Does this list look ok for fish ideas


Green mandarin goby
2 Ocelarris clownfish
Flame angel
Six line wrasse
One spot foxface

Wait till green mandarin and ocelarris clownfishs dies till next fish

Pinkface wrasse
Snowflake Eel
Blue Spotted Puffer
Coral Hogfish
Axilspot Hogfish

And what are some more if I can add more


Well-Known Member
Id worry a bit about some of the small fish becoming eel food. I had a snowflake eel for a few years. He was about 8" when I hit him but he grew very fast almost 2 feet when he figured out how to get out of the tank. I had him in a tank almost alone just a big clarkii clown who was super aggressive
Puffer might be an issue too.


Well-Known Member
Both eel and puffer eat smaller fish or crabs or shrimp or snails.
You don't want a tight lid because it interferes with gas exchange reducing oxygen in tank which can kill the fish.


Well-Known Member
And... if the eel decided to make a meal of the puffer, it will release toxins that will kill everything in the tank. Other than that, there's really no danger...


Well-Known Member
I fed my eel krill using forceps once a day. He started with one a day but increased as he grew. Not sure about puffers but certainly every day. They need hard stuff to crunch on to grind down their teeth.


Ok I have made an update to the supplies here is is and please tell what ones should be taken out (except for the flame angel and the snowflake eel those guys wont be leaving:p)