Originally Posted by mony97
Okay so here is my logical thought on this.. As Cran stated fish are excited to us because we provide them with food it is a pattern that is easy for them to discern and "remember". However, there memory is short lived so at some point or another they will forget the life they once lived and only know the routines we provided for them.
And since the ability to mentally picture or identify with something we have never experienced is exclusive to, well, us our fish do not know they could be any more or less happy there emotions are based on instinct not whether or not they had a good day.
But with all that said I do very much enjoy thinking my fish are happy in every sense of the word and enjoy watching them, which makes all the stress, money, cleaning and trips to the LFS worth it, because all in all there are not that many people that can say they have a piece of the ocean in there home..

Just my .02
I believe there have been studies done that prove fish have a very good capacity to retain and remember. Goldfish do not, as once thought, have a 3 second memory. The little, plastic castle is not a surprise, every tme.

I don't know that they really have any capacity for reflecting backwards, however. That is, I think if you took a wild-caught fish that lived in a tank for 6 years and re-released it, it would probably be able to remember how to hunt and what predators to avoid (though who knows, it might swim up to hapless snorklers and beg for food), but I don't really think any fish sits in our tank and pines for the ocean. I, persoanlly, think fish can be unhappy, but I don't believe that unhappiness stems from what they left behind in the sea so much as immediate needs that aren't being met in the way most effective for the fish.
I do think you hit the nail on the head, though, as to why this hobby exists at all. How rewarding it is for us to see our fish thrive, our corals grow and brighten. It's like having a very persnicky garden that, despite all odds, we make beautiful and, well, happy.