Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
I dont understand how you could go from a 12 gallon to a ridicoulusly bigger tank and think it isent sorry there is alot more to keeping coral then having a deep pocket could have the nicest setup in the world and still kill peices of coral,i have seen it many times.Anyways i will say no more since no one can handle real criticism.
About everyone who is deep into this hobby has killed coral, I have had and/ or set up over 20 reef tanks and still kill coral. Do you see anything he has done that is not up to your standards and vast knowledge. I believe he is ignoring your "real criticism" as he should. How about sharing your knowledge in a constructive way so that he might have the best possible chance of success! That is what this forum is all about. Helping.....not hurting!
I dont understand how you could go from a 12 gallon to a ridicoulusly bigger tank and think it isent sorry there is alot more to keeping coral then having a deep pocket could have the nicest setup in the world and still kill peices of coral,i have seen it many times.Anyways i will say no more since no one can handle real criticism.

About everyone who is deep into this hobby has killed coral, I have had and/ or set up over 20 reef tanks and still kill coral. Do you see anything he has done that is not up to your standards and vast knowledge. I believe he is ignoring your "real criticism" as he should. How about sharing your knowledge in a constructive way so that he might have the best possible chance of success! That is what this forum is all about. Helping.....not hurting!