Fish of the week - Pteragon kauderni


Active Member
how easy are Banggai to breed?can anyone give me any tips or tell me about the breeding setup and some of the specs for breeding them please help i would love to breed them down the road maybe in a month or so after a lot of research


i am considering a couple of these but he is my delima..
the LFS i will get them from has dozens in a tank.. both bangais and pajamas...
how long does it take for them to go after each other? if i get two and put them in a small tank, wait 10 mintues, will they go after each other if both are male? and posibally female??
or, that isnt really enough time.
oh... this isnt your typical LFS, most everyone speaks spanish and i dont... and they are more of a wholesale place so no advice is really given.. so i have to pretty much figure them out myself when i get there.. any help will be great!
Oh, by the way... Those are some great pictures!!


Active Member
Just like to point out that MOST Banner Cardinals will arrive at LFS with internal parasites and should not be bought unless they have been there for more than 10 days, but preferably two weeks. This is a common reason why many people will buy a Banner Cardinal that seems fine and will eat a little bit of brine shrimp, and then suddenly die a week or two later.


on another site that sells these guys, they list them as semi-aggressive. I wonder if that is accurate. At my LFS, they are placed in the same tank as firefish - so I doubt that they are very aggessive. Maybe they are semi-aggressive feeders? I dunno. I'm thinkin I want one or 2 of these banggais. they are very cool looking.
1-Tomato Clown
1-Red Firefish Goby
1-Scooter Blenny


Can someone tell me how tell the diffrences in the sexes? Lfs said it was a male, (you know how that goes) and would love another one. And if I ever find clowns could I add two clowns also?


Bang I have a 30 gallon long and the only thing in there right now is my cardinal and a clown goby and clean up crew, I wanting to add to clowns


That was a very informative article! Thank you Bang guy for bumping it up, so us new board members would find it.


I too, am fond of the Bangaii look. I ordered one from and it arrived in great shape. Three days later bought 2 more from a lfs that were the same size. All three schooled together for the first few hours. I woke up next morning to find one of them dead. Nine hours later after work, I found another dead. Next morning the third one was dead. It is a 120 with a bit over 75 lbs of LR and 100 lbs of sand with 50+ lbs of live sand on top. I have a bunch of hermits, astria snails, emerald crab, feather dusters, 2 baby conch, lettuce nudibranch, arrow crab, 2 pep shrimp. Everything else is fine....
I am now aware that I should have learned more about this specific fish and its living requirements. I just see them for sale in groups of 10-20 in a tank at a time.
I will not be adding anything to this tank for a while. I will do my normal routine of water changes for a few months, then try again with the Bangaii.