"Finding Nemo"



took the kids to see it yesterday also, very enjoyable and fun movie, recommend it also.


The movie was great...one of the characters is a Moorish Idol. Boy that would be a great fish to keep, but my tank is too small and I hear that they don't adapt well to the aquarium.
The graphics in the movie are wonderful and a definite must see for all fish lovers!


Saw it tonight! What a darling movie!!! They really captured the fishes behaviour, very cool. BTW, if you sit through the credits a alot more is revealed...


Active Member
i'm doing a huge project for physics on fish movement... how well do they move... i mean... i know it is hard to mimick a fish's movement. how well do they do that? (i know, weird question...)


I don't fully understand how Pixar works, but it is SO much better than traditional animation. IMO, the 'movement' was extremely realistic! The sound effects were amazing as well.
Sounds like an interesting project, Killafins!


It was ok. The only thing I see bad with it is... Everyone is going to go to their LFS and buy a iddy biddy tank for a few percs so they can have their own NEMO and not knowing anything about about salt setups. Iv already ran into this at my LFS. Plus I think the movie is bashing aquarist.


It was ok. The only thing I see bad with it is... Everyone is going to go to their LFS and buy a iddy biddy tank for a few percs so they can have their own NEMO and not knowing anything about about salt setups. Iv already ran into this at my LFS. Plus I think the movie is bashing aquarist.
How do you figure that they are 'bashing' aquarists?! The last time I checked there was nothing in the movie that doesn't happen in true tanks...bratty kids pounding on the tank, etc.
People might walk in to buy their kid a tank but I am sure that after all of the costs are laid out even for the most basic tank, most parents will convince their kid how much a goldfish 'looks just like Nemo'
Take it for what it is, a movie.


Well just the fact that a "diver" went diving and took the fish from its family and then threw him into an aquarium. I didnt think it was all that bad but I know a lot of people precieved it that way. I just heard it in the threatre when I was watching it. "just like man to take something out of its natural environment for our enjoyment". O well musta been a PETA loser watching it. I could care less. I was just stating what I heard and encountered at the store.


great movie! The theatre had a 75g tank set up in the entrance with about 30 clowns and 5 hippos. It was sad to see them all packed in there. A big sign in the tank advertised the LFS you could purchase the setup from. Not to mention all the little kids smacking the glass while the high school kid monitor was checking out chics. Ohwell, such is life......


Active Member
I see where Simm is coming from. While I enjoyed the movie as a whole, there were some things about it that were somewhat disturbing.
Some of that is typical Disney, but it kind of felt like "Old Yeller" all over again...
And just to avoid the backlash, I can certainly take it for the entertainment value, and like I said, I did enjoy the film. The question is though, what impression does it make on those that aren't all ready familiar with the hobby? And I ask that because it seems there were certain things that were portrayed negatively.


the movie was great!! very funny when dory makes her whale impressions....movie is very heartwarming and funny

sinner's girl

Sinner was going to take me to see it last friday, but he was too busy working on his car. Hopefully we'll go this Sunday or next tues or wed. I can't wait to see it!
simm- I'm worried about the same thing. Kids are going to want to have the fish. one, prices may go up, and two poor fish esp tangs will be kept in tanks too small but people who don't really know what to do. I really hope the movie doesn't cause a lot of poor fishes to lose thier life. That would suck.
"The theatre had a 75g tank set up in the entrance with about 30 clowns and 5 hippos." that's so wrong! did you tell them anything? I really hope that setup is just temp. people are going to think that it's ok to keep that setup. ah!


New Member
remember 101 dalmations, every kid wanted one. hopefuly the lfs have enough common sense to explain the costs and problems of not having the right setup and how fragile these critters are, and how their kids will feel when or if they wake up to see their favorite pets belly up . not taking anything away from enjoying the movie but unfortunatly this willhappen.



Originally posted by tankedagain
remember 101 dalmations, every kid wanted one. hopefuly the lfs have enough common sense to explain the costs and problems of not having the right setup and how fragile these critters are, and how their kids will feel when or if they wake up to see their favorite pets belly up . not taking anything away from enjoying the movie but unfortunatly this willhappen.

Yea but the 2 stores in my town could care less as long as they make a sale. Thats the sad part. :( Thats why I dont buy from them.

sinner's girl

the lfs here doesn't care either, they'd sell ya a tang for a 25gl...only to tell you after you bought the setup that you will need to upgrade...
*still waiting to go see it*