Do you think this set up will work?


Active Member
There are a couple of ways to drill the back and have a OF. I will post what I prefer sometime shortly and options you have.
So if you drill the back for OF's are you doing it for the returns as well?
What size bits did you get? What where you planning for drain size?


Active Member
Here's an idea for you. I did not size this but you'll get the idea. I like this design over a RR b/c it allows more room in the tank.
What kind of flow are you looking for? If you're gonna do this and with a decent size sump you have you could probably go like 1500 through the sump!
What about a CL system while you're drilling.
No worries its not that hard it just takes time and water......


I orderd a 1'' round but I forgot it has to bigger for the bh to fit
so I guess I will order some more today the bh I have say a 1 1/8" hole I was thinking 1200gph but will go as much as I can the more the better right?. my sister ask for the 20gal I was going to use so now I will have 2- 30 gal tanks or fuge and sump. I like the OF design that is what I will use could you give me details like should it be in the middle of the tank how high up in the tank and how far to space the BH apart size of of box. I really dont know much about the closed loop system could you explain this a little would it do away with the need for a ph? Again thanks for all the time your putting in. Its alot of help if I would have done it by myself I might have flooded the place.


Active Member
looks great only thing is the pumps to small for the plumbing...
Total losses are 7.83 feet of head pressure, or 3.38 PSI. with a flow rate of 1010 GPH..if you can find a pump closer to the max overflow rate with head loss accounted for.

also many people dont use a box with an upper drilled overflow due to the noise potential problem. with a small screen.. nothing will go down..(plus a big bulky box isnt all that neat..)
I calculated that useing a 4' height with only 4x90 degree angles and a ball valve with a coupling and 2 ' horizontal length. so in actuallity yor total flow from the mag18 might be under 1000gph, if you could get it to within 100-150 difference, the rest can be synchronized with the ball valves.

I was gone for the weekend sorry to miss all the action.


Active Member
Which box coach? Inner or outter? I have seen ones that don't use an outter and just have a moded durso. The outter can be sized to accomodate durso also. As far as the inner, I have seen just holes drilled and I'm not a big fan b/c this limits the surface skimming of the tank water where you need to skim the slime of the top.
I hadn't sized the pump yet, but did you acount for the 1.25" feed and then split into 2-1" for returns. If you did I would love to know how. The -- calc only will allow 1 pipe size. Does it really make a difference? I'm not sure just trying to pick your brain.
No worries coach I figured you where gone, Love to have any input. Just more education for me!
I'm also working with sufunk on a custom 180 a few threads away and will post a design for that today or tomorrow. Love to have you check it out also.


Active Member
well that was a rough caculation i dont have length of pipes excetera vertical and horizontal, also
you could give it lets say 2' at 1.25" and 2' at 1" with only a 2' horizontal let me see here......
1 coupling
1 ball valve
2 exits
Im breaking it up to two calculations then sum of those.....
9.32 total Head Pressure and 4.02 psi
so if we throw those figures in the mix i got 800 something gph for the mag 18


Active Member
might have to go 24 or what else do you suggest? Is there a small external maybe?
OMG you still there? Order those bits? what do you want to do?


I ordered the bits 45mm and I am still here. I will go with what you think will work best, just let me know what to do next. So greatful.........Oh by the way my name is Scott. I think I like the OF box better than not having one as long as the box is deep enought I could still do a durso drain pipe right? just put a 90 at the bottom. It's all good. do you have the finials for the sump yet baffles placement and s forth? Not that Im trying to rush I just doing it when am free. I did the built the stand for the sump and QT tank last weekend lots of room under it for 30 gal sump and can put the skimmer in or out there is enought room ever which way and for the can filter to. I going to use a 55Gal QT.


just wondering where do you get your BH from? I couldn't find them at HD. So I got to from the internet about $7.50 each. ( I have 2 right now but know I need 4 more right?)


Active Member
you might be safe going with a 24
run the situation on the calc. with the most limiting pvc (1") and see what you get that way you know your safe... put in the correct length of the pvc (if thats all figured out)
run it with a 18 and a 24 see which one is safe...


Active Member
Thanks coach will do!
Scott, I really can't do anything until you decide on some things. What skimmer are you using? Are you drilling returns also? Should be good with the duel 1" drains and then suppliment the rest with Power heads or a drilled CL.
Once you confirm this stuff then we can do the pump sizing and baffles etc.
The BH's are around that price range no worries there but the number will depend on what you want to do and how much drilling......


I have a Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer 220 gal I thnk I will drill the returns I was thinking 2 on the back close to the sides? will that work? I just got the skimmer about a week ago do you think its a good skimmer?


Active Member
So you wnat to drill the OF like I had it or lose the outter box and use mod'd durso's? I need to the footprint of the skimmer, how much room do you need in the sump for it? Yes returns in the corners is fine. We can allow 1.5x hole size from the edges.
So with that info we can calc backwash to make sure there is enough room for power out and with the 1200 OF we can calc pump size and pipe size.


When you say footprint do you mean size? if so its 220 Gallon 6" x 8" x 25-1/2" high 500 gph. I would like to lose the outer box, but if its best to keep it I will.


Active Member
6x8 that includes the pump? The only thing I don't like about not haveing an outter box is that if a snail or something gets in the inner and decides to go for a trip down the durso its in there, at least its harder for the critters to get DOWN in the plumbing. I guess it just more of a safty valve but I've had snails and fish go for the fun ride through my U-tubes and all the more easier with this set-up.
The other thing we could do is just make a RR tank but put the holes low in the back. I don't really like that myself, think its a waste of space in the tank and material but thats your call. Besides drilling a hole at the top has less pressure on it than one at the bottom.....


Active Member
OK cool! I'm leaving weds! LOL!
So where were we....
What are you going to drill? 2-1" for OF, 2-1" for returns and then 2-1" for the drain in the outter OF box. Yes? So we're shooting for 1200 gph through the sump, that will give you 10x. Know what about supplimental flow?
Your homework is to figure out how far from the edges and top you can drill these holes. Then we can figure how much room we need in the sump fuge.
So, if the return holes are 2.5" below the waterline in the tank then this is how much water will drain out of the tank into the sump. 2.5" x L x W = Y Then Y/231= gallons
Then sump L x W x Z = Y/231 you already know L and W. The we add some for pipe displacement and remainder in the OF and there ya go....
Just like Magic!