Do you think this set up will work?


Active Member
Y= the displaced water from the MT. Z= depth needed in sump to accommodate the displaced water from the MT.
So example 2.5" x 72" x 18"(?)=3240 cubic inches, divid by 231 (number of cubic" in a gallon)=14.026 gallons. So, you need call it 15 gallons of room in the sump for backwash from the MT. Sump dims for backwash are 36"L x 12"W x Z D = 3465cu" (15 gals) right? Then subtract Z by the sump tank height and you have max baffle height. Right?
Get it?


Oh S... I just killed my 10 gal trying to drill guess i was going to fast, so I tried to do the other side very slowly with the water running over it was going good so I stoped for a break then boom it shattered and I wasn't even working on it. So I think it was tempered glass. I know the bottom of my 125 is temp but not sure about the sides. So I had a glass co come out and check it he said if I would have drilled it it would have shattered to :scared: so drilling is out the whole tank is tempered. So what about a U tube, or hang on OF.


Thanks guys! I am going to be building a sump and all this stuff really helps. I am probably going to be doing something pretty similar for my 55. I have a 20H and a 20L. I am thinking the 20 high will be a good refugium tank and the 20L as the straight sump. Are bioballs okay to use between the baffles without cleaning or just lose them all together?


Active Member
Hello all!, I'm back for a bit!
Scott, you can use a HOB OF just get one thats 1200 gph. I prefer U-tube style over CPR but thats me. It will work just the same. I'm curious how the glass guy was able to tell that it was all tempered glass? Did you check with the manufacturer?
Indy, I would use the Tall for the sump and the Long for the fuge. Your backwash will end up in the sump and footprint will be more important in the fuge.....


OK think everything is going good but still trying to find out if I can drill it or not. haven't had a lot of time last week or so should be able to look some more saturday. Thanks for all you help Tim.