Everyone Must Post! Let's see them all!


Active Member
300gal. empty
210gal. cycling
- Hawiian Dragon Moray
- Whitemouth Moray
- 8" Sailfin Tang
25gal. reef
- zoos
- shrooms
- True Perc.
- black Sailfin Blenny
- Clown Goby
- Rainsford Goby
12gal. nano
- baby Bimac Octo


55 gallon fish only
{soon to be a reef tank}
- 1 snowflake eel
- 4 blue damsils
- 1 chocalote chip starfish
- just started putting fish in
- going to get some tangs, angels, and some inverts


Active Member
125g reef...2 RBTA's, 2 frogspawn, stripped 'rooms, 2 red 'rooms, 120lbs of L/R and L/S.
Fish- scribble angel, goldflake angel, yellow tang, royal gramma and pair of percs. All fish are in holding tanks being treated w/ hypo for precaution. Will be added gradually. Tank has been up for 5 years or so. WIll post pics in January.


Active Member
75 gallon, Fish only
1 Volitans Lion
1 Humu Humu trigger
1 Blue Throat trigger
1 Yellow Tang
1 Hippo Tang
1 Stickleback Burrfish


55 gallon, Fish only (soon to be a reef, though)
1 false perc.
1 b&w heniochus
1 yellow watchman
1 engineer goby
1 lubbock's fairy wrasse
2 lawnmower blennies
1 cleaner shrimp
a handful of snails and hermits


Active Member
33 long mostly fish only
maroon clown
coral beauty angel
cleaner shrimp
coral banded shrimp
15? little blue leg hermits
2-3 scarlet hermits (damn things keep getting eaten, probably because they're twice the price as blue legs)
1 big unknown hermit
some mushroom coral that came with the rock


Active Member
140 reef
we keep the fish load rather light. we have only one big fish. all others are very small.
large sailfin
med hippo
ornate wrasse
lemon wrasse
lawnmower blenny
purple fire fish
maroon clown pair.
as for inverts we also keep it veyr low. i have about
4-5 red leg hermits
3 cleaner shrimp
and about 6 snails
i think people get craxy over loaded with hermits and snails. i never under stand when i see clean up crew packs in the 100's of each. thats just over kill IMO.
as for corals i dont think i could list them all if i wanted to. when i buy a new coral its nto a matter of where i want to place it. its more a mater of which coral dont i mind covering up inorder to place it.


78 gallon
Fish only
1 panther grouper
1 dogface puffer
1 huma trigger
1 yellow tang
1 giant hawkfish
1 tesselata eel
Please don't flame me i know its a little crowded but everyone is relativly small and i plan on either upgrading my tank or donating some of the fish.


I don't know about you guys, but this has been one of the most informative posts. It's nice to see what combinations of fish and inverts everyone has in their tanks. It's also nice to see a lot of combinations in one single post as well.


75 reef
1 Domino Damsel
1 YT Damsel
1 Spotted dragonett
10 P shrimp
10 mex t snails
1 sally light foot
6 E crabs
6 nas snails
1 sand sifting star
4 large turbo snails
2 or 3 keyhole serpents the seem to multiple lol 1 big and 2 small that I know of
lots of corals


Active Member
150g reef, 6 ft.
200 lb LR
100 lb LS
40g fuge
3- 4 in. Yellow Tangs
3- Bluegreen Chromis
6 in. Hippo Tang
6 in. Sailfin Tang
5 in. Purple Tang
Maited Cinnimon Clowns
Coral Beauty Angle
Flame Angel
Bluestreak Wrasse
Lawnmower Blenny
2- 6 Line Wrasses
Flame Hawkfish
Lyratail Anthia
14 in. LTA
14 in. BTA
2- Sandsifter Stars
Lots of PomPom
12 in. Green Finger
14 in. Pastel Finger
2- 4 in. frogspawn
3- 6 in. Green Hammer
8 in. White Hammer
Red/Green Lobo
Orange Zoos
Yellow Zoos
Brown Zoos
Red Mushrooms
Blue Mushrooms
Electric Blue Mushrooms
10 in. of Starpolyps
2- 6 in. Colt
5 in. Blue Linka HH
10 in. Sand Brittle HH
30+- snails
10+- hermits
Red Eye Crab HH
3 in. Limpet HH
HH = hitchhickers
Most of this is 4.5 years old, moved from 180g to the 150g.


