(First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
I dont understand how you could go from a 12 gallon to a ridicoulusly bigger tank and think it isent different.im sorry there is alot more to keeping coral then having a deep pocket book.you could have the nicest setup in the world and still kill peices of coral,i have seen it many times.Anyways i will say no more since no one can handle real criticism.

About everyone who is deep into this hobby has killed coral, I have had and/ or set up over 20 reef tanks and still kill coral. Do you see anything he has done that is not up to your standards and vast knowledge. I believe he is ignoring your "real criticism" as he should. How about sharing your knowledge in a constructive way so that he might have the best possible chance of success! That is what this forum is all about. Helping.....not hurting!


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
About everyone who is deep into this hobby has killed coral, I have had and/ or set up over 20 reef tanks and still kill coral. Do you see anything he has done that is not up to your standards and vast knowledge. I believe he is ignoring your "real criticism" as he should. How about sharing your knowledge in a constructive way so that he might have the best possible chance of success! That is what this forum is all about. Helping.....not hurting!
I agree with this completely. Everyone has moments when something goes wrong and they loose an item or inhabitant in their tank. If you (mushroomss) had read any of the follow-up posts by the person who started the thread, he apparently did 6 months of research before beginning the project here. I also have a feeling that he is currently doing additional research while building this setup since it seems like it's a big project and could take some time. Did you (mushroomss) happen to do 6 months of research before beginning your first tank? Any way, I'm personally opposed to negativity in general and just had to put my 2 cents in before going back to ignoring your posts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
lol man everyone hates me now this is hilarious.
Oh, and hate is such a strong word. I'd say "everyone passionately disagrees" with you.


and imsorry to tell you 6 months of reading is nothing compared to real EXPERIENCE.you think anthony calfo just set up a coral farm 1 day?eric borneman just dove into the reefs and fragged a coral?lolAnd actually yes i did research about 4 months before i bought a tank.And i let my friends buy tanks before me so i could learn from there mistakes.This comes back to one of my favorite sayings.LEARN FROM OTHERS MISTAKES NOT YOUR OWN


in respect to you cbui2 i have removed all my posts.I am just saddened no one can have an opinion anymore without getting flamed beyond belief.ridicoulus.I think that CALIFORNIA comment is hilarious.It is not my fault you choose to live in louisiana.And it is not my fauly out president is a loser and cant help his own people.once again NOT MY FAULT.



one thing that concerns/makes me think...is how close that breaker panel is...if water/salt splashes on that, you will have issues. I'd relocate it, and/or make sure the main going into that panel has a gfi on it...just incase
but wow is that nice...cant wait too see how it turns out.


Active Member
Sorry, got sidetracked there earlier by a nay-sayer, but I'm truly amazed at the level you're going to here. If I could do it personally, I would. My son loves saltwater fish and I'm doing everything for him that I can. He's only 3 now but I'm hoping that someday he'll take on one of the tanks as his own and do what he'd like with aquascaping, coral, fish, etc. I'm, of course, having a ball with it all too. Best of luck and I've subscribed to the thread so I'll definitely be watching your progress with much interest and awe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
yea must be nice to be so rich you can go buy anything you want.And totally skip the progression and learning with a big full size tank is the stupidest move you could make.Rich people make me laugh
Criticism and jealousy tend to go hand in hand alot in this hobby.
This guys tank is awesome, his reseach has been thourough, and he has chosen to share his experience with us (thank you for sharing!) so that people CAN comment. He can take criticism/reccomendations, he set himself up for it. Seeminly an intelligent individual, Im sure he does not hate mushroomss or anyone else for thier comments good/bad.
Everyone can and will fail at something in this hobby. No one can say they are 'the best'. The BEST is the ocean.
I think starting out with a large tank is just as good a size as any other. Each size (nano--->GIGANORMOUS) has its benefits and drawbacks.
People who bring this forum down with rude comments are a dissapointment. If it wasnt for this reefer's "richness" we would not have been able to see this project. And I for one, am glad I didnt miss it.
The hobby is very diverse and without the different types of people, living arrangements, income, personal tastes etc, it wouldnt be as dynamic as it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
in respect to you cbui2 i have removed all my posts.I am just saddened no one can have an opinion anymore without getting flamed beyond belief.ridicoulus.I think that CALIFORNIA comment is hilarious.It is not my fault you choose to live in louisiana.And it is not my fauly out president is a loser and cant help his own people.once again NOT MY FAULT.
Like it or not, Shrooms does have a right to his/her own opinion, assuming that it attends to the rules of the forum and is NOT degrading, rude or condecending BUT HE DOES have a right to his opinion. I mean is it all just pats on the back? or can that person have some "assumed" constructive critisism?


Active Member
You are absolutely right.
(this is a great way to start a sentence
), there is a way to conduct yourself when dealing with other people.
Its not a matter of someones 'right' to say and 'feel' how they want... its a matter of how you present yourself along with
politeness and objectivism.
Comments like "rich people make me laugh" is derrogatory not just 'opinionated'. Its not 'against the rules' because a person did not swear or tell someone to "
- off" but
, it is 'wrong' for sake of common sense, to be rude and immature.
People come to the site to learn, ask questions, get advice, etc, and have fun with thier hobby. This shouldnt even be a conversation. Its an 'unwritten' 'code of conduct'.


Active Member
. Let's forget previous posts and leave this thread for the ginormous tank
! cbui2 is going to never come back to SWF and will just stick with --, wetweb, and reefkeep! Half of this thread has become an annoyance
. Just stick with the tank please.


