do farms have a right to shoot stray animals that have been dumped by their land?

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Aztec, I haven't made any "points". I very clearly stated that comparing intelligence between dogs and cats is silly. I further explained that they are so imbred they are mutant subspecies of their original ancestors.
The silly thing is: the whole thing. Comparing Cats and Dogs period is silly.. i guess they're equally smart since i don't know anything about cats and it seems that you may not know much about dogs.. I do think that Dogs are way smarter than cats IMO.. Or maybe we could say they are equally smart but just in different ways..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Journey, you might wanna take a second look at this whole thread first. I though we were talking about dogs that get "droped off" by people.
What? your contradicting your self or someone else. first of all, we are talking about dogs that get droped off by humans. Now we're taking about dogs coming from the woods? pick one. I know the research advice, but your sounding like a broken record now.
Aztec.. when an animal is dropped of 1 of several different things can happen; 1. It dies. 2. It is taken in by someone. 3 It survives. 4. It becomes part of the feral population.
Option 3 and 4 are not the same thing.

dr gonzo

Originally Posted by ghola5
5. An animal lover would not say "we need less dogs and cat in this world anyway"

yes they would theres an OVERPOPULATION its better for the ANIMALS sake that we dont breed anymore cats and we should all nuter our cats
not for my sake i wish there were wild cats roaming the streetsit wouldbe cool but its not good for the species

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Aztec.. when an animal is dropped of 1 of several different things can happen; 1. It dies. 2. It is taken in by someone. 3 It survives. 4. It becomes part of the feral population.
Option 3 and 4 are not the same thing.
Journey, ready for the throw down?
You forgat #5. it gets shot to death.. or does that applies to # 1.? could be.maybe not! Because it could also mean it died due to the fact that he didn't make know! starved to death..Now if an animal survives then its obvious that it will become part of the feral pop. a.k.a. #4, and of course since it survived then automatically falls into #3 & #4.. Until #1 or #2 happends then it would continue stuck in #3 & #4.right?
If you get droped off at the woods without a map/food/water/shelter..what will you do? will you die just because you gave up! and thought that your situation was helpless? Or do you roam around/seek the woods in search for shelter/food/water/direction ???
Its called survival mechanism, and most Humans/Animals will prevail if they try hard enuff..Again survival of the fittest!
"You're also wrong when you say "Wild dogs don't come from the woods..". Yes, in fact they do. That's what the words "wild" and "feral" imply. "
Wild and feral are the same thing! feral means that its "wild" but its NOT from the woods..(not originated from the woods)in other words it turned feral/wild..
Now, wild=feral too, the difference is that "real wild animals" (originated from nature/woods) have always been wild and feral..
"Option 3 and 4 are not the same thing" No brainer!
They may not be the same, but they surely go hand in hand. You can't have a #4 without a #3 right? and in order to get a #4 you need a #3..

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by dr gonzo
yes they would theres an OVERPOPULATION its better for the ANIMALS sake that we dont breed anymore cats and we should all nuter our cats
Yeah, but that doesn't stop the inbred "Dumpers"..(besides they are the main cause for this issue)at least in the country part.
If they would nuter their cats/dogs correctly then this would'nt be such a problem, (there wouldn't be a need for dog drop-offs on private properties), And we would be preaching another story. We aren't the ones being Irresponsible. We should talk to the Dumpers about that.or maybe provide them with nutering services..


Active Member
In the words of an American hero...
"Help control the pet population...please, spay and neuter yours pets!"


aztec do us a fav and chill. a farmer may do what ever he or she pleases to do. its their land they bought it and work hard to maintain it. if someone drops a dog or any animal they have the right to shoot it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Journey, ready for the throw down?.....
No Aztec, I'm not... as usual your posts and opinions are all over the map. Your opinions vary, literally, from post to post. I have no idea what your point is... you seem to just want to try to argue for the sake of arguing.
Dumped animals do not, in fact, automatically join the feral population. Feel free to learn more about that topic on your own.

