first fill - non RO water


Is there a way to use tap water for an initial fill and treat it. It would take a lot of 5 gallon buckets to fill my tank. Thanks.


I started my 225G with tap....didn't get my ro/di unit for 6 months after....I also added some bio-spira stuff
this was all before I found this site though.....
OH, I didn't have any issues when I first started it.....


I filled my 125 and did a few water changes before i realized i never installed the ro filter. I don't know how much more the ro takes out compared to the other filters but the tank has done good so far. I have the ro cartiage installed now.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
all i use is tap,goinig on 3+ years.No problems.

Not all tap water is created equal. Telling folks it is okay to use tap because you have no issues is misleading. I have seen people with nightmare issues because of tap water, very few indeed can use tap without issues...better safe than sorry. Wal-Mart water only costs .37 a gallon. Why take a chance?

gill again68

Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

Not all tap water is created equal. Telling folks it is okay to use tap because you have no issues is misleading. I have seen people with nightmare issues because of tap water, very few indeed can use tap without issues...better safe than sorry. Wal-Mart water only costs .37 a gallon. Why take a chance?
I would add if you intend to use tap to have it tested prior to using it. You may very well have good water or it could be soup!


Active Member
My question is why after spending the money on the tank, fish, salt, corals, lights, filtration, etc would you want to skimp on a cheap (yes more work) way to get your system off to a good start?
Yes it's also true not all tap water is created equal but it only takes one bad batch from the city (doing a flush or whatever) even with "good" tap water to send your tank spiraling.

bang guy

I wouldn't start with tap but it's not going to cause any problems. I would not treat the water with anything though.


Active Member
Have any of you who said don't do it, ever personally start up a tank with it and have problems that you know were due to the tap? Just curious.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Cranberry
How would you deal with cloramines and other heavy metals, Bang?
The chloramines will evaporate in a week without doing anything. No treatment will remove heavy metals from the system, they will only temporarily lock them up.


Active Member
I've never heard it unlocked the metals again at some point. Can you point me towards some reading on that?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Cranberry
I've never heard it unlocked the metals again at some point. Can you point me towards some reading on that?
I don't know where to point you
I do know that when Sodium dithionite is bound to something like copper it is in a fairly safe chemical state. Unfortunately it's in a state that is unlikely to be removed by a skimmer, but possibly by GAC. More likely it will bind to the substrate or other surfaces waiting to be consumed by a snail or other surface feeding critter where it will be unbound by digesting processes (acid). Algae is also able to consume the chelated metal and when the algae is consumed the same thing happens.


Well-Known Member
IMHO metals (copper zink, others) are not toxic to fish and most "easy" corals. But can be a problem with sps and other corals.
So in a tank balanced out with macro algaes or even turf (or corraline) algae those the metals present no problems to fish and even easy corals. Additionally, fast growing turf and macro algaes also filter out (bio accumulate) the metals to help maintain the tank. And are exported when the algae is harvested.
Sure in the future you may need to use ro/di for some corals. But otherwise you can continue using tap. Especially if you limit your water changes.
my .02


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Have any of you who said don't do it, ever personally start up a tank with it and have problems that you know were due to the tap? Just curious.
Thats how I started and I had to get a sea hare to take care of the hair algae.
My tap PPM is ~100, out of my RO unit is 1.