Active Member
210 Gallon, with 20 gallon refugium. Very Deep Sandbed
2 Engineer Gobies
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Flametail Blenny
1 Falco Hawkfish
1 Red Spotted Hawkfish (Coolest fish I have)
1 6 Line Wrasse
1 2 Spotted Wrasse
6 Green Chromis
1 Baby Purple Tang (who is funny to watch as he darts back and forth trying to remind everyone he is boss)
In QT:
4 Reef Chromis
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Purple Firefish
1 Royal Gramma
2 Pep. Shrimp
2 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
400 Nass. snails
100 Ceriths
10 Mini Hermits..
1 Black Cucumber
5 emeralds
1 "sold to me as an Emerald but it's not" Crab
1 Pistol Shrimp
Assorted small sponges from Carib. Live Rock
Tiny Feather worms
Peach colored Xenia
Glass Goblet Brain
Unknown small Brain
Small Bubble Tip Anemone
Yellow Tree Sponge
Red Tree Sponge
Encrusting Gorgonia
Yellow Branching Gorgonia


90g mixed reef
1- yellow tang [3 1/2"]
1- hippo tang [1"]
2- firefish [2" ea.]
2- blue/green chromis [2" and 1"]
1- lawnmover bleny [3"]
1- false perc [1 1/2"]
1- pajama cardinal [2"]
1- Skunk clownfish [1"]
1- nasty devil damselfish [in the fuge]
i think thats all. maybe in few months i want to add a small foxface, but for now im all set.
oh, and im planning to upgrade as soon as i can get an apartment on the ground floor as to make sure my tank wont fall through, which is why i only got a 90g. it was calculated that my floor will not be able to support more weight. i hope i will go as much as 300g.


29 Gallon FOWLR
-Bicolor Blenny
-GS Marroon Clown
-Chalk Basslet
-YT Damsel
-4 Turbo Snails
Still planning to more inverts after Christmas. Had ordered a Cleaner Shrimp(died first night in tank), and Mandrian(sp?) Dragonet(DOA).


Active Member
29 gal - Reef although it is FOWLR right now
2 clowns
1 tail spot blenny
1 peppermint shrimp
5 turbo snails
10 Nass Snails
13 hermits (zebras, scarlet, blue legs)


Active Member
16 gallon reef:
Ocellaris clown
Monster goby
Yasha Hashe goby
Pistol shrimp
Mixed snail and hermits
Brittle star
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Devil's hand leather
Toadstool leather
Various ricordea, mushrooms and zoanthids
29 gallon FOWLR:
Twoband clown
Pygmy angel
Bi-color blenny
Pink spotted shrimp goby
Pistol shrimp
Pair of skunk cleaners
Mixed snails and hermits


Active Member
Not listing my coral in either tank because SWF fourms will crash.

*46 gallon bowfront - reef tank
>2 True percula clowns
>3 blue/green chromis
>1 yellow tang
>2 fire shrimp
>1 pistol shrimp
>1 BTA
>3 sexy shrimp
>1 corcea clam
>2 peppermint shrimp
>several christmas tree worms
>several feather dusters
>several hermits
>astrea snails
>mexican turbo snails
>tongan/normal nassarius snails
*55 gallon - reef/frag tank
>1 Blue eyed anthias
>1 Tomato Clown
>1 Twin spot goby
>1 convict goby
>1 circus clown
>1 lawnmower blenny
>4 BTA's
>2 peppermint shrimp
>1 corcea clam
>several astrea
>several mexican turbos
>several hermits


125 gallon
2 clowns
1 yellow tang
3 four stripe damsels
2 yellow tail damsels
1 goby eel
1 large bubble coral
3 carpet anemones
5 emeral crabs
7 peppermint shrimp
a big cleaning crew
a bazillion red discs
125 lbs live rock
55 gallon
55 pounds live rock
1 picasso trigger
1 blue stripe damsel
cleaning crew
90 gallon-
ready to set up!