Do you think this set up will work?


Active Member
Here ya go OMG.
Now you need to calc backwash,baffle height, water volume and such.
Let me know what you think and then we will move forward.........


Active Member
Well first choice would be to find someone that would be willing to do it for a decent price. Second choice would be to get your hands on diamond hole saws. Third choice would be dremel/rotozip w/a extreme tile cutting bit.
And of corse the most extreme, load up the tanks and drive 2 days here to CO and I'll do it!

Your choice! ***)
If you choose to do it yourself go slow and use water.
I use a diamond hole saw that I got from the auction site (cheap). and surround the area with plumbers putty, like a dounut. several ways to do it and many threads on the subject. Just keep the bit cool and go slow. It doesn't matter if its not perfect, but I suggest makeing it small and then grinding away to sneak up on it.
You know how to do the flow and backwash calc's?


Active Member
sounds great so far (i just glanced it over) so this is a dual chamber sump/refugium... like the other thread just 2 tanks...remember (not that you didnt) but the the bulkhead combining the tanks must be adequet for same amount of flow as being put into the refugium. intake for refugium is 800gph(1"pvc) you need - 1" bulkhead combining tanks.
the best idea on that would be the max amount of flow allowable through the refugium pvc
if you used 1 inch pvc with a valve use a 1 inch bulkhead because you can throttle the flow back but you cant make that hole bigger later on..
my brains done for the week THANX ALOT TIM :hilarious


Active Member
Ah but wait coach. In the other diagram (haven't gotton that far yet) the drain is split one to the fuge and 1 to the skimmer. Both with valves. So fuge flow will be about 10-12x fuge volume and yes I was thinking about a 1" BH and pipe. the rest will go to the skimmer.
Stay tuned! I can supply a lot of brain damage. I'd like to hear what you think.


Tim it all sounds good no I dont know how to get the flow and backwash calc's. I think the drive to your house is out the wife hasn't stoped
yet I thought it was a good ideal :notsure: I think Im going to have a glass company come out and drill for me. So what next? I will check back fri around 6pm. BTW this is my first DIY sump/fuge ( or anything dealing with glass ) I do very well with wood and things I built my stand and build other things (out of wood) and sale on the side. So speak slowly and use small words :thinking:
Really thanks for all the help


Active Member
No worries OMG, I speak woodworker, cause thats what I do! Cabinet maker, woodturner and jack of all trades master of none.......


Originally Posted by TurningTim
jack of all trades master of none.......
LOL I'm very familiar with that statement, and I like that one


Active Member

Originally Posted by TurningTim
Ah but wait coach. In the other diagram (haven't gotton that far yet) the drain is split one to the fuge and 1 to the skimmer. Both with valves. So fuge flow will be about 10-12x fuge volume and yes I was thinking about a 1" BH and pipe
. the rest will go to the skimmer.
Stay tuned! I can supply a lot of brain damage. I'd like to hear what you think.
maybe i'm getting way ahead here but flow fuge with 1" bulkhead is 800gph thats an 8 gallon fuge. with a duel 1" drain from DT you have 1600gph going down,800 split or whatnot..
common head hieght at 4', return pump of mag18 as long as the bulkhead between tanks is the same diameter as the drain pipe.flow wont be a problem (just a PITA to adjust to get it right) the larger the fuge..the larger the flow... nutrient export takes time your flow may be a little much for a little tank.but thats what the valves for....

how many returns from the pump? are you splitting that also ..
Total losses are 10.11 feet of head pressure, or 4.37 PSI. with a flow rate of 1189 GPH.
thats with the mag24...we still have to get to 1600pgh return after head loss...but first.......COFFEE


Active Member
Very confused coach? Are you taking about this set-up? Gotta get the kiddys off to school I'll be back......


Active Member
Here ya go coach, this will give you a better idea of how I set this system up. I still haven't calc'd backwash and baffle height but this is a better representation of what I mean. I do however like the idea of a place to put carbon/phos-ban etc.
Tell me what you think!


I will start to drill and build in the morin Thanks for all the help " I can see clearly now" I will post pics if I can get a new camera my old is dead. Which was my cell phone that my 19 month old little girl thought would look good in her pool
. Oh BTW what do you have in your fuge? how many inches of sand, whats plants, live rock or rubble? any snails or anything, Also how do the pods get back to the DT? Also where did you get your return pump from and what kind do you use? If you can't post that on here my add is
I waas thinking I might just get a overflow system like a cpr 1200, I don't mind drilling the sump/fuge but a little :scared: about drilling the 125. What is your take on the best OF system? Or should I just drill?


TurningTim, thanks for the diagram. I could never quite figure out how the water got from the dt to the sump/fuge without ending up all over the floor. Now I see


Active Member
Slow down OMG! We have to calc the baffle height or you will flood! A standard OF will work. I'm not a big fan of CPR. I perfer just the U-tubes. 1200 is what I was thinking, But if you made one with bigger drains you could do that too.
So it all makes sense to you?
Anytime susieq, Got questions I may have the answers......


I ment I was just building the stand today toput the sump on and a qt tank on top. just let me know when you get the right height and we can go from there. what is a u tube? if its best I can drill the 125 ( well a glass co will come out and do it for $129.


I ordered the glass drill bits from the bidding site last night so I will be drilling the tank. Something I don't think I told you but I cant drill the bottom of the tank Its tempered glass so I'm going to drill the back side of the tank will this work? will it decrease the gph?