Dumbest thing you dropped in your tank?


What is the DUMBEST thing you have dropped in your tank, I am talking DUMB!!
Mine was a filet knife during the nightly feeding frenzy. No one was stabbed, But I swear my Puffer is keeping his eye on me!


Yeah thats pretty scary. But I think I got you beat. I was working with my lighting and the whole fixture fell in the water! While it was on! :scared:
I had no clue what to do first unplug it or pull it out of the water.
For a second i thought my fish were gonna be fish fry for dinner

I'd say it was a "O crap" moment.

darth tang

Active Member
My cat, well he sort of jumped in but I was holding him by the tank at the time. He doesn't go near the aquariums now.


My cat is now a pro at standing on narrow edges. Her one swimming trip taught her a lesson.

I love seeing cats that are soaked. :hilarious


so far in my salt water tank nothing........but my fresh water 75 gal thought it would be kind of cool to put in lake fish started with a finger sized catfish and a small bluegill brem so time went on and things were good theni thought i would do something more even with all of the hiding places and live plant a largemouth bass that is about 6 - 7 inches long is a bad idea.......good old high school


Active Member
i once dropped a HUGE thing of flake food in my fw tank. it fell off a shelf above the open tank and went everywhere. water changes like mad for the next 2days. :mad:


My son dumped a whole can of the flake food in a fw tank once. Turned the water black. It was a mess to clean up


About 5 years ago, my son dropped a bowl of Cereal with milk in the tank. He did it on accident ofcourse, but was scared and didn't tell me until it was too late. All my fish had died. I didn't notice my tank until about 2 hours later. That was pretty bad....


I have to admit I droped my lights in once. Not my main light but the set I use for my sump/refrigium.
Hmm what else is next....
If wass definaly one of the OH CRAP moments....you feel so stupid for doing it and don't know what to do first.
The light still worked suprisonly enough underwater! I took it out let it dry a day and has been working fine ever since.


My daughter put a bar of soap in mine. I came home frome work and was like "what the heck is that?". Guess she thought they needed a bath.


Worst thing for me was an unquarantined powder blue tang. I had her in the bag getting drip acclimated on top of the tank. Right when I opened the bag all the way she jumped out of the bag, landed on the tank top of the closed side, and flopped her way in to the tank. Only my foxface has ever jumped that far before. Took me 2 hours to get her back out after I disassembled the rockwork.


Active Member
I also dropped my lights into my sump/refugium. It's a good thing that I have everything plugged into a GFCI.


Active Member
I set the water testings with the chemicals in the tubes...and of course somehow they got knocked over....and they got into the tank...and killed EVERYTHING in my 20g FW tank that I had a few years back...


Active Member
Originally Posted by dbalkema
About 5 years ago, my son dropped a bowl of Cereal with milk in the tank. He did it on accident ofcourse, but was scared and didn't tell me until it was too late. All my fish had died. I didn't notice my tank until about 2 hours later. That was pretty bad....

I had a gallon jug of kalkwasser mix I was getting ready to slowly dose, and it slipped out of my hand into the tank. My girlfriend was clear across the room and even she got wet. Thankfully the kalkwasser stayed in the jug.


my newly purchased 198 watt light setup. It kind of slipped off the hanging setup while on. Thank god it blew a fuse before it blew up my fish. But as far as i actually dropped in so far only a few of the baseball pins above the tank


I had a wipeout of a f/w communal tank a few years ago, i noticed the water smelled like orange juice - apparently my son had thought the fish were thirsty!


Active Member
Nothing in my saltwater.. but I have a incense burner that I kept on top of the tank.. lighted several incense in it creating a bunch of ashes.. well I picked the thing up by the wrong part of it apparently and the hinges to it broke and it swung open and dumped all the ashes in the tank... nothin at all happend to the fish though.


Active Member
The dumbest thing I put in my reef tank was a Haitian Anemone. Got rid of it the very next day, it took me like 20min trying to catch it underneath all the rock work. :happyfish