eye it buy it


How does everyone like this new addition? I just ordered two things this morning. I'll tell ya how they look and show pic's when they come in. I'm so excited about getting these.


I want to see a more variety of clams and rare species. I want to see more interesting corals and hard to find items.

magic mark

they really should give info on those as many people will prolly impulse buy from that
....unless thats what they want


I think it is interesting that, at the top of the page, it says the photos are of the actual live animals you will be purchasing, while, at the bottom of the page, it says all pictures and descriptions are generalizations and cannot be exact representations.
So...the photo is of the actual live animal, but the photo is also a generalization and is not an exact representation of the actual live animal.
Am I missing something here???? :notsure:


As an engineer, I hate to show my geekiness (is that a word?), but how about a scale of some sort in each picture for reference!? :notsure:
It's hard to tell how big/small those things are! :confused:


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
some of the things offered dont have good captive records.

Better watch it buddy, you'll never make mod talking that kind of smack:thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
i dont mind telling it how it is...

I agree but you can't do that if your a mod. I should know:happy:


Yes I would have like to know how big these things will be. But I have had such luck with everything else from them I thought I'd try. I'll diffently get pic's for you when the stuff comes in. I got one rock with red and blue shrooms, and one brain coral. I would like to get a moon rock too.


yes I think so but I've been wanting one of those type. I did notice that they have how big something is to the left of the picture. like the moon brain says 3-4 in.


I just ordered the brilliant green brain and sun polyp coral that was on there. I'll post a pic when it gets here.


Well my order has been shipped today so I should have it tomorrow. I'll post some pic's after they have had a chance to settle alittle. I was wanting some sun corals too. I know they don't need much light but need to be fed individually. I love Beth's. They are so pretty.


I do believe that that the "warning" was just a caution flag...something of a preamble to the post of next week
"Help my new sun polyps are dying"
"Is my sun polyp supposed to look like this"
I think it was just a note to provide a node of pre-support to avoid the loss of a unique life and someones money.


Active Member
Most of the time the person says "I have to feed them? Each head? Well If it dies it dies."
Were all glad flame the irresponsable people, fortunatelly your more responsable.