Explain where your user name originated


Active Member
Well I am over 6 ft 6 and over 250 pounds...... Wife says she is leaving when I reach 275. One more pizza and she is gone!


Active Member
Been playing paintball for 7 years, and my emails and such have been the same for quite some time now. AOL randomizer sort of added the 768, and I was just frustrated enough at the time to go with it.


Active Member
about 27+ years ago it was the one put on my birth certificate ;)
(And yeah....mom got the spelling from the Lotion lol)


Mine is twenty12 because a lot of places do not accept 2012. Its the year. I used to digg the study of Eschatology (end times). Well long story short is that the end of the world is 12/21/2012 according to a lot of sources. It started as a joke, but friends would send me anything with that date an trouble associated with it... and it grew from there. So now I use twenty12.
One of my favorite songs is Debaser by the Pixies... one of the chorus parts is "I want to grow up to be, be a debaserrrr.."
I don't know, it has been my AIM name since 9th grade... so I keep it for all my usernames.


at my arty and passed out and when they tried to wake me they all told me i growled at them and they started calling me maddog


I work in a very small office with three other girls we all dispatch and take calls for a local Taxi service. My real name is DeAnna and I tend to talk too fast for our elderly customers. The customers started saying thank you Tina. We all got a good laugh about it. The girl next to me started calling me Tina Tina and I have 5 in my family. Kinda boring when I sit here and type it out, It's one of those you had to be there stories.