. Problem wasn't really cats it was dogs. The dogs, after being dropped off would actually form packs and turn wild. From there they would eat chickens, domestic cats, and whatever elese they could get because they were hungry. They would also breed more wild dogs!!!
1)Honestly it was too late to try and catch them to make them pets as now they were wild animals. Also, the cost of doing so FAR outweighs the percieved benefits...MORE taxes? Thats what would have to happen to buy cages and pay for capture and care of the animals, most of which will be terminated anyhow.
2)How do you think someone should go about catching a wild dog on farmland that stretches for hundreds of miles? That would make it on Dirtiest Jobs!
3)Who would pay for it?
4)From the farmer's perspective; they are there to make money and provide for their family. I would not expect them to take the time to catch and nuture these animals back to domestic's not practical.
I'm sorry to say but I think your looking at the issue from only one side of the fence so to speak.


Active Member
G5, (If you are still reading this thread) I think if you want to address this problem it is not to put more burden on the people who are effected by this, but the people who are causing it. You should focus your efforts on educating the public that dropping off their animal in the wild is not putting them in some animal nirvana where everyone is happy. Tell the public what can happen to their animal if they dump them and tell them that instead of taking a trip out to the woods to dump off their animal, to take the trip to the shelter instead.
You should be outraged, angry and just downright pissed off at the people that dump their animals, not the people who are having problmes because these animals are dumped on their property.
i live in florida, around alot of farm lands. cats get into everything and scatch cars. i use to catch them and bring them to animal shelters, but the thing is that alot of people bring cats and dogs into the shelters. the sad thing is most of the time they get put right to sleep. so bring them to a shelter is no differenet from shooting them on the spot. yes i feel sad for the animals, but they are everywere, and reproducing like crazy , getting hit by cars, killing birds. the way i look at it is that the farmers are protecting their way of life. and i dont blame them.. just my opinion........................


Active Member
ghola, why do you feel the need to get so hostile with people that don't agree with you? no one's attacked you, but you've attacked everybody that doesn't see it your way. post your phone number, and the next time my neighbor's dogs are crapping all over my yard, I'll give you a call to come get them instead of leaving them a bowl of antifreeze.


Originally Posted by Pontius
ghola, why do you feel the need to get so hostile with people that don't agree with you? no one's attacked you, but you've attacked everybody that doesn't see it your way. post your phone number, and the next time my neighbor's dogs are crapping all over my yard, I'll give you a call to come get them instead of leaving them a bowl of antifreeze.
cruel yet funny at the same time


Remember to keep this clean guys its getting border line right now. we all have our thoughts about what should and shouldnt happen but when it comes down to it The PEOPLE that are dumping these animals are the ones at fault and need to be delt with not looking towards the farmers trying to protect their livestock. I dog that goes after chickens and other small animals that are typical on a farm can devastate it in a matter of a couple of hours trust me It happen to me and about 300 chickens turkeys, guineis, ducks, and geese by a maltese mix dog in 2 hours. It wasnt a good thing and I wasnt a farmer I was just someone that liked all the animals in the yards keeping the insects away and the fresh eggs LOL
anyway back to the main reason for this post. KEEP IT Clean or it will be closed do not personally attack anyone for what they beleive in!! some feel stronger about it than others.


I also grew up on a working cattle ranch. I actually foster for two rescue groups and try to give back in that way. I think that point that is being missed is that these animals being dumped off is not a yearly occurance, it can be daily and to me, even loving animals as I do, I would rather see them humanely shot than starve and die a slow death. I don't take any animals death lightly and my heart goes out to each one but one dog or one cat that is scared and hungry can reek havoc and take the food away from a hard working family.
As with anything, the trickle down effect occurs and the farmer, who is often living by a shoestring anyhow, has to shoulder the burden for the irresponsible pet owners who just want to wash their hands of their problem.
Tobin, cats are a big problem here as there are alot of gamebird farms. Domesticated cats have put several families in jeopardy by getting into their barns and killing bird after bird partly for food, partly for fun.
We have had dogs "pack up" and kill a dozen newborn calves overnight. I have seen a whole flock of sheep killed for sport. My question is do the dogs have more of a right to live than the calves and lambs?
There is no easy answer to this one. The best thing I can say if you want to make a difference, find a group that believes in what you do and volunteer. It is easy to see what is wrong, it is harder to get involved and try to make a difference, but it is worth it.


We shoot feral cats on our property, They destroy the game bird population such as pheasants and quail.


Ghola, before this thread is closed I had one question for you. I know it was brought up but if you are concerened about this issue (which it sounds like you really are) why don't you try to fix the problem instead of one of the effects? You could write your congressman. Maybe they could pass some kind of law like the one where you can leave an unwanted baby at a fire station or police station or whatever...
Anyhow if that were in practice and people knew about it at least they could leave unwanted pets where they could possibly be taken care of. That would save the farmers, animal workers, and everyone else problems. Just a thought.
I'm with you though, I love animals too...


Wait a minute, a MALTESE mix killed 300 chickens???? What the heck was it mixed with, a lion?!?!?! 300 Chickens vs Maltese, my moneys on the chickens

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
MODS you can take this post off it was worthless to post, thanks
Why....because everyone doesn't agree (completely) with your point of view?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
Why....because everyone doesn't agree (completely) with your point of view?
hahahaha exactly!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
Why....because everyone doesn't agree (completely) with your point of view?
it is a tough concept that people have differing views on several things that this life throws at us...


Active Member
Sure farmers put them down. If you don't want your pet and can't find a home for it, then the pet owner should have a vet put them down. Don't dump your problem on the farmer and your trash as well. They don't last very long when they are dumped so those of you that feel it's easier and better to dump than put them down yourself, because it my live are wrong in your logic.


awww texas reef and little jonnie boy, lets be mature now, are we in grade school saying cute little funny jabs at people, you simply dont like what i posted, and thats ok lets just try to act more mature


kogle love the pic of the dogs and turtles, i have a younger sister that saves turtles off the streets that get hit in such, they are very spoiled turtles, thanks for your comment, I am really looking into this simply because I want people to get in trouble for not taking care of their animals, they get sick of them and throw them out, some farmers and people on here took it really personal but thats ok because I can see past that. I think if there is a complete wild blood thirsty animal killing like crazy then it does need to be taken care of but my point was simply over looked . Thanks for the tips and im really going to try to get something done about this in my area, after all I had the news do a report over my cat missing live on the news and make a web site for lost animals because of me talking with them, so im really good at getting things done , thanks