Got the last two baffles in the sump. Going to fill with water make sure it is good. Secondly I got the ******* mostly done, but I can't finish it untill I get more ***.
Might look into putting post up for floor support, drilling a hole for U.V to fit.
Still need done:
Heavy/B] Etension Cord for power box
Tank drilled... Might be tomorrow or friday
Plumping.. Can't do until everything else is done
Adding sand...5" of it to cover the *****
Switching things from one tank to the other.
For switching tank to tank I am planning:
Put all of the rocks with corals, put ina tube with fish and inverts.
Siphon water from one tank to the other (not much into making 160gal of water).
Take out rocks and keep moist in an ice chest.
Switch "live" sand from 84 and stick some in sump and bottom of DT
Put rest of sand in tank, after rinsed.
Add the rocks that are in ice chest and other rocks lying around.
Aquascape... My favorite part...
Add rest of water
Let everything settle for a the day
Add rest of stuff. Corals/ fish/ inverts/rocks with corals on them/
Aquascape around newly added rock
Anything I missed?
I have a ton of feather duster all over my glass in the sump. Is their any way that I can move them? I was thinking of a razer blade.
Comments Welcomed; Thanks.
OMG where have I been. This is new news to me.
You sure death didnt come to take him and get round housed into his body?
ok lame one...but it was my last chuck joke^^ i swear
I don't know how many gallons... wait let me pull out a peice of a paper and do the math...
I would say about 25 gal. It is just going to be a few rocks with corals on them, the fish, cuc. I was thinking of having one on each side and pushing it around. It is just going to be for the day.
I figured it will be like a big water change and a reaquascape. So I figure start in the morning and let the tank settle all day, test it, then add the fish if everything is running smoothly.
Just be careful, since you will also be stirring a lot of stuff did say you are using a lot of your old sand, didn't you?
Although I think you know enough about this already....LOL
I am useing all of the old sand. I am putting it on the bottom sense the new sand I think is better looking. Is it ok to but it on the bottom or will that be a problem?
I now a good amount about it but that is why I ask to find out more...and isn't that why all of us go on here.