Explain where your user name originated


Active Member
loL i have a water fall in my pool as well....well in the hot tub rather than the pool...so it will be heated! :thinking:


Active Member
Well I offered first. And the water on our water fall is after the heater so it is heated.
It does feel good to be in the pool and feel the hot water on your back. There is a ledge under the water fall that you can sit on.
Is this too much information?


Jedininja.. pretty easy enough... Star wars fan with a martial arts background. Plus I think it sounds a lot cooler than jedi knight! I think a jedi ninja would kick a jedi knights a$$ anyday!

What type of martial arts are you into kip?


i do magic tricks as a hobby and i use to play a game called delta force and my nick name was magic so it stayed.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
I'm not telling..it would'nt be appropriate..you figure it out:thinking: :hilarious

Once upon a time at college we were watching a video and....
well I've got to go now!


I got my name from the F-14 Fighter squadron I was apart of while I was in the Navy! Weapons( our moto was LANDSCAPING AND POPULATION CONTROL)


Active Member
Asbury is my middle name. Asbury030 is also my s/n so i tried asbury3 because i am a big dale Earnhardt fan but it was already taken so i just came up with 030.:happy:


Ozadars, I just wanted to say that I have always loved your avitar. I have a cockatiel also that looks very similar to yours. Yours looks very sweet, except mine always has a stuck up look to her, kind of a brat. :D

dude crush

Mine's real hard to guess. Just kidding. Yeah, Finding Nemo. You know, Crush, the sea turtle on the EAC(East Australian Current). The one thats like, "Dude! Sweet,""Totally.":scared:


Mines pretty easy:
My name is Shane Vanderburg
DBGT: My good buddy is the head writer for DragonBall and has wrote the last two DragonballZ movie's.
I used to use Ace, but its always taken. It comes from the old days when playing a video game and when you got a high score you were asked to put in your initials. Ace was beeter than my intitials and it stuck around for a while. (I know Im showing my age)


name is Kelly veryone called me kel
and my dad always called me Koolaid/ kool-kel
Speaking of funny nicknames
I felt sorry for my 2 brothers
Ding Ding/ aka White tornado(running up the stairs in his briefs)
and Turkey-butt ( don't remember how that one started lol):jumping:


mine came from highschool football they used to cal me the dragon(tdragon) cause of my agressiveness and its stuck most ppl call me dragon


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I've written 5 fantasy novels. The main character is an elven sorceress based on me. Her name is Dacia Mysteriata.