Fishy problems! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
it should go away pretty much by the end of the night, but, you might occasionally hear it every so often, but after a week, they're full broken in and you will swear that they aint even workin, they're that quiet

salt life

Active Member
You could just turn 'em off if you don't want to listen to the noise, no real need for them to begin with.


Well-Known Member
The tank has this aweful smell coming from it like a dead skunk, is that normal? How long until that smell will go away? I also smell some burt rubber stuff too. I hope those filters are working like you all said they are.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I also bought some crushed coral substrate that I poured in on top of the live sand. That's ok, right?


Active Member
that smell is perfectly normal, everyone who keeps saltwater fish usually has at least 4 air fresheners in the room the tank is in


Well-Known Member
6 nemos
2 doris
1 black tip reef shark
1 tiger shark
1 undulated trigger
2 horseshoe crabs
1 blue ribbon dragon eel
35 blue leg hermit crabs
35 turbo snails
2 green brittle stars
Any other recommendations? I'll upgrade to a 90 in five years or so - so I wonder what else I could keep in there more towards the upgrade..??


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
that smell is perfectly normal, everyone who keeps saltwater fish usually has at least 4 air fresheners in the room the tank is in
Seriously? Man, I thought that was just me!
One day I want to own a 20,000 reef and shark tank!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
that is the dream of every saltwater fish keeper, hell, aquariums do it, so it cant be that hard to do, right?
Yeah, that's right. Man, I'm glad that I found this website! Everyone is just so understanding and knowledgable. My friends call me stupid, but I don't think so!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
I just looked those up! They're sweet looking! How many could I keep? What do they eat? How much?
you could very easily keep 2 of them in your 90g, and they'll eat those goldfish your gonna be feeding, so when u get them, just make sure you up the order to the full 1500, but feed 1500 every week at that point


I've heard those Blue Ring Octopi are great algae-eaters. Maybe add a couple as part of your clean-up crew.


Active Member
How about adding some Freshwater Mollies to? Add a splash of color.
you don't even have to acclimate them, just dump 'em right in.
they will adjust, they might try to sleep at first, like the others, but they will come around once you stir with the wooden spoon again!
keep us updated! sounds like you are off to a great start!!

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by pbnj
This thread is SO gonna get shut down!!!

helping out a newb is no crime, no reason to get it shut down, where else would he get advice if this thread is closed? this is by far the best site on the web to get the best fish info.