Favorite sayings or movie lines


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gamedawg
"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken!" -Fight Club (one of the greatest movies of all time...to me)
"You like dags?"
"Yea, dags"
"Oh, DOGS!, Sure I like dags!" -Snatch (the other great movie of all time)
I love those crabs from Finding Nemo!!

that is a great movie if you are a teenage boy in high school, otherwise it was a waste of tape


it's long and hard and full of sea men....no? tough sub!
mini-me, you complete me!
dr. evil


Active Member
Yesterday I was having some work done at the car dealer. A very blonde
woman came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten.
They all looked at each other, and the Mechanic asked, "What is a seven-hundred-ten?"
She replied, "You know, the little piece in the middle of the engine. I lost it and need a new one. It had always been there."
The mechanic gave the woman a piece of paper and a pen and asked her
to draw what the piece looked like. She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710. He then took her over to another car which had the hood up and asked, "Is there a 710 on this car?"
She pointed and said, "Of course, it's right there."
Click here to learn the identity of the mysterious 710:


"dont ask whom the bell tolls for; it tolls for thee" The grim reaper
and these are classic ones:
"what country are you from?"
"what aint a country i heard of, do they speak english in What?"


Originally Posted by Fishman830
"What is this... a Center for ANTS?! It's going to have to be... at least 3 times bigger than this!"
I LOVE that movie!
"Hiyo!!!" Anchorman


No beer and no tv make Homer something something.........
Dont mind if I do :hilarious
To alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all of lifes problems.
I could go on forever on the Simpsons.
Time served on earth dosn't mean you grow in mind ~Creed~


You forgot another one from National Lampoon's Vacation, conversation between Audrey and her cousin...
"I French Kiss..."
Yeah, but DADDY says I'm the best"!!!


Active Member
*Jack Sparrow pulls a gun on Will turner during a sword fight*
Will Turner- " You cheated"
Jack Sparrow- *shrugs* "Pirate..."

Dead Mans Chest
*Miss Swann hand cuffs Jack Sparrow to the boat during their Kiss*
Miss Swann- "I have to do it he is after you and wont stop untill he gets you ..."
Miss Swann *with regret in her eyes*- " But I wont say that I am Sorry"
Jack Sparrow- *with a sad look but accepting the matter* -"Pirate...."


Sanka:Wanna kiss my lucky egg?
Derice:Sanca! Ya dead?
Sanka:Ya man...
Sanka:Hey coach, coach. My helmet doesnt fit.
*coach bangs it on the top and it slips on*
Sanka:Thanks coach.
Irv: Our Father, who art in Calgary, Bobsled be thy name. Thy kingdom come, gold medals won, on Earth as it is in Turn Seven. With Liberty and Justice for Jamaica and Haile Selassie. Amen.
Yul Brenner: How 'bout I beat your butt right now?
Sanka Coffie: How 'bout I draw a line down the middle of your head so it looks like a butt?
anka Coffie: "The key elements to a successful sled team are a steady driver, and three strong runners to push the sled down the ice." ICE? Ice?
Derice Bannock: Well, it's kind of a winter sport, you know.
Sanka Coffie: You mean winter, as in ice?
Derice Bannock: Kind of.
Sanka Coffie: You mean winter, as in Eskimos and igloos and penguins and ICE?
Derice Bannock: Maybe.
Sanka Coffie: See you, mon.
Sanka Coffie: Look, Star, let me tell you something about yourself. Whenever you need me for something, you don't have to hand me a bunch of lines. All you have to do is say, "Sanka, you are my best friend, we've been through a whole heap together, and I really, really need you."
Derice Bannock: Sanka, you're right. And you are my best friend. And we've been through a whole lot together.
Sanka Coffie: "Heap," mon, "heap."
Derice Bannock: Sorry, mon. A whole heap together.
Sanka Coffie: "And I really, really need you."
Derice Bannock: And I really, really need you.
Sanka Coffie: Forget about it.
Sanka Coffie: I'm the driver.
Irv: You're not. You're the brakeman.
Sanka Coffie: You don't understand, I am Sanka Coffie, I am the best pushcart driver in all of Jamaica! I must drive! Do you dig where I'm coming from?
Irv: Yeah, I dig where you're coming from.
Sanka Coffie: Good.
Irv: Now dig where I'm coming from. I'm coming from two gold medals. I'm coming from nine world records in both the two- and four-man events. I'm coming from ten years of intense competition with the best athletes in the world.
Sanka Coffie: That's a hell of a place to be coming from!
Irv: You see Sanka, the driver has to work harder than anyone. He's the first to show up, and the last to leave. When his buddies are all out drinking beer, he's up in his room studying pictures of turns. You see, a driver must remain focused one hundred percent at all times. Not only is he responsible for knowing every inch of every course he races, he's also responsible for the lives of the other men in the sled. Now do you want that responsibility?
Sanka Coffie: I say we make Derice the driver.
Yul Brenner: Look in the mirror, and tell me what you see!
Junior Bevill: I see Junior.
Yul Brenner: You see Junior? Well, let me tell you what I see. I see pride! I see power! I see a bad-ass mother who don't take no crap off of nobody!
British Alliance Member: We must also be concerned about the potential for embarrassment.
Irv: Oh, pardon me. I didn't realize that four black guys in a bobsled could make you blush.
Sanka Coffie: Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, its bobsled time! COOL RUNNINGS!
Sanka Coffie: So what should we call her?
Junior Bevill: How about Tallulah.
Sanka Coffie: Tallulah, sounds like a 2 dollar hooker. Where did you come up with that.
Junior Bevill: It's my mother's name.
GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!! COOL RUNNINGS! Jesus i put like the whole script on here...


Surely there is somthing we can do. No there isn't and don't call me Shirley-Airplane
Were on a mission from god-The Blues Brothers
We have got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, its dark and were wearing sunglasses. Hit it!-The blues brothers


Active Member
It's either me or them but one way or another you are getting ^$&#%@! - Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny
(personally I just loved that whole jail scene when Pesci first comes in)
Worms gotta eat to - Josey Wales
Dieing ain't much of a living boy - Josey Wales

mr. guitar

"Je pense donc je suis."
"I think therefore I am."
- Descartes
My favorite movie line is way to long to put...It's Abbott and Costello's skit "Who's on First".