Do you believe in evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Ok, I must ask you. Did you even listen to the debate? The debate was about God or no god. Lennox did not at any point argue against evolution. So I must ask, why did you claim it did? I asked specifically if it Lennox was a young earth creationist who disproved evolution and you said, "yeh pretty much", yet he didn't even make an attempt. The debate was about God or no God.
I find myself slightly irritated. I had reasons to not want to listen to a debate on the existence of God so I asked if it was about evolution and I was told it was. That is just mean, I spent over and hour and a half listening to Dawkins, whose voice reminds me of my brothers, which is not fun for me.
So why? Why did you tell me it was about evolution? Did you even listen yourself or did you just hope noone would call you on it.

i listened to the whole thing , and i said they touched on the topic of evolution. did you miss that part


Active Member
Sure, Dawkins referred to evolution several times in explaining one of his points, Lennox mentioned evolution too but not in any attempt to discredit it. The entire debate, if you want to call it that (it was more of a talk than a debate), was about points from Dawkin's book The God Delusion and not about evolution.
I wasted over 90 minutes listening to the entire debate because I asked, "Wa the talk about evolution, and was Lennox a young earth creationist who completely disproved evolution." and you said, "Yeh, pretty much."
I usually like to give people the benefit of the doubt but it is difficult in this case, you made a completely false claim about the content of the debate and that makes it hard for me to believe that you even listened to it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Sure, Dawkins referred to evolution several times in explaining one of his points, Lennox mentioned evolution too but not in any attempt to discredit it. The entire debate, if you want to call it that (it was more of a talk than a debate), was about points from Dawkin's book The God Delusion and not about evolution.
I wasted over 90 minutes listening to the entire debate because I asked, "Wa the talk about evolution, and was Lennox a young earth creationist who completely disproved evolution." and you said, "Yeh, pretty much."
I usually like to give people the benefit of the doubt but it is difficult in this case, you made a completely false claim about the content of the debate and that makes it hard for me to believe that you even listened to it.



Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29

whatever? Is that all you can say? It doesn't make sense to me why you would choose to misrepresent the facts to support your opinion and then only say, "whatever" when you are confronted about your misrepresentation. If I misunderstood your words, please correct me, but if you lied please have the decency to admit it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
whatever? Is that all you can say? It doesn't make sense to me why you would choose to misrepresent the facts to support your opinion and then only say, "whatever" when you are confronted about your misrepresentation. If I misunderstood your words, please correct me, but if you lied please have the decency to admit it.
its not even worth for me to get into an argument with someone like yourself


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
its not even worth for me to get into an argument with someone like yourself
That is strange, because someone like myself is not looking to get into an arguement with you. I want to know why you told me that the debate was about evolution, why you choose to misrepresent the facts to get me to spend 90 minutes listening to a debate I had no interest in.
This is not an arguement. I only want an explaination. Why did you make that claim?
I spent 90 minutes of my life listening to a debate because you asked. I think it would be fair if you would take a one minute to explain why you lied to me .


Active Member
im not even going to waste my time your takeing this way out of line, and yes i said it talked about evolution i didnt say is was about evolution thats your problem if you took it the wrong way . any educated person who listened to the debate would realize evolution is a crock a mutaded pile of man made theory that you need to hold on to too somehow try to explain in your puny mind how we came to exsist


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
im not even going to waste my time your takeing this way out of line, and yes i said it talked about evolution i didnt say is was about evolution thats your problem if you took it the wrong way . any educated person who listened to the debate would realize evolution is a crock a mutaded pile of man made theory that you need to hold on to too somehow try to explain in your puny mind how we came to exsist

Well, obviously the last exchanges here prove the point of the whole.
It is a pity it ended this way, there was a true opportunity, but it proves that you believe only what you want to will HEAR what you wish to hear...and that it is PATHETIC (sorry to say) that it comes down to nothing more than name calling in the end (though inevitable I think).
Truly, if that is the extent of the ability to discuss it. I'm sad to see it. If two mind the likes of those who debated can discuss it, it certainly says something about people on a fish board who can't without resorting to this sort of "banter."
This is the extent of the debate in society, IMO. A true reflection.