:nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:
WOW, I really missed that. :jumping: :jumping:
OK that should work. I would suggest posting your current situation in the Disease forum for the experts to comment on. I'm not a big fan of Copper but it will remove parasites quickly.
o.k., another saga about to start..as you all know I put the last two fish in a QT, now when looking at the live rock and my inverts, I noticed tiny white raised circles? they don't move, but I did not seem them yesterday, a few of the snail shells have them also...What could they be. not salt, not cc, but perfect, little circles about the size of sugar granules any clues? Please ...
Ok, this is an old thread, but I wonder if you figured out those raised circles- are they ring shaped? I imagine they might be tube worms if they are. If not, well, nevermind... :notsure: