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So the 125 is up and running? whats your ammonia?
No the 125 isnt up and running it looks exactly like it does in the pics above the pics with the fish is my 72 gallon which also has the mushrooms it will probably be 1-2 weeks before the sump/refugium and all the equipment comes in and i will be ready to start the tank up.
Just tested the ammonia in the 72 and it is 0 which is also why i think the shrooms are being affected by the REALLY old light since my water seems to be pretty good for 2 weeks of not doing a water change like always, my tanks parameters have pretty much stayed the same ever since i have had it, which i dont see how that could be since i havnt had a skimmer working properly in it (the sumps water level is too low) so in the new sump/refugium the water level is much higher so it will work
I have even thought of putting a bowl of water in the tank to be under the halides till i get it up and running, but when is cycling what would i do with the shrooms? I will try and figure something out for the shrooms otherwise i just hope they do ok for a month or so