Explain where your user name originated


Active Member
I had a L.L. Bean in 2nd grade and my intals were BJO so my friend read my bag and said bjoe and 23 is my lucky number


Active Member
MIKE=name, 22 number between 21&23(my fav numbers), also the number of my basketball jersey first year playing basketball, and cha=school


Active Member
mine should be my first name but i screwed up typing so it is wrong i wish i could change it but dont know how to PLEASE HELP ME
I was born raised for 19 years in C.C Tx. I fished every chance i got. One of the fish that i went after a lot during the summer was the kingfish. Since that name was taken already. I just added the year i was born along with the year i grad from high school.


Active Member
People at one of the companies I worked for used to say I was like a monk, so I started using that as a username. The problem comes into using that as a username on a lot of sites, since by now it's long taken. So, the solution? Replace the "o" with a "0" (zero).


Active Member
For years I worked for my now competitor and was always reffered to as THE FISH GUY and not my name. Anywhere I went and people recognized me, they called out, "HEY FISH GUY". It was FISH GUY or the BEE guy from the IBC BANK commercials. Apparently the actor and I look so alike that not only did my wife take a double take at it, my parents called and asked why I didn't tell them I was doing commercials again. And for those that see the commercial and see me, it never fails that eventually I get told who I look like and ask if I can get them a good rate at the bank. Anyways, so when I decided to open my own business in the same field, I just named it what people called me already. But not the BEE Guy. The avatar is my logo......


Active Member
well I keep reefs and the Z was because other versions similar were already in use. so I became reefkprZ its not reefkeeprs its reefkeeper Z


my all time favorite fish is the queen triggerfish and while researching it, and the English language, I discovered the word bessycerca. It is an ancient word that has the spelling variation of bessycerka also. It means queen triggerfish. Using it rarely presents the problem of someone else is using that already ( like for an e mail or message board ) because it's not commonly used. I found the word in a huge old dictionary in Marion, Ohio some years ago.
I'll play

Steelia Thunder is my roller derby moniker. i play blocker/pivot for the PrissKilla Prezleys in memphis. i got the name from a Melvins album i was listening to in my welding shop. thats why its "steel" not "steal". i think it is funny.
nice to meet you all :)


Well-Known Member
OK, SnakeBlitz33
Oh, about a decade and a half or so I watched a movie called "Escape from New York" Kurt Russel's character was named "Snake Plissken." It always sounded in the movie like "Snake Blitzken" so I shortened it to "SnakeBlitz."
"33" is not only my favorite number, but I used to go deer hunting a lot, and I killed a deer on the longest shot I ever made... (282 yards) while running, on the up three - right three minutes of angle. Perfect shot.