FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)


Active Member
but if you say the fish has it all its life, it kills part of it off before the adult stage which i think was like 3 days to get to or something like that? i dont see how they would do this.. you would have to see the fish itching all the time? i dont get it.. lol..
if its stress related why quarantine? you could have the fish in their and keep a quarantine tank incase it gets ich in your dt and then do hypo on it?


Active Member
the guy came over again and said the tank is ready for water!!! woot!!!
the base rock is in ohio atm so im thinking it may arrive before monday like it says but im not sure..
so we will be adding water to the tank starting tomorrow and a couple days later then we should have it filled and mixed with salt then we will wait for all the rock begin to aquascape once i find something that looks decent i will add the sand and let it cycle
im getting excited!!!
also ive been thinking about fish, im thinking of not gettin a flame wrasse since they are so expensive.. instead i was thinking of another red wrasse that IS reef safe any ideas?
i was thinking about adding 2 bangaii cardinals and maybe 2 clown gobies so i have something to search for in the tank.. lol
does anyone know of a green fish? otherwise i will just have the green from the mandarin eventually..
im also debating on the tangs.. do you think a blue hippo, yellow tang, and sailfin will be fine for their whole life? or will i have to trade in the sailfin after it gets too big? if so how many inches till you think it will be too big?
i also have started liking the powder blue tang... and i dont think 4 tangs will fit?...


Active Member
ok just another update the base rock arrived in minneapolis this morning at 5 45 am so im hoping a ups guy drives it here today i cant wait to see it

how do i go about cleaning rocks from my old tank that have cyano on them (mainly this large one that i got from an LFS) if i scrub it off with a tooth brush and scrape it off will that work? or will that just make it worse? should i put it under any water? if so what type and what temp etc


Active Member
also how should i get the sand out of the 72 gallon? i was planning on leaving some of the rocks for the clowns to be able to hide in if they wanted but i want to take most of the rock and like all the sand out
how should i do this? will it cause a cycle? cuz then my clowns will die?
*edit* should i just siphon the sand out? or what?


Active Member
ok well tracking the rock it said it left the facility this morning so im hoping it is going to come in today.. also we will be filling up the rest of the tank with water later today then waiting for the live rock to come in (which im thinking could come wed-thurs) and then we will add the rock and try and aquascape it then add the sand and wait for a cycle


Active Member

You will LOVE your tank. Just take it slow (very hard to do) and you will enjoy it for a long time. I will try and keep tabs on this thread and watch it as it grows. I've been so busy lately with kids home from school, me taking an on-line computer class (TONS of homework!), and driving back and forth to swim practice. I think it's been 4 weeks since I've been on this forum. Anyway, keep the pics coming and I look forward to seeing the progress.


Active Member
ok well the sump/refuigium is full of water and the tank is 3/4 full.. now we are just waiting for the rock to come in..
how long should i keep the lights on each day when its cycling? if i dont have lights on it wont grow coraline right?
my LFS said i could go easy on the salt and keep it at like 1.02-1.021 would this not be good for the live rock and sand? or should i just bring it up to 1.024-1.025 right now?
How often and how much water should i change during the cycle? Would it be bad to take out a lot or could that speed it up? dont you need the bacteria in their for it to spike and stuff?


Active Member
I would not change any water until your cycle is over. You can run your lights if you want....Are you going to throw in a frozen shrimp??

matt b

Active Member
Is your rock being shiped? If so are you curing it in the tank or in another tank? If this tank then you do NOT need the shrimp cause all the die off will cause ammonia. I used a raw shrimp to cycle my 75 and wish I did not. It just adds bad stuff you do not need.


Active Member
Cant wait to see this get set up!
And ya like Matt said you dont need the shrimp. Your LR will cycle the tank and dont do a water change untill the cycle is completely over. You can run your lights for a little while each day if you want but you wont see any coraline growth until the cycle is over.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
Is your rock being shiped? If so are you curing it in the tank or in another tank? If this tank then you do NOT need the shrimp cause all the die off will cause ammonia. I used a raw shrimp to cycle my 75 and wish I did not. It just adds bad stuff you do not need.
ok thanks i didnt really want to do that i just wanted to leave the tank as is.. im getting 50 pounds from here shipped and i will be adding around 75 pounds that is from here but in my other tank which is 1-2 years old now.. but i will be scraping this one big rock i got from an LFS that is covered in cyano algae...


Active Member
well the base rock came today!!! (so i have 50 pounds in the tank out of 150-175 that is going in there)
i am going to try and find my camera tonight before i go to bed, if i cant find it i will look for it tomorrow..
i will be leaving on a 3 day camping trip in a couple days so im hoping to get some pics n here before then...


Active Member
ok so.. i was taking pictures for you guys and then all of a sudden my camera dies right when i plug it into the computer...
so... i have the battery charging right now and i will load the pictures on in a bit thanks for waiting so long, it still isnt much just the tank is full of water and running, with 50 pounds of base rock in there...
i just checked my order status for the 50 pounds i ordered from here and it showed delivered, so its going to be shipped out today, so when do you guys think it will come? if it doesnt come tomorrow i wont be able to see it till i get back from my camping trip (im going with a friend) which is 3 days later.. so im hoping shipping is like super fast and it gets here by tomorrow so i can rearrange the rock work how i like it and then add the sand and put sand in the fuge along with some rubble and let it cycle


Active Member
ok here are some pics u guys have been waiting for, its still not much just its up and running and has 50 pounds of base rock in there.. im not sure how big they are.. i had to resize them and im not sure if i did it right..



Active Member
i was just pricing out the inverts/cuc i wanted and it is alot more than i was expecting... i would get most of them right after the cycle
this is what i was thinking..
3 fighting conches
1 boxing/pom pom crab (later)
1 porcelain crab (later)
3 or so feather dusters (later -maybe hand picked..)
*2 cleaner shrimp*-after first fish
2 copepods-group of 200
*2 fire shrimp*-after first fish
3 or 5 peppermint shrimp-after first fish
10 cerith snails
*20 tongan nassarius snails*
2 mexican turbo snails
*20 astrea snails*
10 nerite snails
*1 red linkia star (much later)*
*1 coco worm (later- hand picked)*
is there anything bad with this list? should i get rid of anything? i put stars next to things i really want


Active Member
Tank looks good. The CUC looks fine too but I would wait on the shrimp as they need more of a mature tank. People have had success adding them to a new tank but it is risky.