aww so i probably should take out one of the tangs..
now i have to decide which one... lol.. i know the sailfins get huge.. what if i keep trading it in for another one after it gets to a certain length, if i could go this way i would probably not get the yellow tang.. so if this is a possible way at what length do you guys think i should trade in the sailfin for the smaller one? (my mom really likes the sailfin tang too and wants it in there, she would want me to get rid of the blue hippo tang but i know i want that for sure, so its either the yellow or the sailfin and both of us like the sailfin, and i will have that same yellow color in the yellow wrasse..
so do you guys think it would be an ok list if i didnt get the yellow tang?
if so at what size do you think i should trade in the sailfin for another?
also what type of wrasses are red and totally reef safe?