Doomed Newbies


For those of us who are truly here for some help, please take it easy on us. Just to let you know I purchased books, made phone calls and spoke to "supposed" fish experts. I did not know about this site until about 2 months ago. WHEN you are a NEW hobbyest, and you are reading one thing, and the "supposed" experts are telling you another, what are you to do...THEN you come to this forum for advice and you get chewed up and spit out.....YES, I realize there are people out there that DO NO RESEARCH, And to tell you the truth, even I, can tell some of who they are...and yes it is frustrating that some people have no regard for life. I am not one of them. Like I said before, I took advice from people who were "Supposed" experts....and am now finding out that some of the advice was not good. I have already changed some equipment, and am in the process of changing more. Help us NEWBIES that are truly looking to make a better more natural living environment for their livestock....


Active Member
Most of us who've been around a couple years or more really do try to help as many new people as possible. There are some that are a tad more abrasive than they should be, but many of us stick around this site to help others. Hopefully, that is what we're doing.


Active Member

Originally Posted by meowzer
For those of us who are truly here for some help, please take it easy on us. Just to let you know I purchased books, made phone calls and spoke to "supposed" fish experts. I did not know about this site until about 2 months ago. WHEN you are a NEW hobbyest, and you are reading one thing, and the "supposed" experts are telling you another, what are you to do...THEN you come to this forum for advice and you get chewed up and spit out.....YES, I realize there are people out there that DO NO RESEARCH
, And to tell you the truth, even I, can tell some of who they are...and yes it is frustrating that some people have no regard for life. I am not one of them. Like I said before, I took advice from people who were "Supposed" experts....and am now finding out that some of the advice was not good. I have already changed some equipment, and am in the process of changing more. Help us NEWBIES that are truly looking to make a better more natural living environment for their livestock....
im sorry if I have offended you..Im sure I have, but if you ever have a question shoot me a pm and I will try to help..I get irritated at people who think throwing money at a tank will make it all better...seen my build thread? I have had to learn alot of things the hard way. I am by know means an expert but I have been around awhile, just let me know if you need any help..sorry to come across as a jerk. I just get tired of people asking for advice and doing the exact other thing


Active Member
hey meowzer, if any of us have bashed on you, let me be the first to apologize, i admit that im still a newb, but ive been doing research, ive got a near photographic memory lol and i learn very very fast, but i still dont feel im ready for a tank just yet, there's still more research for me to do first LOL and thats what im gonna keep doing, both on here, in books, and in picking peoples brains LOL
and yes, people do get upset when people come on here for advice, then spit it back in their face and tell them that they dont know what they are talking about, even when said person giving the advice might have 20 years in the hobby and so on and so forth, but, again, if i or any of us have bashed on you, i do apologize for that
if you have any questions, feel free to pm any of us on here, if i dont know the answer to something, im sure i know someone who does, and that goes for any and all of us lol


LOL, I really don't get offended that easily, But I have thought twice about asking advice because I didn't want to start a forum war...LOL....It seems I have received a lot of "mixed" advice that has caused some issues with some of my livestock. I am truly trying to fix this...Bad advice not only is dangerous to our livestock, it is also very costly$$$$....


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL, I really don't get offended that easily, But I have thought twice about asking advice because I didn't want to start a forum war...LOL....It seems I have received a lot of "mixed" advice that has caused some issues with some of my livestock. I am truly trying to fix this...Bad advice not only is dangerous to our livestock, it is also very costly$$$$....
Im soryy if I offened you and Im sure I prolly did...dont be afraid to ask for sorry for pissing you off, pm me with any questions you have and I'll answer to the best of my ability...once again I am sorry


