Eagle Scout Project


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I really am just posting this because it's been so long since I've posted much of anything at all.
I recently turned 17. This means that I have less than a year to finish up my Eagle. I have all of my merit badges but still have my entire project ahead of me. I have to stop procrastinating.
I'm still in the first stages of my project. I'm leaning toward doing a toy/book drive. Obviously a few
calls are in order. If I go with this idea, I'll have to figure out a charity. I'm thinking of Toys-For-Tots or the likes. While this doesn't directly affect just MY community, it does have a significant positive effect on my community. Then I'll probably get local churches to work with me on it.
I did realize one fun advantage. The man who will be approving (or disapproving) my project happens to be a teacher that I had in eighth grade. So I may be able to shoot him an email to determine if this idea has a good probably of passing before I actually take the time to fill out my papers.
In any case, I need to kick myself in gear and I was wondering if anyone has any words of wisdom, suggestions, and/or ideas. If not, that's okay. My fingers were itching.


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Just last year, I helped a couple of freind's of mine son's finish their Eagle Scout projects. There's actually five of them going through the ceremony next month. One of them built a handicap ramp at a local church, another built a octagonal deck for a church, and the last one built this 3-tiered rotated deck for a Cougar compound at a local Wild Habitat Sanctuary.


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Originally Posted by bionicarm
Just last year, I helped a couple of freind's of mine son's finish their Eagle Scout projects. There's actually five of them going through the ceremony next month. One of them built a handicap ramp at a local church, another built a octagonal deck for a church, and the last one built this 3-tiered rotated deck for a Cougar compound at a local Wild Habitat Sanctuary.
I do have the opportunity to do a handicap ramp. That definitely is on my list of options. Thanks for the input.


Active Member
Is a toybook drive going to cut it? When I went through it 19 years ago they were after more than just a fund raiser kind of thing. I did a large garden and benches at a local synagogue. The fund raising part was just one piece of the pie...


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Originally Posted by DragonZim
Is a toybook drive going to cut it? When I went through it 19 years ago they were after more than just a fund raiser kind of thing. I did a large garden and benches at a local synagogue. The fund raising part was just one piece of the pie...
Yea, my buddies son's had to do the 'fundraiser's' to get enough donations to pay for the materials to build their various projects. They wanted the recipients to put as little money as possible, if any at all, into the project. I don't think a toy/book drive will cut it.


Active Member
What a coincidence...I took my son last night to a Church board meeting. It's an old, rural Church and they want to shape up their cemetery. So my son will be coordinating the recording of 80+ grave stones, cleaning and straightening them, as well as coordinating with a co. that will be coming in with ground penetrating radar to locate some unmarked graves. Then all of this will be mapped out with gps coordinates and turned over to the Church. He is 14 (almost 15).
Pez...you need to get on this and get it done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
What a coincidence...I took my son last night to a Church board meeting. It's an old, rural Church and they want to shape up their cemetery. So my son will be coordinating the recording of 80+ grave stones, cleaning and straightening them, as well as coordinating with a co. that will be coming in with ground penetrating radar to locate some unmarked graves. Then all of this will be mapped out with gps coordinates and turned over to the Church. He is 14 (almost 15).
Pez...you need to get on this and get it done.
Is this for a scout project or just something you and he want to do?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Is this for a scout project or just something you and he want to do?
Yes, this is going to be his Eagle project. He only has one merit badge to finish up, and his project, and he is done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Wow, 14 is YOUNG for that... Good for him!
Yes, but I'm about to lose him. He's got a girlfriend, and he's big into paintball (not allowed in Scouts), so the only thing I have over him right now is that he WILL NOT get his drivers license until he has completed all Eagle requirements.
But normally, I wouldn't have a 14/15 year old going in for Eagle board of reviews. I sat in with one of my Scouts (I'm an ASM) not too long ago (he was 15...almost 16) and the reviewers even questioned his young age. He passed, but generally it's frowned upon.


