(First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System


that is true.But do you know how many problems you can get in a tank that big?if you get an algae outbreak and are a noob at saltwater like the guy buildin it.lol good luck your gonna have a nice tank full or brown algae real quick.All the money in the world wont help you if you dont have the knowledge some of us on here do.


There are people he can call to take care of his tank!

I'm sure he didn't start building this on a whim... I could almost garantee that he's researched this for a long time. Or has someone telling him everything he needs to know...


lol i hope he has.Research is key to saltwater.I have a buddy who set up a 180 gallon prop tank with a 35 gallon refugium.And he dident know how to take care of it.About 2 weeks after it is set up i got to his house and guess what i see.About an inch think of cyano bacteria on his sandbed.And so much nuisance algae it was sad.I just want people to be educated before they dive in like this guy.Buying a small tank say 45 gallon and learning off that is the best thing that you could ever do.my 2 cents


New Member
What was the name of the bank you must have robbed to afford this
...I won't tell anyone...
GREAT TANK....I know of a guy who lives in Long Grove, IL and his tank was so HUGE that he built an addition to the house, floor reinforced steel girders and then needed a crane to put the monster in its place. All this was done with the roof off, once the crane placed the tank, they put the roof on. His light set-up is much like yours. Only it slides to the side behind the scenes, less stress with an overhead runner system.
His skimmer is about 6 or 7 feet tall.
Personally I have dreamed of a tank exactly that size....30 inches high is more than enough but I am a fan of deep sand beds...I just like the look. Are you going bare bottom (the tank, not you
)...I hate when you can't get down to the bottom of the tank without a ton of acrobatics.
Good luck with an AWESOME project....can't wait to see it filled.


Originally Posted by mushroomss
if you get an algae outbreak and are a noob at saltwater like the guy buildin it.
He said that he was new to REEF keeping. He didn't say he was new to saltwater. I don't know if he is or not, but if I had to guess based on what I see in the pictures in this thread, I would say he probably is not.
All the money in the world wont help you if you dont have the knowledge some of us on here do.
Not true.... if you have plenty of money, there are PLENTY of options for solving problems. If I had enough money, I could pay someone to come in every day and maintain my tank....
I'd be careful the way you say things, too..... that last comment makes you sound incredibly pompous. I don't know how long you've been keeping reefs, but your last statement makes it sound like you think you have ALL the answers....


i never once said I personally have all the answers.They are Tons of people on here that know lots more then me.And im sorry to tell you even if he had a fish only saltwater tank,that is completely different from a reef tank.ANd what is the fun of having a saltwater tank if you cant even take care of it yourself?lol


Originally Posted by mushroomss
ANd what is the fun of having a saltwater tank if you cant even take care of it yourself?lol
I agree completely.
However, I know LOTS of people who would have reef tanks in their homes if they didn't have to maintain them. They love to look at them, but don't want the hassle of tank maintenance.
So, they all just come to my house and look at MINE


my wife couldn't understand my excitement when I started this tank. But now, she loves it, too, and wants to take our f/w cichlid tank and turn it into a fowlr.


Active Member
I was looking through his initial post in -- (which is worth looking at - shows that he has done a TON of research and even more work obviously, if you want to see - it is listed as his webpage on his profile), and saw that somebody had added the previous posted costs to bo somewhere around $30,000 at that point. But I would say that the price doesn't come near to the amount of effort on his part to get something this impressive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mushroomss
yea must be nice to be so rich you can go buy anything you want.And totally skip
the progression and learning with a big full size tank is the stupidest move you could make.Rich people make me laugh

Sorry you have to see responses like this Mush heads. Great project and you have obviously gone first class which I will assume will carry over to all other aspects. Please keep the PICs coming.


I think that he will take the time to learn about saltwater reef keeping, he took the time to build such a nice setup and do the plumbing. And if he doesnt then it should not be a concern to any of you. Nice Tank keep the pictures coming.


What are the dimentions of the 135g sump? Like in inches.
Also, noticed you are from New Orleans. Which part?

bang guy

Originally Posted by mushroomss
yea must be nice to be so rich you can go buy anything you want.And totally skip
the progression and learning with a big full size tank is the stupidest move you could make.Rich people make me laugh
If you have a problem with someone doing it right the first time then please keep it to yourself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
If you have a problem with someone doing it right the first time then please keep it to yourself.



WOW your tank is like a secret spy tank I can't keep up with everything you did to it. There is so much going on there it makes me feel like I skiped a class in Highschool. When is the next time your going to give us some update pics. I am interested in the finally