Originally Posted by
I would not stir the sand by hand because your going to have a nitrate explosion!!
I don't quite agree with this. While it's absolutely true if we were getting into the sand bed and really turning the sand over completely, I think the post originator was just blowing off the surface, getting the leftover detritus into the water column and/or mixing it into the top layer of sand. I've done that since I got back into the hobby, never had a nitrate explosion. But, like I said.....I'm just creating a sandstorm here, so to speak. I'm not shovelling my way through the sandbed.
I agree with you on the cleanup crew, though. Why do all that work if you have someone to do it for you? I don't think a sand sifting star is a good idea for a smallish tank, but the brittle stars, nassarius snails (I can't spell tonight either!) and other sand shifters are great for our tanks.
On a related note, has anyone tried to put a couple sand sifter crabs in their tank? Down here in FL they're known as sand fleas....get them by the dozen when you're fishing from the shore, but I noticed they sell them here at SWF!! I'm tempted to go down to the beach and catch a few, see how they do.....