aztec reef

Active Member
What you guys can't handle a civil adult discusion? I see no point on getting such a reaction. I think i haven't offended anybody. Just because i have my views and you guys don't agree with them? Its not like i'm gonna start swearing at everybody or start a war..I don't get it. I guess i'll take some time off...
You guys can't debunk me off my views, and at last. the thread goes sour..whathever i guess i'll move on, since you guys can't hang..and farmers do what you please!
I'm trying to make sense of your views(its not arguing).
"aztec do us a fav and chill. a farmer may do what ever he or she pleases to do. its their land they bought it and work hard to maintain it. if someone drops a dog or any animal they have the right to shoot it."
Brandon, you're just a 16 year old kid with high amounts of testasteron. What could you even know about farms or life? its not as easy/fun situation as playing "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas" video game..or paintball wars don't be tripping!
Journey, You chimed in and said that you were going to "shred me"..Now your not up for it?
Sometimes i quite don't get your views."Dumped animals do not, in fact, automatically join the feral population. Feel free to learn more about that topic on your own."
What is that mean? So you're saying that Dumped animals don't join the feral pop in a certain period(after spending some time in the woods as strays). I never said "automatically". Are you confusing automatically with Instantly??
I also don't get what your trying to point out to me, by saying "learn on my own & research". what i my supposed to learn? what am i searching for?..this is lame. you keep trying to prove points,yet you keep coming out short.

coral keeper

Active Member
I agree with the people that kill the stray animals. If i lived on a farm id kill thos pest animals that get left by OTHER people. I think that the people that throw thos animals on a farmers land should get a fine not to make new laws and stop the farmers from killing thos stray animals. If they make a law to stop killing thos stray animals they will loose hundreds or even thousands of dollars or even a hole entire farm from thos stray animals that get left by other people. So if you were the farmer what would you do? Loose hundreds or thousands or even a hole entire farm from thos stray animals. So what would you pick? Stray animals or your family? I would pick my family over the stray animals.
Thats just my two cents.

tx reef

Active Member
Here is a PM I recieved from ghola5......
wanna talk about mature? I am mature and dont attack me and then say your not trying to be rude, you are very rude, , i grew up around drugs and drinking addictions, i raised myself and my sister from the ago of 12, . I work with the elderly and deal with death a daily basis, so before you JUDGE me and say im not mature , why dont you keep your mouth closed and stay off my post if you cant grown up, , not trying to be rude just saying

You need help girl.
Wanna trade war stories? I was in and out of jail three times and did 6 months in rehab by the age of 21. My father was murdered by my step mother when I was 15. Big deal. I am now an Estimator/Project Manager at a large (for this area) construction company and have everything I could possibly want. I have been married for almost three years, own a home, and have a partnership inj horse racing with my Uncle. Oh, I also shoot stray animals almost daily. It is a fact of life. Get over it, it is going to happen.
Your unrealistic view of the world and how things work is what I have a problem with.
Oh, and for what it's worth, I was not trying to be rude.......

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
TxReef let's keep PM' s private. If you have a complaint about a PM feel free to forward it to a Mod.

Sorry, won't happen again............


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
They harm any of my animals and animals control isn't gonna have to worry about the long drive, carting the animal, taking it to the shelter only to be put to sleep in a few days. A .223 round will be as humane as it gets, from me...and, this is coming from a person who was raised with cows, horses, goats, chickens, etc. Hell...I had a pet raccoon, possum and even an descented skunk. But, I wouldn't think twice about shooting a nuisance animal.
A skunk? That is brave.
I live in a rural area, that is surrounded by a huge national forrest. And I really agree with most here. If it is killing my (I odn't have any right now) chickens, it won't be around for long. Even if I called animal control. Which I have, they have told me, I've got to pay for everything. Including the injection. Apearently the taxes I already pay aren't enough.

