FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)


Well-Known Member
You lucky bum! I just saw this thread, will be watching with much interest! I have a 55 and a 37 gallon tank, so I have to live vicariously off of all the people who can afford the big stuff. And your mom has a good head on her shoulders, too....never be too careful online!!
I don't know if I would go for the cuke either.... they are just too questionable about toxins. Ever hear of a cuke nuke?? Even the "safe" ones are a little questionable. Stick with your Nassarius snails, and think about some fighting conchs as well. I have a sand sifting star, but I don't recommend those to new tanks, as there's just not enough stuff in the sand for the star to eat.
Anyway, hope you have fun with your new project! Post pics as often as you can!


Active Member
Ok so i have been debating on quarantining or not what do you guys think???
It would be in my 72 gallon if i do and just wondering how i would do it. i have fish in their already since it is set up but once the rock and sand comes in i will be adding my live rock and sand in their too.
Some things i dont quite understand or know if my situation would work or not, i have had ick in the 72 before. So i would have to keep the fish that are in their in quarantine but the water has already been contaminated with ich so it wont work? or i could do hype since there wouldnt be any corals, rock, sand, or inverts??
How would i do hypo if i needed to do this?
How long would i have to keep each fish in there?
etc etc. Please post if you think it would be a really good idea to quarantine or not, also if i do is there NO way i could get ich in my tank?? What if i added new corals could they possibly have ich in the water or in the rock? etc etc


Active Member
Deffinately quarantine. Its a little more work but well worth it. If the fish in your 72 are healthy now then I dont think there would be a problem adding them right to the 125. Just QT all the new fish you get after that.


how long ago did u have ich in the 72 ? if it was a long time ago and ur fish dont have it now then u will be fine. are u going to transfer everything in the 72 to the new tank? if u are i would leave it up and running as a QT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by morval
how long ago did u have ich in the 72 ? if it was a long time ago and ur fish dont have it now then u will be fine. are u going to transfer everything in the 72 to the new tank? if u are i would leave it up and running as a QT.
I had ich a couple months ago and i have a uv sterilizer running on it now. If i decide to quarantine i would quarantine the fish i have in the 72 just to make sure that there is no ich in the big tank. I will be moving all of the live rock, sand, corals and clean up crew before then and use the 72 as a quarantine till i get all my fish.
If i quarantine how long should i quarantine each fish for? I heard 3 weeks from one person and a week from another.
Also since their is probably ich in the water of my tank how should i go about transfering the rock and sand and shrooms would they all be fine if i rinsed em around in freshwater for a bit or a lot of saltwater? i just dont want any ich in the water of my new tank if i am going to be taking all the time quaranting


Active Member
People usually say that it takes ick 6 weeks to leave a system. So if you havnt seen any signs of ich in 2 months then I think you would be safe. A 72 would make a HUGE QT. Maybe you could put a water tight divider in there to kinda make it into 2 seperate tanks to QT 2 different things. Thats what I plan on doing with a 40g I have so I can QT fish and corals at the same time. 4 weeks is the usual QT time.


Active Member
umm sorry...why would i have to quarantine corals??? like cant i just make sure there is nothing bad on the rock?


Active Member
Its not as important as QTing fish but some people still do it. I am probably just gonna keep my corals in QT for a couple days just to make sure there are not any coral eating inverts or worms on them.


Active Member
k do you think dunking them in saltwater would be fine? or would taking them out of the bag dumping them into new water and then putting em in my DT be too much for them to handle?


Active Member
Some people do chemical dips that eliminate any pests on them. That is an alternative to QTing them. I wouldnt add them right to the tank. I think they only need to be temperature acclimated but it may be better to drip acclimate them instead. Im not 100% sure though.