I did my Eagle Project about 15 years ago. I re-mulched the paths and took logs to boarder them for my local wildlife park. We also cleaned out the underbrush, made a small pond. I was able to go to local hardware stores and local landscapers too and got donations. The wildlife park director was willing to get the donations if I needed them. I never needed any outside money all the material needed was donated the landscaper even got 5 of his employees to help put together the large pond.


Active Member
Wow, thanks for the responses. I had a new idea yesterday. My elementary school is being closed and they have a lot of playground equipment that is in great condition. Somebody in the school board suggested that the playground equipment be moved to the local park. I thought that coordinating this would be a good idea. I contacted my 8th grade science teacher (he is active in the scouting community and is likely to be the one approving/disapproving my project-I think I already mentioned that). He said that it was a great idea so now I need to email the superintendent and see if I can do this or not. Hopefully he will cooperate and I can write this up and organize it for the summer. I will have to wait until the summer to do it. I can't very well take away the playground equipment while the kids are still using it for recess.
Anyway, I am excited about this project and I hope that I will be able to do it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Wow, thanks for the responses. I had a new idea yesterday. My elementary school is being closed and they have a lot of playground equipment that is in great condition. Somebody in the school board suggested that the playground equipment be moved to the local park. I thought that coordinating this would be a good idea. I contacted my 8th grade science teacher (he is active in the scouting community and is likely to be the one approving/disapproving my project-I think I already mentioned that). He said that it was a great idea so now I need to email the superintendent and see if I can do this or not. Hopefully he will cooperate and I can write this up and organize it for the summer. I will have to wait until the summer to do it. I can't very well take away the playground equipment while the kids are still using it for recess.
Anyway, I am excited about this project and I hope that I will be able to do it.
That sounds like a pretty good idea. You can see if you can get some local landscapers to donate some timemanopwer to assist in getting the new site prepped and maybe find a playground company to donate some time help dismantle and transport from one site to the other.


Active Member
I've talked with a lot of people in the past few days and I have been working on this. That is my reason for not being on the forums for awhile. I have to present my plan to the school board on Tuesday. I'm keeping things vague right now because I don't want to give people the impression that I can't coordinate things well in the case that things don't go exactly according to plan. There is a chance that the board will donate the equipment to the Middle School rather than the park. Some people are for this, but I for one am not. The playground equipment would only be used by the Special Needs students and nobody else. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but I would rather see it go to the park (which I have to admit is barren). I'm shooting (secretly) to start this project on June 27 and finish it off on the Fourth of July (a Sunday). If all goes according to plan, the project should be done and the concrete should have set by this time. That way I can have a sort of picnic on the Fourth. It may sound as though as I am over my head, but I am keeping things vague. I just wanted to share some ideas here and now. I am praying that the board allows this equipment to be donated. I KNOW that they are going to donate it. There is no reason that they wouldn't. It literally has no value when it comes to selling the building. The problem comes in getting them to donate to the Township. Anyway, end rant.


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I gave a short presentation today and obtained board approval for the donation. I still have to turn in my papers, then the real work begins. To be continued...


Active Member
Are you talking about turning in your papers for your Project Board of Review?
Congrats on the approval.


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Before I could get my project approved, I had to get approval that a project existed. So, I had to get approval from the school to donate and approval from the park to accept.


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Wow, I haven't updated this in a while. I'm still not finished, but what can I say this is a HUGE project. I have completely finished the school. I removed all of the equipment and leveled out the ground. I am meeting with a contractor on Monday to discuss the holes. So far I have only spent about 50 bucks and hopefully I will only have to spend another 150 bucks for the concrete. I need 3 and 3/4 yards of concrete so 150 isn't too bad. I think I'm doing pretty well with my budget considering the fact that I was able to get a backhoe, a forklift, two bobcats, two jackhammers, a skid steer, two grinders, and an auger...all for free. I consider myself more than half finished for two reasons. Most of the work I had to do was making billions of phone calls and pulling lots of strings. The other reason is that busting concrete sucks and pouring it should be a lot easier. I'm not saying this from experience though, so we'll see.