Thanks to all of you who have responded to my dispair...I just want to say that I tore down the whole tank, found all the dead fish, Put the only yellow tang and 1 clown I have left in a quarantine tank, and left my cleaner crew in the display...i did a good cleaning to the cc that I had in there, so far this morning all looks well in the display tank. I have a 29 gal for the other two and per recommendation, added melofix, and copper medicine, just in case...they seem to be doing real well this am. I was told to use the water from display tank and medicate that so I don't shock them even more...I think my problem was that i also purchased from another source, and even though my lfs said that I could have those fish in there, he is not totally to blame...I put more than i sould have...He fixed me up though with the 29 gal, filters and meds though, and since it cost alot of money, he let me have it now and I can pay later...he's not a really bad guy...I think I just moved to fast...Again, I will always be on here to learn new stuff and let you know whats going on. hopefully in a few months I will have pictures to show...