Doomed Newbies


Active Member
if you ask for advice and then ignore it, that would make you ignorant and shouldnt have asked in the first place


So you all are going to bicker on a thread about new people asking for help? This isn't the thread to bring up every post that someone disagrees about. Bring it to a mod, PM, email, elsewhere. Don't do it here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
So you all are going to bicker on a thread about new people asking for help? This isn't the thread to bring up every post that someone disagrees about. Bring it to a mod, PM, email, elsewhere. Don't do it here.
did you even read the other thread before making your comment? I think the best thing to do with people who ask for help then spit in your face if to ignore then...I have offered both a chance to pm me so i can try to help..guess you missed that..


Originally Posted by NigerBang
did you even read the other thread before making your comment? I think the best thing to do with people who ask for help then spit in your face if to ignore then...I have offered both a chance to pm me so i can try to help..guess you missed that..
I wasn't talking to you. Yes, I read every thread posted within this thread. You have apologized several times to this person that said you were not the one who was offensive. Now you are being rude to me for no reason. Maybe it is time to relax.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I wasn't talking to you. Yes, I read every thread posted within this thread. You have apologized several times to this person that said you were not the one who was offensive. Now you are being rude to me for no reason. Maybe it is time to relax.
Sorry if I came off that way...we go way back and I am just now starting to surf this board know I have the utmost respect for you..I was talking about a poster on another the post mixed up


Originally Posted by NigerBang
Sorry if I came off that way...we go way back and I am just now starting to surf this board know I have the utmost respect for you..I was talking about a poster on another the post mixed up
Alright, I was wondering what that was all about. We have always gotten along.


Active Member
all ya all need to take a chill pill...
and to newbs... if you ask for advice and dont get the answer youre looking for then dont take and dont argue... its your $$$ that youre wasting...
also the SEARCH feature and the ARCHIVES are great tools for newbs so that you dont look like a tool...


Active Member
all our sponsers are local companies that dont do mail order thats why I wasnt thinking about it...just LFS in our areas