dear bang guy,
here is a link to a thread im trying to understand..
i have 3 10 gallon tanks, a pump with 4 valves,25 ft of airline tubing,6 1 liter bottles,
in my 10 gallon tank i used water from my 2 year old reef tank i did a complete test on it and the levels were all good for a reef tank not sure on the levels or temp for clowns thaqt i want to mate...i will read the book in this thread the first post has a pic that i cant seem to understand what each item is...if you can help me out on that that would be great also in the second pic where the bottles are standing up what the piece that is holding them called ? and where can i get it and do i need it can i just line up the bottles in a row ? i never bred anyt hing from pods to plankton to anything.. osim new and trying to gather in as much info as possible again i will read the whole book when i get it on thurs i wann make sure im not setting myself backwards and im far i have the 10 gallon tank 3 sides painted black with a filter and 100w heater set to 78-79F...sal is 1.025 ph,8.2,alk,11 dkh,ammonia,0nitrite,0nitrate,0. there is nothing but a few LR cured from my reef of over 2 years.. and some sand i took from the s ame reef tank am i missing anything and can you help me with the previos questions ? thanks you so much. and i'm sorry i know i should just read the book but step one is making sure when the clown fish come with the anemone they live!