Explain where your user name originated



Mine is taken from my favorite villian of Baldur's Gate II. Mister Jon Irenicus.


How's this for original and/or creative. This is BEDE, my DOG. BEDE stand for B.D. which stands for Black Dog.


Contrary to popular belief mine has nothing to do with the wrestler and more to do with reliability my commanding officer used to call me that when he needed something done ASAP and the 0861 is my MOS (military occupational specialty).:hilarious


Lol. well... there was a T.V. show callled Erie Indiana. One episode had a girl named Sarah Bob that would draw things and they came to life. Her whole family had Bob after their first name. I used to be into sketching and painting when I was younger, wasnt bad at it. my name is Sarah.
Bededog, good to see u didnt name your dog something obvious like midnight or sabbath.


Active Member
kris (first name) h (last name initial) j (middle name initial) 39 (officer number from back in the day)


Active Member
Well I was a zookeeper for 5 years, before the rugrats came along, I worked in the Bird Dept. hence the name Birdy.


My name is from the episode of the Simpsons where
Homer buys a snow plow. He becomes Mr Plow.
Barney starts another snow plow company and he becomes the Plow King.


Active Member
Got this name a few years back when a guy I worked with moved out to KC from the east coast. He stopped into my cube and asked if I knew a place to do lunch. I pulled up my spreadsheet which showed the resteraunts, the price ranges, daily specials, average wait times, phone numbers, etc. .....
He then assumed I do in depth analysis way to much. Over lunch I told him I like to analyze important and/or recurring events .... he then started calling me the overanalyzer .... so I used it becuase my other name I use on-line is for fantasy football and did not seem approrpiate for an on-line fish board (KC Cleveland Nut).
and now you know the rest of the story.....


Active Member
Bet you can't figure mine out :rolleyes:
It seemed preferable to my nickname "the Campbell's Kid"
(anybody remember the little Campbell's soup kids? I was a spitting image.)


Active Member
I've loved the Lord of the Rings books (like stillfrodo) since I read them 23 years ago. I am now a physician. If medicine can achieve its ideal of perfect health, then humans can have near-
immortality such as elves (and my workload would be lighter!).


Active Member
ive used mine on many fourms... it was my name in a MMORRG game called asherons call that i used to play... it came from something somone at my work used to always say which was "yous a backseat baby, know what im talkin bout, skirrby skirrby skirrby!" i guess you would just have to hear it.. we also named my friends cat skirrby. i just kinda stuck with it cause i like it


mine was supposed to the Guberif, you know Firebug backwards, well my friend was typing and said i needed a name i told him, he missheard and typed. stuck that way as my aol screen since 97, now it's just a screen name i use... and nobody else has ever used it anywhere i've tried to use it.... still want to know where the 'n' came from....


New Member
Ok, WV is where I live West Virginia
The legend part came about during one of my Vegas trips. I was playing 7 card stud in the poker room and I couldn't lose. I was hittin' straights, flushes, full boats, I mean I couldn't loose. So the dealer asked me my name, and I told him it was Bob. Then he started calling me by my name. Bob's got a pair of kings, Bob raises this amount. You get the picture. So after about 6 hours of poker and beer, I went back to my roomat about 4am. My 2 brothers and a buddy of ours were in the room sleeping, and I woke them up declaring my self a legend. I guess you probably had to be there, but it kinda stuck after that.



Originally posted by wvlegend
I was playing 7 card stud in the poker room and I couldn't lose. I was hittin' straights, flushes, full boats, I mean I couldn't loose.

Well, don't leave me hanging there, how much did you win?