Fish of the week - Pteragon kauderni


Active Member
I've had good luck with my bengaii. He was the 2nd fish that I added to my 80 gallon tank, and he has thrived. He doesn't bother any of the other tank inhabitants. At 1st I really didn't care for him, but the wife really liked them, so I let her put 1 into the tank. As time went by he started to grow on me. He'll be moving to my 240 reef in a few weeks, after the tank is completed, and cycled. I'd like to try to get a pair in my 240.


Any bad experiances?
Any reason I could not, or should not add two of these to a 29 gallon reef with a maroon clown? Assuming everything is fine with the tank and it is over two years old.

bang guy


Originally posted by Lebowski
so would it be okay in a 29???

A 29 is fine as long as your fish load is very low and the other fish are not very agressive.


first of all, i would have to disagree with bang guy saying that you can only have 2 in a tank, i currently have 18 in a 15 gallon aquarium and they get along well, and that is the honest truth...
except of course they are only a little larger than a nickel!! including their fins and tails:D :D :D
i don't really disagree with anything bang guy said, i just needed a fun new way to brag about my babies:D
i do however think it should be pointed out that these fish seem to lose all personality during the day, but they are really cool to watch in the evenings when they seem to come to life
i also want to point out that they seem to have a hard time dealing with aggression, but on the plus side they don't seem to mind mildly poor water conditions
i wish i had a digital camera to show off my babies, but maybe i will be able to borrow one
two last things, #1--i need to thank bang guy for walking me through the first few days of rearing these guys
#2 if anyone around Newaygo MI wants to buy some tank-raised in the future (currently to small) let me know
thanx for reading:)


I am in Lansing!
I followed your post about the babies. Very cool. One of the reasons I would like to get a pair. I don't think I will though because my maroon clown is quite aggressive. Eventhough he is all that is in my tank, and two banggai would have plenty of room, I thing the maroon might stress them out and cause them to get sick or get ick.
I have read that they are quite prone to stress with more agressive fish, and in a 29 gallon with an agressive maroon may not be the ideal home for them.
Back to the sixline and midas blenny idea.


Bang guy been watching your post. I ive in the Washington DC metro area. Any chance you will sell me 4 of you babies. They will go into my 75 gal fowlr but I also have a 20 high reef that could be used. what say you?


Hi Guy, Can you tell me the down fall of having 1 bang, and 2 PJ's? So far 1PJ and the Bang hang out together. Should i expect problems in the future? I have not seen the bang. act aggressive at all. They have been in my tank for 3-4months now.
Dam chalk up another mistake :(
Thanks Guy

bang guy

I don't have any direct knowledge here, just anectodal stuff from fellow hobbiests. I've heard that Cardinals don't often get along between species. If yours are hanging out together That's great and I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Hey Bang,
I have been doing some reading and research on this guys, and it really makes me want to get a pair. Please let me know what you think about it.
29 gallon reef, 2 years old with a maroon clown as the only fish, and BTA. Also for water current I have one maxijet 1200 bouncing off the glass and directed across the tank, one 900 on the opposite side and one 900 behind the 50lbs of live rock to maintain good circulation behind the LR.
My concerns about getting a pair are,
1) The maroon may be too agressive and stress the banggai out, thus causing them to become ill. But, a pair is said to be more apt to handle and stand up to agressive fish fro what i read.
2) They typically like lower water flow. although I have three Ph (I don't have a sump) they are greatly diffused. So, I have a lot of diffused water flow, but no real direct flow.
Do you think they would get stressed out in my tank do to the maroon and waterflow???
I really appreciate any comment or advise.

bang guy

I wouldn't worry about the water flow.
I might worry about the Clown. Maroons are very aggressive defending their territory. Is the Maroon usually mid tank or off in a corner. If she's off in a corner the Banggai will probably be fine. If she's in the middle then she's going to consider the entire tank to be her territory.



Originally posted by Bang Guy

wat r those things that look like black star polyps on the urchin?
wierd, nice picture tho!

bang guy

Ophiura could probably easily answer that. I could guess.... tube feet similar to starfish possibly?? I suggest you ask her.


Thanks Bang,
The Maroon is somewhat off to the side. But, she always bites me if I get close to her BTA, but ignores me anywhere else in the tank. If I take that as an example of her dominion of the tank, it appears as the bangs should be fine.
A couple follow up questions.
I have heard that Banggai were succeptable to ick, similar to tangs. But recently I have read that ick was not one of the common diseases for them. What is you experiance?
Also, I am assuming it is best to get two banggai from two seperate groups of parents. No

:D Is that right? Thus do not buy a pair from Maj, above, buy only one then buy the other from somewhere else?
Thanks again. You should right a book:D

bang guy

I have never seen a Banggai with Ick.

among Banggai is common in the wild population. I advise getting them from two seperate parents though just to be safe.


Thanks Bang Guy,
You have been a great help. I have read a few articles on Banggai and they are very interesting animals. I think I will try to learn a little more and then look into get a pair.
I assume it would be best to add the pair at the same time, correct?
Do you know any good articles or books discussing them that I may not have already found?

bang guy


Originally posted by Rook
I assume it would be best to add the pair at the same time, correct?

In my experience it doesn't matter. If you have a male and a female they will get along.


Here is a pic I love. Wish I had a better camera! Mine eats anything and everything I put in the tank... although he definately prefers meaty things.
p.s. Hope the picture comes through, first time for putting one out there...


Active Member
i had always wanted to get one our lfs always has maybe 10-12 in stock and today i got one.They seem very cool i've always wanted to get one but i thought they were carnivores as in would eat my other fish lol my fish guy greg has a 120 gallon aga reef with clams LPS SPS softies and mushrooms and he has the coolest looking bangai in there along with his coral beauty sixline wrasse bicolor bleeny and a few other
Ill post a pic tommorow have to get a new cable for my digital camera
Thanks Everyone,

bang guy

They are definately carnivores but they won't eat anything much larger than a baby Molly. They can't chew so they have to swallow their food whole.


Active Member
yeah thats what greg told me i knew they were carnivores just didnt know if they would eat my fish but im very very happy with Mr.Bang lol ill post some pics tommorow