fish are dying


:confused: Please, anyone, HELP!!! My fish are tang, bicolor angel, and two more that I can't even think of right now...I am so upset...I checked all my numbers and they seem ok...I don't understand...tank has been set up for about one rock, cc,(which I know know is a mistake), and I changed the water today...HELP...All fish were great yesterday. the blue tang was all mottled today....


Active Member
Hate to say this but... a month is not long enough for the kind of fish you have in there - too soon. I assume the tank has cycled? Any one of those fish could have brought in disease. The only thing I can say is do a 25 % water change. If the fish all die then let the tank be for another month or 2, do your tests and start a little more slower.
by the way - cc is not a mistake - its a matter of preference in my opinion - don't be afraid to say you chose cc.
and welcome to the board.
ps - justr read you did a water change... hm.. sorry...
who talked you into adding those fish so soon?



Originally posted by doodle1800
Hate to say this but... a month is not long enough for the kind of fish you have in there - too soon. I assume the tank has cycled? Any one of those fish could have brought in disease. The only thing I can say is do a 25 % water change. If the fish all die then let the tank be for another month or 2, do your tests and start a little more slower.
by the way - cc is not a mistake - its a matter of preference in my opinion - don't be afraid to say you chose cc.
and welcome to the board.

I agree!! Did you use cured or uncured rock? My tank only had uncured rock in it for about 12 weeks!


thank you so much for responding...How could they all be doing fine , then all the sudden over night just start dying? I was told by my lfs that I could put fish in now...I also ordered live rock from and it was more beautiful than my lfs...what kind of disease could be in there, and how do I treat it...I also bought from swf a cleaner crew...:notsure:


New Member
First off, you should take your fish back. You have way to many fish to start at only one month. Has your tank fully cycled? Do you have a nitrate rating. Are you using any LR? To start off your tank I would put in as much LR as possible with no fish. You can use eithier flake food or raw shrimp to start your cycle. Once you have a reading of 0 for your ammonia and nitrites and have the presence of nitrates your tank has cycled. From their you could add 1 or 2 small fish. Recommend aquacultured pair of clowns but choices are broader than that.


Active Member
Your lfs is the culprit here. Those fish should only be in mature tanks. I don't think there's a lot you can do. The cleaner crew will be fine, Did you say you just added more LR? - That will add ammonia to the tank also - that might have done it.


Active Member
I agree 100% with ProCain - the LFS should be called and make a complaint and ask for a return or money back. They got you this time. I also agree with him/her as far as LR - all at once - let tank cycle.. Add fish slowly. Once every 2 weeks maybe. Read on what fish do not need a mature tank.


New Member
if you cant bring your fish back, try finding a local marine specific dealer. They will often take your fish for credit or even hold them for you till your tank i s ready for that type of livestock. Do you have algea growth?


Sorry, this is the third time I have tried to respond to you keeps freezing up. I have a 100 gal reef with an eco-system that has the miracle mud...I still have a yellow tang and two clowns, the cleaner crew with two brittle stars, and I don't think my lfs will take theirs back...the rest I bout from swf. Is there anything I can add to the take without killing my cleaner crew? My nitrites were trace, my ammonia was yellow and nitrates was 20-30, I am so sorry that I did this all to fast. I am learning


Active Member
Do another water change in the next few days. I think thats about it unless someone else has an idea. How do the fish look?


New Member
redarizona, in my opinion the only thing you can add to your tank at this point is time. If you have any fellow saltwater friends who could hold your fish that could work as well. What does your setup look like. Be specific as possible. Oh, and welcome to the hobby. Joining this board is a wise step to not making future mistakes. Its helped me a ton.


The fis that are left look great...but so did the others last night...I am so sad...i will not do this again...nothing goes in the tank for a couple months...hope these ones about the brittle stars, will they be ok?


Active Member
Yellow Tangs are pretty hardy - make sure you feed it an algae sheet once or twice a week. Buy a suction clip for the inside glass and put a 1/2 sheet on it and see if the Tang goes for it. Tangs need greens.


Thanks procaine...i have a 100 gal, cc, live rock about 75 lbs with old rock as base about 30 lbs, I have an eco system with miracle mud, which I ws told was the best lol, and now I'm not so sure...I did put quite a few fish in there recently with a cleaner crew but was told I could do so. I have a Rio hyperflow 20HF pump that runs the sump under the tank. I also have two power heads in the main tank with the outflow from the pump. I have the system where it uses bio balls and live plant under neath, and I started the system with biospira, which my lfs said I could add fish the very next day...and thats basically what I did


and thank you doodle1800, I have learned so much from this site already...I just wish I knew of it before I started this venture:rolleyes:


New Member
sounds like you have a fairly good start with the exception of the livestock, dam LFS. I would do the water change mentioned by doodle and wouldn't feed your fish till your ammonia and nitrite reach 0. If you have algea your tank has cycled but not mature enough for the bioload of fish you put in. The LR will help, watch your parameters and cross your fingers. good luck to ya!


thank you ProCaine...I really do appreciate you guys heping me out...I have to go's about time for this $#@%$ computer to freeze...Thanks again...I will let you know how I'm doing...


Active Member
I have to say I'm surprised (impressed) by the system you have, considering how new you are at this hobby. I think you have a very good system - but note that the bio balls might be a nitrate trap. My advice is to keep reading threads on this site, and get a good book. I recommend Reef Aquariums by John Tullock.