(First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System


Active Member
thats ruff i feel for ya, im around $100,000 cars on the daily with managing a detail shop. sorry to hear about the car, but that doesnt matter compared to what you went through with the huricane. not to sound like a broken record but sorry to hear that you went through that.
but on a positive note. it shows you how people can rebound and flourish from a disaster like that. it might not be a car but your time, effort, energy, and human drive is greatly noted, documented, and appreciated, by me and many more. kudos to you for moving forward and establishing something truely great.


grubsnaek - thanks and no problem. life has its detour but always make the best of it.
here's the display current fish list
1 4.5" Acanthurus Maculiceps
1 2" Blue Streak Cleaner Wrasse
1 6" Female Crosshatch Triggerfish
1 4.5" Imperator Angelfish (Juvenile)
1 4.5" Regal Angelfish (Bali)
1 3.5" Vlamingii Tang
2 3" Red Sea Purple Tang
1 5.25" Red Sea Sohal Tang
1 4" Red Sea Desjardini Tang
1 3.5" Tongan Male Scotts Fairy Wrasse
1 3.5" Vanuatu Female Pink Margin Wrasse
1 4.5" Male Velvet Multicolor Wrasse
1 4.5" Powder Blue & White Cheek Tang Hybrid
1 3" Mandarin Green Goby
4 3.5" Barletts Anthias
3 3" Allardi Clown
5 3" Lawnmower Blenny
8 2" African Yellow Belly Regal Tang


There is no words to describe his tank! All the time and planning that went into this setup put some local aqauriums to shame!!! Keep up the awesome work!


Active Member
I have been in the hobby for years now and this is the single cleanest and most thought out system built from scratch by a newbie. I dont think there are many professionally built systems that can even compare.
I can't wait to see some of the stuff you put in there.
Just a word of advise, I started off with a 180g reef tank that I "experimented" with by putting in Angels. I have a Emperor, Blueface, and French. They did well for about a year and then they all got big. Needless to say they ate over $2000 worth of coral and I am left with a nice FOWLR tank
. Oh well. I wish you the best of luck and hope you have as much fun visiting all the LFS and online stores.
Keep the photos coming.


Active Member
Dude, I just got a new 22" widescreen lcd - I had to look at some of your pics again - they even look BETTER now! YOUR TANK ROCKS!


grubsnaek - my emperor eats romain lettuce and mysis everyday. fresh shrimp 3 times weekly and all foods are soaked with selcon.
i think what i put together is pretty much simple by learning the entire process of mechanical, biological, and water flow. researching all the equipments i purchased makes a bigger difference in putting everything together. i know what i did might seems a lot but to me the easy part is over. the harderst part IMO is getting everything to thrive and keeping all of the fish alive, stress free, and water parameters stable. even with all of the the equipments i have its still my responsiblitily to do the rest. yes this is crazy and i still cant believed what i have accomplished already.
mtroup884 & dallas612 & TriGa22 & Hefner413 - thanks
Scarface - thanks, but LFS here haved 800gal display which looks very nice
ccampbell57 - thanks i beleived fish is hit or miss, but sorry to hear that. display is being feed 3 times daily

bang guy

Originally Posted by cbui2
grubsnaek - my emperor eats romain lettuce and mysis everyday.
Just a small suggestion for such a beautiful fish. Raw, unseasoned Nori and/or Laver would be a more appropriate food IMO. Romain is OK as a Selcon delivery vessal but since it's not an algae it's not completely appropriate as a natural food for an Angelfish.


thanks Bang Guy, nori are in display 3 times a week which he never touch. i will try cook brocolli as some one told me that might do the trick also.
everything been ok, corals and all are doing fine. here are some details on the entire plumbing system.