Active Member
So would chemical drips hurt/ kill anything good that may be on them? Like i know on this hard coral there are these lil tiny crabs in them that eat junk off of the coral and i would really like that, although if i saw one i would make sure it was one of the good lil crabbys cuz i heard that some of them eat the coral...
(btw, i love how were just bouncing back and forth in eachothers threads =P)


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
So would chemical drips hurt/ kill anything good that may be on them? Like i know on this hard coral there are these lil tiny crabs in them that eat junk off of the coral and i would really like that, although if i saw one i would make sure it was one of the good lil crabbys cuz i heard that some of them eat the coral...
(btw, i love how were just bouncing back and forth in eachothers threads =P)
Sorry, but I honestly dont know too much about the chemical dips. I just know they get rid of pests.
Bouncing back and forth like this is kinda fun. Its like instant responses


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Sorry, but I honestly dont know too much about the chemical dips. I just know they get rid of pests.
Bouncing back and forth like this is kinda fun. Its like instant responses

Yes i wish they were like live chat rooms that saved everything that was said or something so you dont have to push a button to reload the thread to see any new messages (i am a little on the lazy side at times...


Active Member
Ok i have been dreaming about when i get my 3 jaws once i actually get my tank up and running and so anyways if i get a bunch of dividers (have any ideas?) and split up the 3 jaws in their own space, then have my 2 clowns yellow wrasse and firefish in one last part of the tank once i get the jaws done quarantined (from the 72 gal) how would i transfer them into the other tank without harming them? i would probably have a bowl with several inches of sand for each of them in their rooms but i have heard that people hurt/killed the jaws on accident by moving them into another tank because they ended up crushing the jaw or something when their burrow collapsed so anyways i am looking for ideas how to take them out and transfer them the couple steps it would take to walk to the 125 gallon (when it is set up cycled etc) I do not have the jaws right now just thinking ahead


Active Member
You might not even need the dividers. Ya never know. But if there are some aggression problems maybe just have some pieces of eggcrate with small enough holes ready. As far as transfering them goes I read about an idea a long time ago that I think I will use. Get 2 tubberware containers that can stack on top of each other (interlocking. you probably know what I mean). In one container drill holes in the bottom. Put the drilled container on top, use the containers as a net almost and scoop up the fish. Lift the top container (the one with the holes) up above the bottom one. The water will drain through the holes into the solid container leaving the fish behind. Then just turn the container with the fish in it over and plop the fish into the tank. Just try and lure the jaw out of its burrow with food and then take its sand out before scooping it up so it cant hide anywhere.


Active Member
oh that sounds like a good idea! instead of just throwing the fish with all the water drained into the other tank do you think it would be a better idea to (once all the sand is out) take the second container with the water under the other one so it will always have water. then acclimate it quickly before adding it to the other tank?


Active Member
Well its not like it will be out of water long. You could carry the fish all the way over to the tank and then lift up the top container and let it drain out and as soon as the fish is almost out of the water put it into the tank then. But yes this should be done AFTER acclimating it to the tank. Not fresh out of the QT.
I hope that answered your question


Active Member
ok so i the guys that were originally make my sump/refugium never did call back
so... we got someone else to make one, and it will be done in a couple days
i cant wait!!!
we will also be picking up the equipment that day and soon after we would get the live rock, here are a few questions
Ok i was thinking of having 2 islands of rock and all atleast 4+ inches away from the glass my LFS that is Usually pretty good at info said that this would be bad because it would cause more dead spots? i think the way i want to have it i would be able to get to most of the sand?

Should i put my rock in and let it cure then put it in the dead sand so it doesnt absorb all the bad stuff while the live rock is curing?
Is there anything i can do to the live rock that will remove most/all bad things on it or let me see all the hitch hikers that may be in it? would this kill all the good stuff too? would u do this or just leave it as is?
What should i do with the rock from my old tank i want to clean the pieces off that have some sort of red algae on them before i add them to my tank.
Can i keep anything in my refugium that WONT eat any pods or anything good like that i could just feed it? i think the dimensions are around 16X16X16
Do i need a clean up crew in the refugium? like some snails or something?
I think thats it thanks in advance!!!