Fishkids 135gal Semi-Reef Tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I buy it frozen from Walmart...the bay scallops are the smaller ones. I defrost a couple of pieces, break a piece off, and feed them using tongs..
Cool, I will have to see about getting it.


Active Member
Maybe, store just had it listed as spotted hawkfish, but it kinda resembles a pixy hawkfish. Total price: $19.13


they are a pretty fish. I just got a powder blue myself. I also love the anemone. I wish I could keep one in my tank. The last two I have had died. Im done with them. Its just not fair to THEM..


Active Member
The Powder Blues are pretty. Thanks, the anemone is all open but its tenticles are smaller than a few days ago.
Wont eat any of the meaty food I but by it..? I know what you mean, I hope this stay alive for a long time. Hawkfish is doing good so far, still checking out his new tank. Scooter Blenny doesn't seem to like the new guy very much, but hasn't been any fighting from what I have seen.