aztec reef

Active Member
Ok, i'm back
I just can't stand reading nonsense.
"I live in a rural area, that is surrounded by a huge national forrest. And I really agree with most here. If it is killing my (I odn't have any right now) chickens, it won't be around for long. Even if I called animal control. Which I have, they have told me, I've got to pay for everything. Including the injection. Apearently the taxes I already pay aren't enough."
If you don't have any chickens or livestock, that sounds kind of idiotic/ironic.. just because you heard rumors(stereotyping)... You said you called the animal control ONCE. oh, no it's a miracle.. You also have to pay for the ammunition too right? hOW MANY CHICKENS HAVE YOU REALLY LOST?
Come on, what are we talking about here lions? I could careless if you shoot lions,deers,chupacabras,big foot,rosio donall,Al gore,wolfs,bears,raccons,snakes,skunk,vick or any other wild nuisance animals..We are talking about "cats and dogs". which are meant/bred to be human pets. they aren't wild animals that come from the woods..
Don't you farmers have working dogs? I grew up around Agriculture, and never heard such nonsense, about dogs or cats eating 20 chickens or even one.I will say yes i have "2" feral dogs and "1" cat roaming in a 7 year period..that aint much, also they did not eat anything!!! but the pigs
Now, i know that you may not want to waist your precious day by taking it somewhere or trying to catch it..But what do you do once its shot? I don't think bullets makes them dissaper. You still have to pick it up right? or not.
No doubt, shooting something is the easyest thing to do..But you can't just say shoot it! without living the experience..Next time you guys get dogs in your farm, just call the animal control and say: if you don't come and get this dog then i'm shooting it! That way the animal advocates, would realize that it is a "real" problem and would try to look for a solution..instead of ignoring it.
Dumped animals, come from low income people that can't take care of them and aren't responsible or worthy enuff to own animals. So unless you live in the "Ghetto" then yes i would say you have a problem and your ghetto needs an animal shelter close by..


Feral dogs don't often kill to eat as a wild animal would, they kill because they can, to them it is like playing. I have seen it too many times.
Do farmer's have dogs, most likely, why should they put their dogs at risk due to disease or attack from someone elses problem?
Lose a precious day to drop them off at the pound? Are you crazy, do you know how much in debt the average farm usually is? Do you realize that as a whole, the small farmers are some of the most impoverished in our country? Losing a day of productivity could cost these people food for their children or even the roof over their heads.
Go have a latte and chill out Einstein.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl
Feral dogs don't often kill to eat as a wild animal would, they kill because they can, to them it is like playing. I have seen it too many times.
Do farmer's have dogs, most likely, why should they put their dogs at risk due to disease or attack from someone elses problem?
Lose a precious day to drop them off at the pound? Are you crazy, do you know how much in debt the average farm usually is? Do you realize that as a whole, the small farmers are some of the most impoverished in our country? Losing a day of productivity could cost these people food for their children or even the roof over their heads.
Go have a latte and chill out Einstein.
If you see a feral dog walking in on your property, do you ignore it untill it starts bothering your chickens? You said you seen it too many times,have you seem them killed anything? Why would they kill and Not eat some? I don't think this feral dogs are looking for "playtime"..
Why would you put your dogs at risk? Come on, you don't wanna put your dogs at risk yet you're willing to shoot a Dog?
Farmers debt: Yes i know, and that's why farmers have low wage peeps working for them, don't they? use them! for dog catchers..If you work the farm by yourself then yeah, keep working hard! but if you have employees or working dogs you can be smarter. and be a BOSS..
Again with loosing roof and productivity..please... Unless you get a dog every half hour then i can buy that.. If not then the one that needs a latte is you! Wake up!..

bang guy

I've witnessed Feral dogs killing deer for sport so I know it can happen. In past years there have been people around where I live that have been injured by these dogs.
How would someone go about catching a feral dog that's running in a pack?

aztec reef

Active Member
sport vs. hunger/need is different.. are you sure these weren't wolfs?
How would someone go about catching a feral dog that's running in a pack?
"how does shooting one help? the pack still there.. if you're gonna shoot a pack, then you'll need Dinamite!
The reason why there's packs, its because no one is willing to get rid of 1 dog when they see it.. so what does that 1 dog do? he goes around the woods and finds other feral dogs (that other people didn't get) and they form packs just like gangs..they have things is comman. so they hang out togheter for sport..So if you keep getting packs then let me know so i can set up a shelter center in that area..
If this dogs are hurting peeps and trying to eat them, then go ahead and shoot.But i would think that's a major problem.and dog catchers ned to do something before they start killing people..