Does this list look ok for fish ideas


this is my new fish idea will it work since I no longer have the eel


Green mandarin goby
2 Ocellaris clownfish (captive bred)
Flame angel
Six line wrasse
One spot fox face
Axilspot Hogfish
4 Blue/Green Reef Chromis
Neon Goby
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
2 Tomato Clownfish (captive bred)


Bulb Anemone
Long tentacle anemone
2 Dwarf Colored Feather Duster
Blue Ridge Coral, Aquacultured


Red Tuxedo Urchin
Purple Short Spine Pincushion Urchin
2 Electric Blue Hermit Crab
Banded Coral Shrimp
Emerald Crab


Well-Known Member
That list should work. The only thing that concerns me is the mandarin goby. How mature is your tank? Mandarins need to be put in a tank that is no less than 6 months old, and preferably a year old. Seeding the tank with Parvocalanus copepods several months prior to getting the mandarin is highly recommended, as this is their favorite food. In fact, it's the only food they need to keep them healthy and growing. If you don't have a good copepod population, please make sure the mandarin is eating processed food(s) before buying one. Unless it is specified as a "tank-bred" mandarin, it's most likely a wild-caught fish. You can sometimes train a wild mandarin to eat frozen and processed foods, but then again, it may starve to death before ever making the connection. With plenty of pods in the tank before the mandarin arrives, there are no worries about whether it will eat or not. It will start searching the rocks and sand for pods right away, as that is it's natural feeding method. Mandarins are very slow, methodical eaters, and that's the reason copepods are recommended. The other fish on your list will wipe out any food in short order, so having pods for the mandarin to graze on throughout the day can mean the difference between life and death.

Before I bought my mandarin, I seeded the tank with copepods and amphipods. I bought approximately 5000 pods, and several 16oz bottles of Parvocalanus copepods in the months prior to placing my order. That was over 2 years ago. The first year, he ate only copepods. After a year, he finally took a bite of flake food. He liked it, and will eat it, but only if some comes his way.


k so i have been doing some researh and this is what i have decided to get


2 Ocellaris clownfish
One spot fox face
Clown Goby, Citrinis
2 Green mandarin goby
4 Blue/Green Reef Chromis
Neon Goby
Sailfin Tang, Desjardini
Flame angel


Blue Ridge Coral, Aquacultured


Bulb Anemone
2 Dwarf Colored Feather Duster
Red Tuxedo Urchin
2 Electric Blue Hermit Crab
Banded Coral Shrimp

So would this be an ok idea for my fish


or if i go with aggressive fish and go with the size of fish per gallon ( if I can)

My dream fish

snowflake eel
humu picasso trigger
porcupine puffer
Sailfin Tang, Desjardini
flame angel

could i do that or is that just a terrible no good out of your mind idea


Well-Known Member
k so i have been doing some researh and this is what i have decided to get


2 Ocellaris clownfish
One spot fox face
Clown Goby, Citrinis
2 Green mandarin goby
4 Blue/Green Reef Chromis
Neon Goby
Sailfin Tang, Desjardini
Flame angel


Blue Ridge Coral, Aquacultured


Bulb Anemone
2 Dwarf Colored Feather Duster
Red Tuxedo Urchin
2 Electric Blue Hermit Crab
Banded Coral Shrimp

So would this be an ok idea for my fish
2 mandarins may be tough, unless you are willing to spend a lot of time teaching them to eat prepared food. It can be done but takes time.
The tank is kind of small for a sailfin tang you might look into a Kole or Tomini tang.
Coral banded shrimp will take fish.
Anemone needs a lot of light and a mature tank. If you don't have that I'd wait until you do.


Well-Known Member
or if i go with aggressive fish and go with the size of fish per gallon ( if I can)

My dream fish

snowflake eel
humu picasso trigger
porcupine puffer
Sailfin Tang, Desjardini
flame angel

could i do that or is that just a terrible no good out of your mind idea
These would probably work in a big enough tank, in my opinion 75 gallons isn't big enough, with the possible exception of the flame who might become an expensive snack.


Well-Known Member

I haven't read all the thread... Here is IMO the best way to stock your tank for fish. Pick out the fish you want the most, that must have critter that got you into Saltwater in the first place. Build your tank, and list around that. Always purchase critters suitable for your size tank, as an adult. You can't do inch per fish, that idea almost worked for freshwater, but not at all for saltwater critters.

This book is the best book I have ever found for helping with selection. I tried to post a page so you could see the info it has, but the site just won't let me. It keeps saying the file is too large...



So the two I really want is the flame angel and the snowflake could they be together and if so what other fish can I get to go with these guys


Well-Known Member
I tried to post a page so you could see the info it has, but the site just won't let me. It keeps saying the file is too large...
If you're trying to send the picture from a computer, right click on the picture and choose "Open with Paint". Click the resize button a the top/left. It depends on the size of the original picture, as to how much it needs to be resized. It may take a few tries, but the object is to get the picture to 1mb or less. Anything bigger will not upload. If using a cell phone, send the picture to your own phone in a message. It will automatically resize it. Use this picture to upload to this site... ;)


Ok so the only fish I really care about in the aggressive tank idea is the snowflake eel, porcupine puffer, humu Picasso, and the flame angel but I am willing to take that one out but I am also wandering what would it take to get the snowflake eel in the reef tank which ones would I take out. Plus is there a puffer that could go in a reef tank cause I think I will be taking out many of the fish


Could this work

Blue spot puffer.
Snowflake eel.
Flame angel.
One spot foxface
Pinkface wrasse.
Bluefin angelfish.
Coral beauty angelfish
Humu Picasso

I found these guys on live Aquaria


plus the only one that isnt rcomended for 75g is the humu picasso which I wanted to ask if it was ok to get and plus with the snowflake eel eat the flame angel or any 4" fish