You do bring up a good point. Its not just urchins. I am a little biased, but all animals are significant to me. I am not a veggie head because of my believes that the man upstairs gave man animals to eat, but he never said be mean to them and slaughter them and be terrible terrible people. That's just me though... As far a chickens go, I totally know what you mean. They get the short end of the stick.

It's very sad. I wish I lived in a place where things like "free range" and actual "humane" meat was available. Unfortunately though,I am limited with my budget and what they off in the markets.
This is also the reason why I don't eat seafood. I don't like the taste, or smell, but also the way they are caught, killed etc. I don't really eat anything that isn't farmed... i.e meat. No one catches these cows and eats them like we do fish from the ocean or that urchin. Maybe 1000 cows ago, the original one was wild... obviously... but you know. I think it's terrible about lobster too. Has anyone ever seen those machines where you catch your own lobster for dinner at a restaurant? I think thats terrible. they live their lives in a terrible environment, only to be throw in a pot. No, way. I can't do it, I'm sorry.
The thing here to me... is the eating it alive. It's not eating it, I don't pick up a chicken and take a bite out. It's killed first, hopefully quickly and I wish, more humanely... I am not a chicken farmer, if I were... rest assured that I would do something about it, and have the prettiest, nicest chicken farm ever.
And yes meowzer... I def. mean those. lol