Fighting Conch?

j. crow

Would a fighting conch be a good addition to a 45 gallon with sand as the substrate?
Also, how fast do they normally grow?
I assume very slowly, am I correct?


I have a little guy who does not seem to be good for anything. He's been in the same area for about 2 weeks now.


it's not really a matter of them being slow growers, it's just that they max out at about 4". that being said, they don't climb, and as such, are limited to finding food on the substrate or low on the tank walls/rockwork, as they can only feed as high as their proboscis can reach.
ideally, you should have 2 square feet of substrate to support one.
IME, they do go thru periods of inactivity, and sometimes bury themselves in the substrate for extended periods as well.

j. crow

Pretty awesome..
But what is the difference between the snails and the conch?
I've always thought they both just cleaned and sifted the sand



Originally Posted by J. Crow
Pretty awesome..
But what is the difference between the snails and the conch?
I've always thought they both just cleaned and sifted the sand
They are both sand stirrers
, but nassarius snails eat animal based leftovers, and conch's eat algae (plant based).


New Member
The fighting conch will controle both green and brown algie on top of sand, the snailes feed on waste,(I have boath and all seem happy) , they do difrent jobs.
I have both in my 55 gallon. My 3 year old daughter has named the conch Gary.
He is alot of fun to watch and quite active. I do stick an tiny peice of algae sheet under one of the bottom rocks for him once a week. I think it would be a good addition. The guy I got Gary from had him for five years and said that he grew MAYBE an inch. I also love my nassarius snails though they are the fastests snails ive ever seen and when i feed my fish my sand bed shakes and all of a sudden there they are. I love watching both snails. I think you should add both as they both play equally important roles. Hope this info helped. On a side note...I noticed on one of your other posts that you got a jawfish, im thinking about adding one to my reef, do you like him?

j. crow

Originally Posted by mermaidgrrl13
I have both in my 55 gallon. My 3 year old daughter has named the conch Gary.
He is alot of fun to watch and quite active. I do stick an tiny peice of algae sheet under one of the bottom rocks for him once a week. I think it would be a good addition. The guy I got Gary from had him for five years and said that he grew MAYBE an inch. I also love my nassarius snails though they are the fastests snails ive ever seen and when i feed my fish my sand bed shakes and all of a sudden there they are. I love watching both snails. I think you should add both as they both play equally important roles. Hope this info helped. On a side note...I noticed on one of your other posts that you got a jawfish, im thinking about adding one to my reef, do you like him?
Ye, mine started digging a burrow right away but I lacked any rubble or crushed coral for him to use to build it.. so I threw in some and he gathered it right away.. He also dug it near the front of the tank ..If that's lucky or not I dunno.. Worth a try though, I'd get it