Originally Posted by REEFER545
WOW! again WOW! Too this point I have seen nothing but sheer ingenius inspiration. I HOPE THE BEST FOR YOU> I have one question. Knowing you live in the south and it is pretty MOIST shall we say, WHY Have you decided to not go with WOLMINIZED BOARDS? I think in a few years you may find it a problem. It is only those boards touching the floor I think may cause problems. Moisture can do a real number on things, as I am sure you know. GET TREATED WOOD to touch the ground,a dn the rest you should be able to only have to reinforce in a few years time. I don't know if I am RIGHT. I am just curious, with this setup being largely in your garage. Here in ILLINOIS, I could never get away with it for more than a year. JUST CURIOUS> NO OFFENSE> I AM STILL SUPER JEALOUS< AND ONLY HOPE FOR A SETUP LIKE YOURS>

thanks, but all wood will be treated with 2part epoxy to keep any build up, salt crep, moisture and etc. i just wanted to finished the main project then work on all the trimming and little details. making all that wood dust then painting and put it away and work on something else wasn't in my plans. no offense taking and opinions are always best, thanks again. yeah i know this is definitely crazy for my first setup but who isnt.
treated wood wouldnt make a diiference in the garage since i have taking measure making the fish room better. 1st. foam insulation on the roof line 6" thick, 2nd additional fiberglass insulation in the attic and walls too. 12,000btu window unit was also installed to keep humidity down and temp at 74deg all day long along with 2 big exhaust fan located in the attic set on timer every 30min to change air circulation. garage (fish room is 30x20) hope this helps and always feel free to email me for any additional questions


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
. Let's forget previous posts and leave this thread for the ginormous tank
! cbui2 is going to never come back to SWF and will just stick with --, wetweb, and reefkeep! Half of this thread has become an annoyance
. Just stick with the tank please.
I agree. I want to see and read about the GIANT tank, that I wish I could afford. (Gives me an idea though for my next house.)
Oh, wait, I live in the Phoenix area, so having a tank in the garage is a bad idea.
Guess I'll have to build a "fish room."


Originally Posted by mushroomss
in respect to you cbui2 i have removed all my posts.I am just saddened no one can have an opinion anymore without getting flamed beyond belief.ridicoulus.I think that CALIFORNIA comment is hilarious.It is not my fault you choose to live in louisiana.And it is not my fauly out president is a loser and cant help his own people.once again NOT MY FAULT.
Originally Posted by mushroomss
yea must be nice to be so rich you can go buy anything you want.And totally skip the progression and learning with a big full size tank is the stupidest move you could make.Rich people make me laugh
thats fine, but any negative remarks would be best kept to yourself. any positive opinions is fine by me, but its not about California, Alaska, Hawaii or etc. comments. we are not talking about where you lived or the same for me or even the president. you have to remember that i dont know you and you dont know me, but saying these kinds of words is not nice. its true i can say bad things about you, but i opted not to b/c i was raise to respect everyone and anyone either they was older or younger than me. i believed that reef forum was intended to enjoy the hobby, learning, and meeting new peoples and not posting any negative remarks, opinions and etc. i know i could have made stupid moves but who's perfect. i always taught perfect is only how ones see things and exist in fairy tales? i have earn my money working hard for it and know better than to blow it away if i knew this isnt what i am looking for. if thats the case you need to take it up for all the rich celebrities and see how there spending is.
hopefully this will be the last replies on this subject and dont want to get into this again.


Originally Posted by baloo6969

one thing that concerns/makes me think...is how close that breaker panel is...if water/salt splashes on that, you will have issues. I'd relocate it, and/or make sure the main going into that panel has a gfi on it...just incase
but wow is that nice...cant wait too see how it turns out.
thanks but that will not be possible, water will not get even near breaker panel or even get on the wood holding the slides. splashes will occur but nothing major unless tidal surges device are installed with 2-4ft seas, lol


Originally Posted by m0nk
Sorry, got sidetracked there earlier by a nay-sayer, but I'm truly amazed at the level you're going to here. If I could do it personally, I would. My son loves saltwater fish and I'm doing everything for him that I can. He's only 3 now but I'm hoping that someday he'll take on one of the tanks as his own and do what he'd like with aquascaping, coral, fish, etc. I'm, of course, having a ball with it all too. Best of luck and I've subscribed to the thread so I'll definitely be watching your progress with much interest and awe.

thanks, i also have 4 boys myself (10,9,3, & 16 months) whom all loved my fish tank(s) hehe. one of the reason why i am doing this and the only things that comes out of their mouth is daddy when will you be done so we can buy some fish. my 3 yrs old son is always near me when i am searching through the web looking for fish which he greatly admired.


Originally Posted by cbui2
thanks, but all wood will be treated with 2part epoxy to keep any build up, salt crep, moisture and etc. i just wanted to finished the main project then work on all the trimming and little details. making all that wood dust then painting and put it away and work on something else wasn't in my plans. no offense taking and opinions are always best, thanks again. yeah i know this is definitely crazy for my first setup but who isnt.
treated wood wouldnt make a diiference in the garage since i have taking measure making the fish room better. 1st. foam insulation on the roof line 6" thick, 2nd additional fiberglass insulation in the attic and walls too. 12,000btu window unit was also installed to keep humidity down and temp at 74deg all day long along with 2 big exhaust fan located in the attic set on timer every 30min to change air circulation. garage (fish room is 30x20) hope this helps and always feel free to email me for any additional questions
RIGHT ON!! I am very glad to hear you thought about that. Appears you HAVE thought of everything, except where the next tank is gonna go.lol EXCITED adn PATIENTLY waiting.