Active Member
I do know just what you mean about starting arguments on here
it does tend to be a habit for many..none of us are experts here we are all just hobbiest everyone needs to keep this in mind..we all have view and opinions as to what has worked for us.. so many ways of doing things what may have worked for one may not work for another..i always try to give what information I have had experiences with.. triumphs and failures alike... but i do strongly suggest doing your own research so you will have more of an idea of which advice is sound and which of it is not..i get very frustrated at times not just on this forum but others as well as to what some are asking when they need help and then their response when help is given..using common sense comes into mind.. unfortunately not everyone tends to show having any..this is not a bash to anyone mind you..i guess im just venting my frustrations as well. as to some of the petty arguments and bashing that get started when anyone has a difference of opinion or ideas.. myself im a research addict lol.. I find myself reading post that peak my interest then going about online and finding information about them to better help those in need even if its something i have not experience as of yet myself..such as certain illnesses.. when it comes to equipment thats hubby's job in this hobby he maintains equipments and i maintain the fish and it all seams to work very well for us.. don't let petty debates dis way your interest in the forums here i have been a member here for quite some time now I don't always agree with all the advice given but it has proven to be a plunder of knowledge for those seeking it and those willing to share in it.. welcome to the boards


Ok, I don't think I've offended you but I'm sorry for all those who I have. I have had saltwater tanks for only about five years and have learned alot. I went through a long time trusting a LFS and have a stupid amount of money to spend, I have seen everything. I bought too much, too fast and have made evrey mistake possible. I also suffer from extreme impatience. Now that I've slowed down, have taken deep breaths and moved away from the LFS and learned REAL advice; My tank is awesome. I found this site only four or five months ago. I have learned alot since finding this site and only give advice on what I know. I am definately hard on members who have an immediate choice to make or a fish will die. That is my weekness. We are directly in control of these fish and corals lives. Therefore sometimes a strong response can mean life or death for an innocent fish. In those situations my response will always be harsh. "If you want it out of your tank then find it a home !" are words I go by. I'm not over board with that thought though, I don't think " killing aiptasia" is wrong. I can be harsh but If anyone has ever read mine responses, I can also be very apologetic and complimenting. So on that note : I'm sorry for all those I have offendind and apologize upfront for those I will probably offend in the future. I have the best intentions. And I learn everyday from this site and respect the knowledge that have been given it to me.


I got that to when I first started here you wil learn who are jerks
you just have to make it through the freshman hazing. my first post was "calling all tang police" right after a troll terrorized the board
I got wooped on for that one
you guys know who you were they are my friends now


NEVER be scared to post on here...ever! Ask anything that you would like. Don't let a few abrasive individuals ruin your eagerness to learn. If anyone gives you a problem, simply PM one of the mods. This site is open for anyone that is interested in learning and those that decide to disrupt the flow will be dealt with accordingly.
meowzer i totally agree with you. i got roasted when i added two new tangs to my one tang (which i had for 9 months) in my 55gal cube. i had only bought from one lfs and he told me it was okay. i knew it didn't seem right when i brought them home so i wrote my first post on this website. needless to say, after the whipping, i quickly returned the two new tangs. i don't think one person who responded to my thread was nice, until i happened to mention i was on here looking for help and willing to learn and return!


Active Member
IMO very hard sometimes to hear questions asked and people doing everything they can to avoid what is being suggested. I hope we are not confusing "being nice" with getting information from people that have experience in these things that may not meet with what the "newbie" wants to hear.
I realize that some people are just plain mean with their answers, but have also seen some good information given only to be Poo Pooed but the poster.
Also it is hard to convey emotion in the written word, and sometimes what is written seems crass and is not meant to be. I have been around a while on the board and others and have probably made some people angry with my answers but do not mean to. Talk is the way to get around these types of misunderstandings. It the answer is truly mean spirited best to ignore it and move on.


Active Member
meowzer am I the one who offened you? dont beat the bush around the best just come out and tell me if I am.. I wont think nothing about it..I'll help all I can just llok at it from my point of view..I have been on here awhile and see the same questions pop up everyday..thats why we have archives and a search feature


NO, nigerbang...honestly no one actually offended me....I just feel that the boards can be rough on some people (yeah some seem like they deserve it LOL) It's not everyone at all, like I said earlier I have gotten some very good advice, and I'll admit it, some contradicting advice too...BUT I do read other threads and learn from them too (I hope)


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
NO, nigerbang...honestly no one actually offended me....I just feel that the boards can be rough on some people (yeah some seem like they deserve it LOL) It's not everyone at all, like I said earlier I have gotten some very good advice, and I'll admit it, some contradicting advice too...BUT I do read other threads and learn from them too (I hope)
if you ever have anyquestions feel free to PM me....ask most around..I have an idea of whats going on..I can help to the best of my knowledge....glad I didnt piss ya off