fish that are commenly bred in captivity


can some one come up with a list of the the 7-12 fish that can be easily bred in captivity ?
please finish my list....
1-false percs clownfish
2-banji cardinal fish


Active Member
Blue Neon Gobies
Black Ocellaris
Orchid Dottyback
Arabian Dottyback .
Sunrise Dottback
Olive Dottyback
Blackline Blenny
Green Wolf Eels .
clams breed easy, any kind of clown, most cardinalfish, some angelfish breed in captivity (usually the large ones). you can even cross breed lots of large angels, of the same genus.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Espkh9
any tangs ever been bred ? in captivity.
Yellow Tangs breed in captivity fairly often. That's much different than raising the fry of course.
My PJ Cardinals and my Mandarinfish spawn constantly as well.

bang guy

Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
whoa is it easy to get a madnarin to breed?
They need LOTS of food and at least 20 verticle inches of water column. When they spawn they swim from the bottom to the top together and don't spawn if the tank isn't tall enough.


can an avg joe like myself thats been in the hobby for 5 years 3 years in reefing..breed clownfish with a pair that a proven maters...and with an anemone they live in ?
if i buy the book clownfihes and follow direction and dedicate 5 hours a day for this..
can i do this or do i need to be a marine biologist ?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Espkh9
can an avg joe like myself thats been in the hobby for 5 years 3 years in reefing..breed clownfish with a pair that a proven maters...and with an anemone they live in ?
if i buy the book clownfihes and follow direction and dedicate 5 hours a day for this..
can i do this or do i need to be a marine biologist ?
If you devote an hour a day to growing Rotifers, target feeding your Clownfish, feeding larval fish, and performing water changes on grow-out tanks you can easily raise thousands of Clownfish.


i bought live rotifers 4 bags from this site is that the same ?
i target feed the clownfish that mate ? with what cant i just feed them what i feed my clowns in my reef ?
i dont exactly know yet what larval fish is....or whata grow out tank is anywas i have 6 hours a day...please explain thanks.

bang guy

The book you mentioned is an excellent starter book and will answer most of your questions.
To be in good breeding condition Clownfish need a lot of food. Healthy nutritious foods like Mysis, Scallops, Nori, etc.
Caring for your fish really shouldn't take more than an hour once you get things to a routine.
Larval fish are recently hatched and not fully formed, not metamorphesized into fish yet. Exactly like the difference between a Tadpole and a Frog.


i will read the book im sure it will answer all my questions.
i have all this equipment i bought like 3 10 gallon tanks, a pump airline tubing 6 1 liter bottles 4 bags of live rotifers 2 bags of copepods frozen mysis brine rotifers and reef plankton frozen foods...a i saidi h ave no idea now but i have time and i want to breed these i'll read the book and hopefull i did not forget anything.

i know the pair of clowns come with an anemone will i need a MH for the 10 gallon tank i put them in ?


dear bang guy,
here is a link to a thread im trying to understand..
i have 3 10 gallon tanks, a pump with 4 valves,25 ft of airline tubing,6 1 liter bottles,
in my 10 gallon tank i used water from my 2 year old reef tank i did a complete test on it and the levels were all good for a reef tank not sure on the levels or temp for clowns thaqt i want to mate...i will read the book in this thread the first post has a pic that i cant seem to understand what each item is...if you can help me out on that that would be great also in the second pic where the bottles are standing up what the piece that is holding them called ? and where can i get it and do i need it can i just line up the bottles in a row ? i never bred anyt hing from pods to plankton to anything.. osim new and trying to gather in as much info as possible again i will read the whole book when i get it on thurs i wann make sure im not setting myself backwards and im far i have the 10 gallon tank 3 sides painted black with a filter and 100w heater set to 78-79F...sal is 1.025 ph,8.2,alk,11 dkh,ammonia,0nitrite,0nitrate,0. there is nothing but a few LR cured from my reef of over 2 years.. and some sand i took from the s ame reef tank am i missing anything and can you help me with the previos questions ? thanks you so much. and i'm sorry i know i should just read the book but step one is making sure when the clown fish come with the anemone they live!

bang guy

So you have Rotifers now? What are you feeding them?
The bottle rack (the picture) was hand made. You can stack the bottles any way you would like.
I do it the easy way with Instant Algae. The beauty of growing your own is that you can make it more nutritious.
Frozen Rotifers won't work. Clownfish larvae only recognize stuff that moves as food.


i ordered 4 bags from a site...they say live rotifers...i expect them thurs. what do i do when i get them im assuming they come like copepods come ? in a bag ? then i usually just pour the pods directly in my DT.. what should i do when i recieve the rotifers...ifi dont get the book by then should they be in the fridge freezer ? just on the counter ?
should i pour them in a 1 ltr bottle...i have no idea what to feed them...but when i get them what should i do with them and what should i feed them i have all foods on hand...well most not scallops...also id frozen phyto plankton the same as phyto and zoo plankton in the bottle or frozen reef plankton made by s.f food company ? the phyto and zooplankton is made by Kent Marine and comes in a 16 oz. bottle.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Espkh9
i ordered 4 bags from a site...they say live rotifers...i expect them thurs. what do i do when i get them im assuming they come like copepods come ? in a bag ? then i usually just pour the pods directly in my DT.. what should i do when i recieve the rotifers...ifi dont get the book by then should they be in the fridge freezer ? just on the counter ?
should i pour them in a 1 ltr bottle...i have no idea what to feed them...but when i get them what should i do with them and what should i feed them i have all foods on hand...well most not scallops...also id frozen phyto plankton the same as phyto and zoo plankton in the bottle or frozen reef plankton made by s.f food company ? the phyto and zooplankton is made by Kent Marine and comes in a 16 oz. bottle.

Rotifers need to be fed greenwater (phytoplankton) to survive. They eat a LOT. That's why you see setups with 6 bottles of greenwater, that's to feed the Rotifers. If you don't have the greenwater to feed the Rotifers then there's not much you can do with them. They're good coral food. They won't last without food. Like I mentioned I use instant algae in a concentrated form. I use Nannochloropsis for everything and Pavlova to supplement the Rotifers just before feeding them to the fish.


so how do i get this green water into the 6 1 ltr bottles is it acctually a mix of water and phytoplankton ? or just purely phytoplankton 1 have a 64 oz. bottle of kent marine phyoplankton and 16 oz of zoo plankton is that enough ? for the 6 bottles.. like i said i'm getting the book clownfishes thurs. and the copepods and rotifers thurs so i want to be prepared...where do i put the rotifers from the bag ? and those 6 bottles is that just phyto plankton which i only have 64 oz of it and 16 oz of zooplex...or do you mix the water with ther phyto plnkton i.e. green water.. i just want to be prepared..i'll have the clown fish with the anemone thurs and the book thurs and 4 bags of rotifers thurs...