As I said in earlier posts, I am learnign as I go. The biggest thing that I have learned is that you need a rotifer culture set up to raise the fry. I was fortunate enough to get started from Rod. It is very hard to get fresh good rotifers when you need them. I lost an entire batch do to not havign good rotifers. It can be set up very easily if starting with a good batch. I am going to try and get some pictures posted this weekend of what i have going on now. If they just layed last night, you have a good 6 days to get set up. I actually think that I have been taking my eggs out of the DT too early. I usually do the transfer on day 5, and think I need to give it another day, maybe two of natural protection by the father. I am not sure. I am also looking for the Clownfishes book by Joyce wilkerson, I figure that it will have sopme good useful information.