I think it is something that can be done. It is not easy, but it can be. there are instructions online. If this always failed, I am sure that it would not be part of the instructions. Some will succeed, and others will fail, and in comparing and discussing, it is how the class will learn.
I find this somewhat amusing. We are in a hobby where LOADS of fish die just getting to our door for nothing more than entertainment. Really nothing. If you say "oh no we can teach people about the reef ecosystem and protect it" then I will ask "so it is worth the collection pressure, the thousands upon thousands of fish that will die getting here and reefs impacted so you can teach someone?" Little bit backward, no?
How, exactly, is that different from here. I'll tell you: first, no ecosystem is damaged, second the animals are easy to grow and reproduce and it is a true, experimental, learning experience.
Here we have someone who is trying to learn about a delicate balance, who may in the future really be making a difference, and "oh no!" I don't get it at all. I really don't. Sorry.
They dissect cats - many of which were strays that were euthanized because they were unwanted. They dissect frogs, worms, crickets. This is all to learn about biology. They may very well dissect fish, etc. There is a benefit to learning what animals need, or don't. Frankly, what can kill them. I guarantee a lot of people would acclimate inverts if they did some of the basic experiments you do in marine biology to study osmoregulation.
Some animals may die, so that others may live...and that is especially true in the study of environmental science.